
Oggron's page

RPG Superstar 8 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 177 posts (178 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Okay so I think the fact that Mythical Monsters and Giants revisited were proposed on threads a while back, and Paizo heeded the voice of the fans. Let us once more propose our Revisited wishlists and hope that this popular line of books can continue.

So far we have:
>Classic Monsters Revisited:
Bugbear, Gnoll, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Troll

>Dragons Revisited:
Red, Blue, Green, White, Black, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, Brass

>Dungeon Denizens Revisited:
Bulette, cloaker, gelatinous cube, mimic, otyugh, owlbear, purple worm, roper, rust monster, and shambling mound.

>Classic Horrors Revisited:
Mummy, vampire, werewolf, mindless undead (zombie, juju zombi, skeleton), flesh golem, gargoyle, ghosts, ghoul, hags, derro

>Misfits Redeemed:
Adherer, Disenchanter, Flumph, Wolf-in-Sheeps-clothing, Lava child, Delver, Tojanida, Lurking Ray, Flail Snail, Dire Corby

>Undead Revisited:
Lich, Devourer, Ravener, Graveknight, Spectral dead (Allips,Spectres, Wraiths), Bodak, Wight, Shadow, Nightshade, Mohrg

>Classic Treasures Revisited:
Bag of Holding, Cube of Force, Deck of Many Things, Figurines of Wondrous Power, Helm of Brilliance, Horn of Valhalla, Sphere of Annihilation, Staff of the Magi, Vorpal Sword, Well of Many Worlds

>Mythical monsters Revisited:
Chimera, couatl, griffon, harpy, hydra, kraken, medusa, phoenix, sphinx, wendigo

>Giants Revisited (coming soon):
Hill giants, stone giants, frost giants, fire giants, cloud giants, storm giants, rune giants, marsh giants, taiga giants, and cyclops.

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Gonna try not to do the cliched grumpy 3am rant here guys.
But what's with all this talk of Pathfinder 2nd Ed and Dnd 5e?
Didn't we go through all this hype and drama with 4e not that long ago? Weren't we all annoyed that 3.5ed got scrapped in favor of something new and ultimately unworthy as a successor. If your like our group, til late 2009 we'd pretty much despaired over tabletop rpg's new content. We spent years and the one after playing 3.0/3.5/d20modern/true20/OGL/homebrew alternatives, because we thought that what was the point of investing in a new system where odds are that the Market pressure would force us to invest in yet another system every 3-5 years. Then Paizo came along and after watching it mature for a year I finally convinced my players to invest in it. I told them this system was for us, the discarded fans, that it was the true future of the game.
>3.75 Ed I heard a games store owner call it, and it convinced me.

Now what? We got 5e on the horizon and I'm getting the vibe that some people thing Pathfinder 2.0 is in order. Why? Didn't one of the most successful playtests in history finish less than 3 years ago? Is the current system so broken that power creep renders it unplayable? Are we not getting the best diversity of products? The best designers writing them? Has Paizo's offerings grown stale? Does this system need overhauling?


Can we please stop speculating on a future edition war? We don't need a new edition every 3-5 years. We don't even need to be talking about one for another 3-5 years. You really thing the games going to get less fun? Or dated so quickly? The handful of AP's and modules we can afford to own are enough to last our various groups for years. Let WoTc get scared and try and woo us back with their 'new' edition. Maybe it's revolutionary, maybe it's regressive. Doesn't mean the rpg community wants it. There's pfrpg fans enjoying their game, and theres (one would assume) 4e fans enjoying their game. Who wants to fork out another few hundred bucks getting down with a new edition when they have a system in it's creative renaissance that they enjoy right now.

For those that look forward to 5e, enjoy the suspense. Meantime I'm gonna be enjoying the present. Maybe in a few years time I'll be reading a review and shaking my head at the flame war taking place in the comments page. Then I'll close the tab, and buy Pathfinder AP#73 and wonder then whether it's too soon to be talking about Pathfinder 2.0 .

So I guess this is the last rpg campaign I'll be running with my main group for a long time. We found this to be module to be the best adventure that I'vee ever ran for our group. Even without my own modifications. Below is an Epilogue (unedited I'm afraid) that I wrote out of love of the characters and the adventure.

Dramatis Personae:

>Stanis Berathom:
Chelish Inquisitor and monster hunter, turned Hellknight of the Order of the Pike. A man for whom seeks to maintain order above all else. The Groups leader and Tactician.

>Adro of Steel Thunder:
Travelling Nexavarian Wordslinger. One of the few to incorporate Firearms and alchemy into his spellcasting. Tends to shoot first and study it's corpse later. The Groups scholar and Mage.

