![]() Hello everyone! No tornadoes last night, but the Paizo site did go down. I got sleepy before they came back up, hence the announcement being pushed until this morning. I'm going to level with you: deciding this off of writing submissions may have actually been more difficult than selecting based on character submissions. I had an absolute delight of a time reading each and every one of your writing samples. However! I have to make the call, and I am excited to say that... Dragoncat
...have been selected for the game! To those who were not selected: I don't have any immediate plans to run anything else, but let's just say I'll keep an eye out for you on the boards. To my four players: we have one more thing to do in this thread before I move us over to a campaign thread: selecting the AP! We're going to do weighted, ranked-choice voting since we have a small number but even number of voters and a smaller selection of APs. So, vote for the three APs in order of interest. The Path that gets the overall highest votes is the one we will go with. Once we nail down the AP, I'll link you to a "recruitment" thread where I'll hand out full character sheets, we'll suss out who everyone will play, and I'll give you a couple small tasks to make the characters a bit more "your own" before we get started. Huge thank you to everyone who showed interest and/or submitted! ![]()
![]() Hello everyone! I am still planning on closing this at about 8pm central, but we're under a tornado watch. Not likely to have any real serious trouble but winds are strong enough that internet outages are a possibility. So if you're running late and you haven't seen me do a "we're closed" post, you still have some time - just can't promise you how much! ![]()
![]() Ridge wrote: but I also like Murdock Beltram even if I seldom play LN types. For what it's worth, LN is pretty much my least favorite alignment. But at a certain point characters start writing themselves and I knew Murdock was a Rules Guy at heart. And starting the campaign out with him pushed to the point of considering extra-judicial means of dealing with Gaedren makes for some nice character tension. ![]()
![]() Ok, after much scrambling about finding the time to get this down, let us meet the parties! The four selected players will have three APs to choose from, and thus three pregenerated parties. I’m going to list them here now in the event that party compositions end up affecting which AP you prefer. Some of these characters are more detailed than the others - some of these nerds just ended up having more fluff attached to my basic concept than others. You’ll be free to build around and out of what I have established, as well as add in any other details or personality traits you like beyond that to make the character feel more “yours”. Most of the characters have pretty straightforward builds evident at first level, however if you’d like any insight on what I had planned for them in the long term you’re welcome to pick my brain about them over PM and either utilize or disregard any of my ideas. Without further ado: Rise Of The Runelords:
Mitena Gan
Vin Cozma
Koudelka Steelfist
Solarious Mikkel
Curse of The Crimson Throne:
Murdock Beltram
Vyv Lorsen
Wira Eventrack
Victor Lupei
Strange Aeons:
Special Note: Due to the unique amnesia element, details for these characters will be sparse. Additionally, you will all start with an alignment of True Neutral and actions/choices will have a bigger impact on alignment shifts than usual, so we can really explore the “Nature Vs. Nurture” element when your pasts are revealed. Oona
Lusian Cliff’s Edge
Aloysius Pembroke
Marius Tucco
Well, those are the crews! Hope a few of them got your brain juices pumping. Submissions for writing samples will close Friday evening (roughly 8pm Central Time). Feel free to slip into the shoes of one of these knuckleheads for your submission - I know I have an easier time with a prompt. (Any feedback or questions about these characters is also encouraged and appreciated.) The samples I’ve gotten so far have really been excellent. You’re all gonna make selecting players a real struggle! ![]()
![]() Mokshai wrote:
Apologies. I keep meaning to get quick character summaries up (not full sheets yet, but enough to give you an idea of what you would be playing) and I just... Keep getting pulled away from doing it. Will get it up later tonight. ![]()
![]() Hi everyone! Just dropping in to confirm that I am in fact getting your submissions and reading them. Some really wonderful work here! It's a busy weekend for me, but I plan to get a brief introduction to each party for each AP up soon so you can begin considering who you would like to play as. Thanks again for taking a stab at my attempt to live vicariously through others! lol ![]()
![]() Alessandro Khadaji wrote:
