Ogren Wal's page

49 posts. Organized Play character for Sedoriku.

Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Ogren Wal

Ogren Wal the Renegade

PFS Information:
PFS Number: 108507-1501
Character sheet:

Goblin (immflamable)
Goblin renegade
Paladin (redeemer); Level: 5;
NG; Sarenrae; 10; male

Perception: 6 ((1 wis) + (5 prof) + (0 item)) [T/E/M/L]
Special Senses: Darkvision


STR +4, DEX +2, CON +1, INT +0, WIS +1, CHA +4


AC 22; Touch 19; Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7
HP 61; Immunities type; Resistances type; Weaknesses type


Speed 25 feet

Melee ‘My Scimitar’ +1 Expert Dogslicer agile, backstabber, finesse, goblin
Attack +11
Damage 2d6+4 slicing

[dice=Swish, swoosh, +1 Expert Dogslicer]1d20+11[/dice]

Melee ‘Bopper’ Expert Shield Boss On heavy shield
Attack +10
Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning

[dice=Get back or I’ll boop you! Expert Shield Boss]1d20+10[/dice]

Powers 6 Spell Points, DC 19
LAY ON HANDS 1 action; 5d6 healing, +1 to AC for 1 round, Touch
HEAL 1 Action (5d8+4 for 1 person, touch); 2 Actions (5d8+4 healing to living or damage to 30’ area); 3 Actions (3d8+4 healing to living and good damage to undead to 30’ area)
Healer’s domain Free action; +2 healing per die when using heal

Skills and Languages:

Acrobatics: -1 ((2 dex) + (1 prof) + (-4 armor))
Arcana: +1 ((0 int) + (1 prof) + (0 item))
Athletics: +5 ((4 str) + (5 prof) + (-4 armor)) Trained
Crafting: +5 ((0 int) + (5 prof) + (0 item)) Trained
Deception: +5 ((4 cha) + (1 prof) + (0 item))
Diplomacy: +10 ((4 cha) + (6 prof) + (0 item)) Expert
Intimidation: +5 ((4 cha) + (1 prof) + (0 item))
Lore (Criminal): +5 ((0 int) + (5 prof) + (0 item)) Trained
Medicine: +7 ((1 wis) + (6 prof) + (0 item)) Expert
Nature : +2 ((1 wis) + (1 prof) + (0 item))
Occultism: +1 ((0 int) + (1 prof) + (0 item))
Performance: +5 ((4 cha) + (1 prof) + (0 item))
Religion: +6 ((1 wis) + (5 prof) + (0 item)) Trained
Society: +1 ((0 int) + (1 prof) + (0 item))
Stealth: -1 ((2 dex) + (1 prof) + (-4 armor))
Survival: +2 ((1 wis) + (1 prof) + (0 item))
Theivery: -1 ((2 dex) + (1 prof) + (-4 armor))


Goblin, Common

Class Feats and Features:

1st level
Deific Weapon
The Paladin's Code
Diety and Cause (Redeemer)
Glimpse of Redemption
Chamption's Powers
(Feat) Deity's domain (healing)

2nd level
(Feat) Weight of Guilt

3rd level
Righteous Ally (Blade)

4th level
(Feat) Channel life

5th level
Weapon Expertise (Sword)

Skill Feats:
(Background) Quick Repair
(2nd level) Student of the Canon
(4th level) Hobnobber
(3rd level general feat) Battle Medic

Ancestry Feats:
(Heritage) Immflamable goblin
(1st level) Weapon Expertise (Goblin)
(5th level) Weapon Frenzy


Simple Weapons: Trained
Martial Weapons: Trained
Swords Expert

Light Armor: Trained
Medium Armor: Trained
Heavy Armor: Trained
Shields: Trained


Combat Gear:Expert half plate, Heavy steel shield, Expert Shield boss, +1 Expert dogslicer, Mistform elixir, Tanglefoot bag, Cheetah's elixir, Leaper's elixir, Bravo's brew (x2)

Magic Items: Minor staff of healing, Minor healing potion, Feather token ladder,

Other Gear:Healer's tools, backpack, waterskin, Basic Crafter's book, compass, flint and steel, mug, mirror, scroll case, trowel, silk rope 50 feet, repair kit, religious text, silver religious symbol, Rations (1 day), pup tent

Bulk: 8.4 (9 Maximum Bulk)

Coins: 15 gp 3 silver



STR: 19 (+4) | INT: 10 (+0)
DEX: 14 (+2) | WIS: 12 (+1)
CON: 12 (+1) | CHA: 18 (+4)

Class DC: 10 + (5 level) + (4 cha) = 19

Fortitude: +7 ((1 con) + (6 prof) + (0 item)) [Expert]
Reflex: +7 ((2 dex) + (5 prof) + (0 item)) [Trained]
Will: +7 ((1 wis) + (6 prof) + (0 item)) [Expert]


AC: 22 (10 + (2 dex) + (5 prof) + (5 item)) [Trained]
Touch: 19 (10 + (2 dex) + (5 prof) + (2 item)) [Trained]
