Berserker Cannibal

Olik Vogenson's page

750 posts. Organized Play character for Bali.

Full Name

Olik Vogenson


Human (Ulfen)


Bard (Savage Skald) 3 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | HP 24/27 | F +3 R +4 W +4 | Init +1, Perc +7 | BP - 17/17 rnd | Spells : 4/4 1st




M (6'2" / 220lbs)






Desna, Gorum


Common, Skald, Varisian, Elven, Azlantan



Strength 14
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 17

About Olik Vogenson

PFS Number: # 79960-1
Bard (Savage Skald)
XP: 3
Fame : 6
Prestige: 4
Completed Adventures:
First Steps (Part 1)
First Steps (Part 2)
First Steps (Part 3)
Init. +1; Perception +7
Speed 30'
AC 15, touch 11, flat footed 14
HP: 27/27
Fort: +3, (+1 base, +1 Con, +1 Trait)
Ref: +4, (+3 base, +1 Dex)
Will +4, (+3 base, +1 Wis)
CMD 15
BAB: +2; CMB 4
Main - Sea Reaver (Mwk.Cold Iron Longsword), +5 , 1d8+2 (19-20/x2)
Backup - Silver Dagger, +4, 1d4+2 (19-20/x2)
Backup - Morning Star, +4, 1d8+2, (x2)
Ranged: +3
Shortbow, 1d6 (x3) 60' range
Dagger, 1d4+2 (19-20/x2) 10' range


Bardic Performance 17 rnd/day
Inspiring Blow
Inspire Courage +1
Bardic Knowledge
Versatile Performance (Bluff, Sense Motive)
Well Versed (+4 vs Bardic, sonic and language based abilities)
Inspire Competence +2


Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Read Magic
Detect Magic

1: 4/day
Cure Light Wounds
Silent Image


Extra Performance
Arcane Strike


Poverty Stricken (+1 Survival, Survival Class skill)
Resilient (+1 to Fort saves)


Armor check penalty (w/ Buckler) -1 included below

Acrobatics : +4
Appraise : +1
Bluff : +9 (Versatile Performance)
Climb : 1
Diplomacy : +9 (3)
Disable Device : +3 (2)
Disguise : +3
Escape Artist : 0
Fly : 0
Handle Animal : -
Heal : +1
Intimidate : +9 (3)
K-Arcana : +2
K-Dungeoneering : +6 (1)
K-Engineering : +2
K-Geography : +7 (2)
K-History : +7 (2)
K-Local : +2
K-Nature : +7 (2)
K-Nobility : +2
K-Planes : +2
K-Religion : +2
Linguistics : +6 (2)
Perception : +7 (3)
Perform (sing) : +9 (3)
Profession : -
Ride : 0
Sense Motive : +9 (Versatile Performance)
Sleight of Hand : -
Spellcraft : +6 (2)
Stealth : +4
Survival : +6
Swim : 1
Use Magic Device : -


Sea Reaver (Mwk.Cold Iron Longsword) - 4 lbs
Silver Dagger - 1 lbs
Morning Star - 6 lbs
Shortbow w/20 arrows - 2 lbs + 3 lbs
Mwk.Studded Leather Armor - 20 lbs
Buckler - 5 lbs

Mwk. Backpack - 4 lbs
Bedroll - 5 lbs
Chalk x5
Flint & Steel
Silk Rope (50') - 5 lbs
Rations x7 - 1 lbs
Waterskin - 4 lbs
CLW Potion x1 - 1 lbs
Alchemist Fire x2 - 2 lbs
Flask of Acid - 1 lbs
Wand of CLW - 50 Charges
Oil of Magic Weapon - 1 lbs
Bag of Chalk x2 - 1 lbs

Spell component pouch - 2 lbs
Travelers Outfit - 5 lbs

Scroll Case - 1/2 lbs
Comp Language x1
CLW x1

430gp, 1sp, 3cp

===Module items===

===Module purchases===
Starting Money = 430.13

CLW Wand : 2 PP
Travelers Outfit : 1gp
Magic Weapon Oil : 50 gp
2x Bag of Chalk : .02 gp
Total Spent : 51.02 gp

Total weight : 79.5 lbs (Medium load)

===Items used===
Comp Language Scroll

===At home===
Courtier Outfit w/jewlery - 6 lbs
CI Longsword - 4 lbs
Studded Leather - 20 lbs
Backpack x1 - 2 lbs
Torch x2 - 2 lbs
Cold Weather Gear - 7 lbs


As with most Ulfen, Olik stands tall and broad of shoulder. His long light brown hair, beard and blue eyes speak of the northlands as well. He exudes a somber, stoic presence that seems to draw people to him despite his rugged appearance. Furthering his somewhat savage look are winding northern tatoos that cover his arms, chest and even part of his face.

Studded leather armor covers him beneath his well worn travelers cloak and a metal buckler sits strapped to his forearm. The leather that must have once smoothly covered it is now cut and nicked in a myriad of placed. A well tended longsword hangs sheathed from his hip with a dagger counterbalancing it on the other side. A hunters bow and brace of arrows stick out from beneath a laden pack upon his back.


Olik was born in a small village near the sea west of the Grungir Forest within the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. There he grew up learning the ways of survival and combat in a harsh land. While much of the teaching was done with sweat and blood, it was also imparted through story and song and these where what truly called to Olik. The history of the land, the very story of his people passed along from one generation to the next. A grand song that tied all things together, hero and villain, monster and hunter, king and peasant.

As he moved from childhood to adolescence Olik committed every tale and song the elders of his village knew to heart. When he came of age he took on the role of skald, keeper of the lore of his people, and began to travel the wilds of the north seeking more stories, more piece of the great song. Eventually he happened upon travelers from Varisia who were more than happy to trade tales with him to help pass the miles. Olik quickly realized that even if he were to learn all the Lands of the Linnorm Kings had to teach it would still only be a small piece of the greater whole. So he joined the Varisian caravan as they traveled back to the south and started to learn their songs as well as their language. It was during this time that Olik first learned of the Pathfinder Society and their goals. Sensing kindred spirits he soon set out for Absalom to seek what fortune might bring him and hopefully one day return to his people a keeper not only of their history but of Golarions.



3rd : +6 hp, +1 BAB, +1 Fort Save, +1 1st level spell per day, +8 Skill points (Perform Sing, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perception, K:Dungeoneering, Disable Device x2, Linguistics (Azlantan)), +1 Level 0 and 1 spell known (Detect Magic, Grease), +2 Rounds Bardic Performance, Inspire Competence +2, Feat : Arcane Strike, FC-+1 Skill (Spellcraft)

Advancement plans: