Party role Opalia is a decent healer, skill monkey and archer. Her arcane spells will gradually come into play more and more with each new level however she has the flexibility to increase her channeling or take more offensive hexes depending on the party balance.
Cophalima Camp
The small elven community of Cophalima live a nomadic existence within the Mindspin Mountains, travelling from one wooded valley to the next. Each child born joins the tribe as an individual; parenting is the province of all. Names are handed down from the ancestors – and upon the twins birth Opalia and her older brother, Divellar, took over the mantle from a pair of past Cleansing Blades. The forefathers were tasked with acting as judge, jury and executioner for rogue elves.
But neither child was blessed with the needed combination of combat and arcane skills, and as they grew their own meagre talents were split equally between Divellar the scout and Opalia the witch. But elders simply regarded that as part of the cycle of reincarnation, a small punishment for the final acts of their ancestors.
The Wooden Mentor
As the decades passed Opalia was given into the care and teaching of the treant, Vessarossom. The maiden learnt like a sponge, her curiosity whetted by the great wellspring of knowledge garnered over centuries. Also the girl grew as an apothecary and scrollmaker, her witchery and alchemy gradually became as a valuable part of Cophalima life. The elders especially valued her healing magic. The proud treant invested into his apprentice and she believed her success.
Meanwhile her blood brother disappeared for years on end, with the rest of the tribe, as a woodland warrior. In fact, Opalia did not remember the lonely time fondly. Just the occasional visitor, taking the scrolls, and gone again.
One day Opalia felt a terrible pang in her heart, and four days later the scouts brought in her twin on a travois. He had been shot through the chest by a volley of goblin arrows. The elders hoped that the healers could work a miracle. And Vessarossom offered a solution, a scroll of reincarnation capable of bringing Divellar back. But in his pride, he expected his best apprentice to raise her brother. Opalia had her misgivings but the tree was stubborn. Her ability to adapt the magic use never in doubt.
Rebirth of a Twin
Divellar opened his eyes and saw the relief in many eyes. But they were marred by something else – fear? Or maybe shame? Then the ranger noticed the green color of his own skin and his frown turned to horror at his pathetic goblin body. The twin looked around to see the superstitious tribe crossing their chests against his fate. Opalia tried to speak but couldn’t at first. Suddenly she watched Divellar flee screaming
Left alone in disgrace, the girl turned to her mentor for advice, but the treant grimly abandoned her as a failure. Moreso the dark tree shepherd ordered her out of his sight and expected the tribe to follow that lead. So Opalia gathered her belongings and left, wandering away for the first time in her life.
The witch set up a travelling healing donkey or that it what the people remembered. That lasted three years. She loved the freedom and wanted to go further. All she wanted was more - more adventure and experience.
Freed for the first time in her life, Opalia is looking for the opportunity to live longer and wider, enjoying the chance to learn more of what life truly means. She is more than a little lost by the lack of a family.
The Future
Divellar may want revenge on the witch, sister or not.
Female elven witch (hex channeler) 2
Neutral Good medium elf (humanoid)
Init +3; Senses Low-Light vision, Perception +2
AC 17, touch 13, flatfooted 10/14
(+4 armour [mage armour], +3 Dex.)
hp 17 (2d6+2(Con)+2(favoured class)+3(familiar))
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; Immune sleep
Resistances +2 save vs. enchantment spells and effects
Spd 30ft
Melee dagger +1 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged longbow +4 (1d8, x3)
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Scribe Scroll,
Skills Heal +4 (1 rank), Craft (potions) +8 (2 ranks), Knowledge (arcana) +7 (1 rank), Knowledge (history) +7 (1 rank), Knowledge (nature) +7 (1 rank), Spellcraft +8 (2 ranks), Use Magic Device +6 (2 ranks)
Languages Common (Taldoren), Elven, Goblin, Orcish, Sylvan
Witch Abilities Healing (Su): A witch can soothe the wounds of those she touches. This acts as a cure light wounds spell, using the witch's caster level. Once a creature has benefited from the healing hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours. At 5th level, this hex acts like cure moderate wounds.
Other Gear
Waterproof Bag (1/2lb, 5sp)
Spell component pouch (2lb, 5gp)
Spellbook (1lb, 0gp)
Parchment (10 sheets, 2gp)
inkpen and ink vials (1gp)
2 x trail rations (2lb, 1gp)
2 x flasks of oil (2lb, 4cp)
Waterskin (2lb, 1gp)
3 sunrods (2lb, 4gp)
Consumables scroll of identify (12.5gp)
scroll of mage armor (12.5gp)
scroll of charm person (12.5gp)
scroll of cure light wounds (12.5gp)
wand of mage armour (10 charges, 75gp)
A hex channeler is a witch who devotes herself either to life (healing the wounded and destroying the undead) or to death (slaying the living and aiding the undead).
Channel Energy (Su): At 2nd level, a hex channeler can call upon her patron to release a wave of energy from herself or her familiar. A good witch channels positive energy (like a good cleric), and an evil witch channels negative energy (like an evil cleric). A witch who is neither good nor evil must choose whether she channels positive or negative energy; once this choice is made, it cannot be changed.
Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the witch. The witch can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This ability otherwise functions as a cleric using channel energy, except the witch does not need a holy symbol to use this ability. The hex channeler uses her witch level as her cleric level for all other effects dependent upon channel energy (except increasing the amount of damage healed or dealt). The hex channeler can choose whether or not to include herself or her familiar in this effect.
This burst heals or deals 1d6 points of damage. Whenever the hex channeler is able to learn a new hex (including major and grand hexes, but not hexes gained through the Extra Hex feat), she can instead increase her channel energy amount by 1d6.
This ability replaces the hex gained at 2nd level.
Hexes: The following hexes complement the hex channeler archetype: blight, healing, poison steep, and ward.