>Tron Duur, the Mad Axe:
Dwarven Mercenary who seeks conflict and coin above all else. His signature Dwarven Maulaxes are feared accross the empire. The Groups Dungeoneer and Hired Muscle.

>Sabreena Nix'varis:
Gnome water witch whose spent her life gathering the lore and folk recipes of costal communities for decades. Tho much of her magick comes from evil sources, she seeks only to use it for good. The Groups Healer and Guide.

Sabreena's familiar and greatest friend. An Imp exiled from an Sea Devils court, disguised cunningly as a black cat.

Waterborne Sorceror and Apocathery to the people of Blackcove. His search for a Cure for his people's curse lead him to Nal'Kashel. Where his new master promised him ancient knowledge in exchange for his servitude.

Heretic Aboleth imprisoned by his fellows for the dual crime of paying homage to a Demon and experimenting with reality. His mental influence was being the events of the adventure.

Dramatis Loci:

>Hellsmouth Gulf:
Section of Cheliaxes coast which has been plagued recently with sightings of strange aquatic beings and strange omens.

Isolated fishing village whose population is descended from the spawn of Gillmen and Ulat-Kiri. It's population was enslaved by the awakening Aboleth.

Island which holds the ancient ruins of an Azlanti mages college. The place is warped due to experiments with reality. It is here that Mohl'Omog was imprisoned.

(may contain spoilers and a bus load of grammar/spelling errors)

I posted about this subject a while back and had some good responses.
But that was over 6 months ago and things have changed.

Various members of my long standing Serpent's skull campaign will no longer to be able to make our weekly sessions. And as I've bought almost all of the chapter books I thought I'd try and move it online using a Virtual Tabletop. Now after tinkering with Maptool and D20pro, the group voted to use the latter due to it's polished interface.

Now I've spent the morning browsing the tutorials. And I see instructions on modifying with a file from 3.5 to pathfinder. So here's my first question:

1- are their any bugs I should be aware of? And fixes/work arounds I can employ?

From reading how the system moderates spell and special ability effects. It would appear that each Judge has to compile their own library of these effects.

2- to clarify, do the vanilla + pfrpg downloads contain a set of pregenerated effects? I can see the advantage of being able to enter custom spells/abilities. But entering hundreds of spells is just plain laborious.

Now I have Hero Lab. Tho I'm yet to update it with the latest Paizo offerings. The site says it's a simple import from one to the other.

3- Would that include all the custom stuff and overides I have in there? Any glitches I should be aware of?

I'll have more questions to follow later. But that's probly enough for now.
Would appreciate the assist. Hoping to convert my campaign by September so I'm just starting the prep now. Anyone who assists gets free XP

Hope this is okay to ask. Have been rubbings the serpents skull adventure path with the first four AP books lined up (and the 5th on it's way). My bro is running Second darkness with his friends and we're about to start Legacy of Fire at our local gaming club.

My questions this: is there a consolidated list of Monsters in the bestiary sections of the Adventure paths and other source books. I know most have been reprinted in the Bestiary I & II (which are amazing products), or refer to other books like Tome of Horrors or OGL Nyambe (both of which I have) and Fiend Folio (which my mate has).

I'm a big fan of reading monster ecologies from the old days of Dragon to the revisited line of Paizo products (which are awesome). Like all amateurs, after reading so many cool beasties from published authors, I figured I'd try my hand and get out my homebrew toolbox. Problem is I don't want to step on anyone toes, either legally or creatively.

Say for example I took an old monster and updated them or built a new one up from scratch only to discover someone else beat me to it. I'm a fan of the open gaming licence so any beasties I make I'd make available for people to test out in their own games. I'm currently digging the jungle themes and have been Reading up on south American and African mythology and cryptozoology (which arguably are the same thing).

So in summary does anyone know what monsters have already been updated to the pfrpg system? Specifically the last two chapters of serpents skull? And does anyone have any advice for a newbie looking to spread anything he comes up with?

Wow, this is one of those moments where you start typing and go a little nuts...

Hello Paizo message boards. First time poster so go easy on the newbie.

I have a query regarding online play.

My Pathfinder group has splintered this year and spread out accross the globe, making getting together for campaign near impossible.

I am looking into options for playing via the internet.
Have tried PBP gaming before and found it to be slow and uninspiring, so I'm looking to shake things up by using one of the many digital tabletop websites out there like d20 pro.

Has anyone got any exeriance using these programs? Do any of them have a clear advantage over others? Is there one that favors the PFRPG system that people can recommend?

I like to run a very multimedia campaign using my groups online forum. Which are the best of these digital tabletops from a GM perspective? As I wish to use PDF's, CAD drawn maps, excel spreadsheets, raster images, Hero lab character sheets and powerpoint presentations in my campaign. Are there any Digital tabletop programs that people can recommend for a GM who likes to make and distribute lots of props?