You are free to multi-class as you like. I won't enforce any sort of hard rules (other than no 3rd party and Unchained flavor Summoner only), but I would appreciate if we had a handshake agreement to keep with the spirit of the character (including how they may develop once they're out of my hands!). If you're big on crunch/optimization, this might not be the group of pre-generated characters for you. In fact, this may be a good time to hit this home for everyone: Important Note: While I built these characters to the best of my ability within their concept, many are built with what would be consider "sub-optimal" archetypes, concepts, etc. Because I just like to build characters I think are interesting and/or something I haven't messed around with before. To emphasize this point: one of the three parties you'll be looking at has a Cloistered Cleric in the lineup. I'll trust your gut reaction to that information to help you decide whether this is the game for you. ![]()
![]() Gathering Storm wrote:
No PFS, sorry. Never really managed to get into it, and don't really know how it works either. ![]()
![]() MontCestMoi wrote: This is neat. Do you have any requests / prompts for the writing example? Nothing particularly strict. Something in a fantasy-esque setting, character focused. If you like, you can even copy/paste something from a past/current PbP you're particularly proud of. Mostly just trying to get a feel for everyone's texture/tone and level of investment. ![]()
![]() rando1000 wrote:
Much appreciated! I've got an idea cooking, so if things work out that way it shouldn't take me too long to get it up. ![]()
![]() I'm honestly very surprised I'm getting this much interest! The moment this popped into my head I found it very unlikely that folks would be interested in playing four nerds that I came up with. Though I do suppose it gives it a smidge of a video game "choose your fighter" vibe. So! I'm going to give this another day or two to get noticed by anyone else who's intrigued, then I'll move to the first stage of figuring out what we're going to play and who we're going to be. Firstly, I've decided to curate the list of available APs to something much smaller, in order to make "voting" easier and more likely to result in a clear winner. Based on expressed interest so far, I think the three choices to go with are: Rise of The Runelords
As such, if you choose to apply, be certain that you're happy to play any of those three APs. I'll select four players based on a (short) writing/RP example. Lastly, the four selected players will vote (I'm thinking the best way to do it is ranked-choice) on which AP to play in. I'll have posted the accompanying pre-generated party members to select from for each of those three APs by that point. Any additional feedback over the next day or two is appreciated! ![]()
![]() Ridge wrote:
Glad to hear! We will see what comes of it. ![]()
![]() Louxman wrote: How far and wide have you gone with your characters? For example is the much 3rd party stuff? Zero 3rd party, not a fan. From a starting point, the most recent iteration of any Paizo-published material is on the table, though I reserve the right to final review and may veto something I feel could be problematic. I tend to favor flavorful/interesting archetypes and concepts, though do my best to optimize the character within the concept. Everyone is built on 20 point buy, with one campaign trait and a second trait appropriate to fleshing out the character. I tend to follow (though not 100% strictly) a party makeup philosophy of 3 CRB race characters and one character being something more exotic. Class-wise, I try to have one 9th level caster for arcane and divine (though sometimes I’ll do two sixth-level arcanes and one 9th-level divine or vice-versa), someone to handle traps and/or skill monkeying, and at least one full BAB class. ![]()
![]() Ridge wrote: I think it would depend a lot on the variety of options and what AP, but I'm intrigued. Oh good point, I’ll expand on that a little bit: The complete APs I have for selected players to choose from is: Rise of The Runelords
I’ll have a pre-crafted (with emphasis on thematic and mechanical tie-in to the associated AP) party of four adventurers for each AP, and the four selected players will decide amongst themselves which character each will take on. ![]()
![]() After years of inactivity, I’ve dusted off this profile in the hopes of finding some PF1E pbp. As there doesn’t seem to be much recruiting going on, I had an idea to throw out and get some feedback on, though I’m not expecting many to be into it (for a lot of reasons that occurred to me very quickly, but it keeps knocking around my head so let’s put it to rest). I am an obsessive character maker, and it’s escalated to the point of regularly building entire pre-fab parties for specific APs or modules. The odds of me getting to play even a fraction of these characters is extremely low, however I am quite fond of some of them. So what do folks think about playing through an AP with a pre-generated party. The nuts and bolts of their backstory and their first level build would be set for you, but you’d be free to develop their personality and progression (both fluff and crunch-wise) from there. Assuming anyone is interested in this idea, I figured I’d hold recruitment via short RP-writing submissions, then the selected group of four could vote on the list of complete APs I own and the pre-crafted party associated with each AP. What do you think? Anyone interested in indulging me, or is not making your own character as unappealing an idea as I suspect it might be? ![]()
