
Olondl's page

1 post. Organized Play character for sveden.


Grand Lodge 4/5

Robin Aeronica wrote:
sveden wrote:
Robin Aeronica wrote:
sveden wrote:

FWIW, locally a party of 6 with an APL of 5 got through Wrath's Shadow Tier 6-7 without too much trouble. Several of us went to negative values a few times but we weren't in too much danger at any time.

Yet another example of your mileage may vary.

You're welcome.
Ha! Says the character level 5 PC, aka dead weight. ;)
I see. Next time I adventure with the pasty undisciplined elf, I will see how many arrows find the wall.

Undisciplined? Why I never!

Next time you cry out for help against the wrath of hell I shall keep my sword sheathed! I say Good Day to you Madame!