About Okrin AshweaverOkrin Ashweaver Favored Class Arcanist
Experience: 0
Age 17
Male Garundi Human Arcanist 1
Traits & Drawback:
Local Ties(Trait): +3 to Knowledge(Engineering) and Knowledge(Engineering) is a class skill. Pragmatic Activator(Trait): You may use Intelligence for Use Magic Device instead of Charisma Carrying Capacity:
Current Load: 27 lbs (Light) ============================================================ Spellbook (100 Pages)(38 Pages Used)
1st, 14 Pages Used:
Abjuration: Shield* Conjuration: Mage Armor, Abundant Ammunition*, Infernal Healing* Divination: Technomancy, Heightened Awareness Enchantment: Memorize Page, Color Spray* Evocation: Burning Hands*, Shocking Grasp* Illusion: Vanish* Necromancy: Transmutation: Blood Money, Magic Weapon, Gravity Bow* Universal: Cantrips, 24 Pages Used:
Abjuration: Resistance Conjuration: Acid Splash, Drench Divination: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic Enchantment: Daze Evocation: Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Spark, Breeze, Penumbra, Scoop Illusion: Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect Necromancy: Bleed, Touch of Fatigue, Disrupt Undead Transmutation: Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Jolt, Root Universal: Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation * Represents purchased spells. ============================================================
Ammunition: (2 lbs)
Magic Gear: (--)
Consumables: (0 lbs)
Scrolls: (--)
Other: (22 lbs)
Jewelry: (--)
Wealth: (--)
===================================== Description: Standing at a mere 5’6”, Okrin is not a particularly prime specimen. In fact, besides his short height and relatively slim weight, very little can be said about his physical description. Almost everyone who has seen him has only ever done so while he covers himself head to toe in clothing. Not even his face is visible, as he wears a sort of leather filter hood at all times. Only his emerald eyes are visible behind his goggles. Besides his traveler’s outfit and filter hood he’s always seen wearing, Okrin generally keeps his spellbook attached to his belt via a book lariat; Numerous tools and pouches hang from the rest of his belt, as does a single dagger and quarrel of crossbow bolts. Although not as often wearing his bandoliers or scroll box, when he does so they can be seen wrapped around his clothed chest or hanging from his belt, respectively. His favored weapon of choice is his trusty light crossbow, a weapon he uses with surprising accuracy, given his arcane and technical nature. Regardless of where he is or what he’s wearing, he’s always kept meticulously clean; Not a dust speck on him, a feat of engineering all in itself given his choice of locale. Personality: Anyone who knows Okrin or has briefly met him knows that he is meticulous. Everything is to be in its spot, clean and organized. Few know just how far habit of his goes, however, as it defines his very being. His parents thought it a curse; thought he was craven for his fear of being dirty or being disorganized. Khonnir knew it as just his personality, and accepted him as such. However, Okrin is more than simply meticulous and afraid of being dirty. He’s a kind, generous soul; a trait he did not glean from his parents, but instead his adoptive father, Khonnir Baine. He cares deeply for his family and what few friends he has, and would go to any length to protect them, barring outright suicide. He would even go as far as to get dirty and disorganized to do so, although his attempts at remaining clean might very well likely distract and hinder his attempts. Background: Born a mere 17 years ago to a pair of engineers from far-away Alkenstar, Okrin originally began his life in that remote, dusty and dangerous nation. Destined to learn the fine craft of engineering and metallurgy and possibly become a gunsmith, his life was changed after a happenstance meeting with a traveler from a far-away land called Numeria. His parents, having learned of the technological wonders rumored to be there and having seen a single, small yet minor example of technological wonder made out of the alloy Glaucite from this foreign land, immediately sought to learn more. They sold everything they had and left everything and everyone they knew and left immediately for Numeria, taking their only child, young Okrin, with them. Despite their efforts, it took years to reach Numeria; During this time, they had continued schooling Okrin in the ways of mechanical engineering. When they finally reached Numeria, they were dismayed at how the technology was kept secret and hidden by the tyrannical Technic League. Despite that, they began their journey to Starfall, regardless. It was during this trip where the caravan they were travelling with was attacked by some monstrous machine; a four-legged behemoth of metal and death. Thankfully, the trio were able to escape while the rest of the caravan was slaughtered or captured to be taken away to some unknown horror. However, they were lost. They were not survivalists, nor had they any maps, and they could not retrace their steps to the caravan route. In the end, dying of thirst, Okrin’s parents came upon a pool of black liquid, the only liquid they’ve seen for miles. In an act of desperation, the drank upon this liquid, this strange Numerian Fluid. Doing so, however, would be the last mistake Okrin’s parents ever made.
Saving poor Okrin with precious life-giving water, Khonnir took Okrin as one of his own, much as he did previously with Val. Okrin recovered quickly enough; The Numerian Fluid had no long-lasting adverse side-effects, luckily. When the trio moved to Torch, Okrin took upon himself to continue his learning of mechanical engineering from Khonnir, who knew a surprising amount about the subject himself, despite not being from Alkenstar. It was during this time that Okrin began his studies of magic as well. Unlike his sister Val, Okrin quickly took to the subject, despite having no experience with magic previously. In time, due to his inquisitive nature, Okrin mastered a few simple spells and learned how to manipulate them in ways even Khonnir knew not. More recently, as Okrin continues his studies, despite having ‘graduated’ in a sense, Torch saw its iconic landmark go out: The violet flame that so many relied upon. Eight days ago, the flame was extinguished. Three days after his father had discovered tracks leading into a previously unknown cave system beneath Torch, Khonnir mounted an expedition into them. Despite Okrin’s protest that he should join Khonnir and help, he was denied, his father claiming he was not ready for adventuring. Three days later again, after Khonnir had already returned with a strange mechanical being, Khonnir mounted his second expedition, and again, Okrin was rebuked. Despite this, he at least had a curious new subject to study in the form of the mechanical being left in a closet back at their house. However, after two days passing without word for Khonnir, Okrin began to worry - and, despite his father’s previous warnings that he wasn’t ready for any sort of adventuring, he began to seek out others to help him find his father and, if possible, bring him back alive. To him, figuring out why the flame was extinguished was a secondary goal to finding Khonnir, though an important goal none-the-less. Its time for his journey to begin. |