![]() Ah, just dusted this account off after ages of disuse with the hopes of jumping into some pbp and this game sounds excellent. Sad I didn’t see the thread sooner. Maybe buzz me if someone else drops (though for your sake I hope that doesn’t happen. I know what a hassle it can be getting games off the ground). ![]()
![]() So the Ectoplasmatist archetype for Spiritualist states in it's Spiritual Combat ability: Spiritual Combat:
At 3rd level, as a full-round action, an ectoplasmatist can make all of her attacks with a single light or one-handed ectoplasmic lash wielded in one hand, and also cast a single spiritualist spell with a casting time of one standard action as a free action either before or after making the ectoplasmic lash attacks. The ability says you can only use the light or one-handed version of the Ectoplasmic Lash, but it does not have specific language stating the other hand must be empty/free. As Psychic spells do not have somatic components, strictly as written this would mean you can have a shield in use in your other hand. I searched the forum far and wide and did much googling, and have not found any sort of ruling that contradicts my above interpretation. If anyone knows of any rulings of any relevance to this, I'd appreciate hearing what you've got. ![]()
![]() Cherry Razarin wrote:
Oh, Sully and Cherry are in fact the exact same age! Sully was a street urchin up until about four years ago, when he began a tentative association with the local Sczarni (an arrangement he is now very much trying to get out of). ![]()
![]() Cherry Razarin wrote: Anyone still looking for potential character backstory connections? Anyone who occasionally ends up on the wrong side of the law or in the bad parts of town that's been in Riddleport the last year or more would have a chance of being acquainted with Sully (possibly for not particularly positive reasons!). ![]()
![]() @DM Czernobog: By "standard character sheet" do you mean you have a specific formatting you require? I usually format each chunk of my sheet (i.e. "offense", "defense", "feats", etc.) behind a series of blocked spoilers, because I find that's the easiest way for my brain to keep track of everything, but if you have a specific formatting preference I can adhere to that. ![]()
![]() Blegh. I'm having a lot of trouble with my fluff. Every time I get the creative juices flowing I come up with something that doesn't really fit the whole "regular folk" premise. I'm going back to the drawing board tonight, but if I can't get something up in time I'd like to thank EltonJ for the opportunity and for being great at answering questions and providing background materials. ![]()
![]() My character is finished mechanically, but it took a good bit longer than I thought. I don't think I've rolled up a Sorcerer since 3.0, so there was a lot of re-acquainting to be done with the mechanics. I'm pretty burnt out on staring at my computer screen, so I'll get his fluff/backstory done in the next day or two and then post him. He's at bit of a ne'er-do-well, with a nasty habit of pilfering that he just can't seem to shake, so I feel like there's a lot of submissions here that would make natural associates for him. :D Oh and his familiar is a raccoon, of course! ![]()
![]() EltonJ wrote:
That might be interesting. Do you have any links on what Nagaji in the Forgotten Realms' whole deal is? Do they have much going on in the way of Mystra worship? (I'm pretty familiar with FR, but most of it is post ToT, and I wasn't aware that there were Nagaji in the setting!) ![]()
![]() @DM Default: This is a minor issue, but do we get our ethnic language for free? I'm about 70% done with my character and want to know if I need to use one of my bonus languages on Varisian or not. Secondly, at the moment, I've got one of the new Second Darkness campaign traits slotted onto my guy (the ones I PMed you). If you decide to veto them, I will happily change it to one of the listed options. ![]()
![]() @DM Default: Regarding campaign traits, they published three new ones in the Varisia sourcebook specifically meant for use with Second Darkness. Would you allow those to fill the campaign trait requirement for this game? Edit: I ask because one of them is 100% perfect for the character I've settled on. ![]()
![]() Curious on whether you are including any Unchained content? My biggest concerns, in descending order, are: Background Skills
Background Skills are the biggest for me, as I appreciate the increased design room to make my crunch reflect my fluff. ![]()
![]() EltonJ wrote:
I have absolutely no idea what that is, so my initial response would be an objection. However, if it's not too much trouble to learn, or I end up choosing a class that doesn't have spells, then I would have no problem.