
OldLace's page

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Since my own group has run into some awful-people-who-can't-keep-a-date problems, I have taken it upon myself to convert my younger siblings into Tabletop nerds.

(Honestly, I wish I had gotten into it as a kid. Talk about math comprehension skills.)

Anyways, the group is locked at a little girl gnome druid with a deinonychus pal, and a ridiculously badass human ranger with bow specialization and a wolf friend. The players are twelve, the ranger's backstory is needlessly tragic, and I am pretty proud of these dorks for sitting down and learning something about the Pathfinder universe.
We're planning on at least one more player, who I predict will use magic. Additional question, do you think we can manage with three players? I was considering pulling in my older sister's combat druid to level things out.

Er, back on topic-- what Module do you kind folk recommend I start out with? Nothing needlessly complicated, but something interesting enough to keep these kids on topic and paying attention. Something with enough combat for the girls, and enough flavor for the boy. Something that won't murder these kids for having zero teamwork and less than zero experience. Something... Awesome.

One of our players chose Vishkanya as their race, and now I'm trying to decipher where the heck the race is from.
I think I'm asking in the right place. Where on Golarion are the Vishkanya located? The wiki is a maze with no entry, so I'm asking the experts. Please Help!

So, we're getting all of our characters together and one guy has made an Ifriit alchemist. I'm wondering what some ideas for the grand discovery could be?

We're running a "Rule of Cool", light on the rules campaign, so the crazier the better. I want to see what you guys have thought of. Alls I can think of is the usual-- Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde stuff.

Also I jut want to hear what you guys have made! Y'all are crazy imaginative.

So, my older sister and I are wanting to start up a table top gaming group... none of us have ever played anything like this, apart from the sister, who played with a DM back in college. The closest any of us have come to this is Oblivion, man.

Does anyone have any advice for a bunch of TOTAL newbies? Any advice for someone like me who is going to convince these guys to stick with it after they see it takes a bit of effort? And websites I should bookmark, and homebrew content you think I should be aware of?

I really want to get into this, and I want everyone to have fun. Anything anyone could tell me would be an amazing help.