Ofneverwherelse's page

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Tikael wrote:

I have done something largely similar but with rakshasa. My party has been quick to accept the help of a rakshasa on several occasions (Vaklish escaped from them and has been showing up to offer them tainted deals).

My thought is that Vaklish will sweep into the power vacuum in Katapesh as soon as they have lost interest in the region. For the devils I might assume something similar, in the aftermath of book 6's opening there's going to be a good chance of a lot of devastation and misery and those devils might be waiting for that time to sweep in and make deals with various townsfolk for a strong foothold in the region.

I like the idea of both the indirect consequences and the long game. That fits with my understanding of Hell. I think it keeps the PC's as "interesting" to hell, without them being directly adversaries nor allies and sort of plays up the opportunism that devils / hell may gain from the chaos... I like it. Thanks!

In the game I am running, the PC's just finished clearing out the waystation at the beginning of book 3 and made the bargain with the bone devil for aid in the combat against the coven and I have run into a minor story conundrum.

Plot spoilers:

I read through the AP in advance and while Cheliax / The infernal bureaucracy are not directly featured, given the vassalization of Isger to Cheliax, the history of the Hellknights, the presence of The Widow Queen in Northern Isger, the noted but unelaborated on presence of Posandi and Amera as Asmodeans, the simpering of Finney towards Cheliax and the hellknights and the presence of the Osyluth and later the pit fiends as well as both the "Areas of concern" and "Anathema" sections on the deity page for Asmodeus I made the decision to elevate them into a subplot line and flesh out their role to make the infernal bureaucracy as interested, officially neutral observers, with some internal bickering as to the role they should play.

Some of my decisions were influenced by character backstories as well and I have certainly added some elements to the AP as written, mostly at the close of down time between the books. Some relevant developments are....

Monk PC backstory: Parents from Kintargo, killed by Hellknights, raised in a monastery as an orphan. Goblin PC backstory, references Goblinblood Wars, so I played up some of the lore. This lead to:

- The visit to Breachill by Chellish authorities to collect taxes, etc. by way of the Sisters of the Golden Erinyes and some Hellknights, who "retained" some former Goblinblood War orphans who had escaped to Breachill, notably an elven NPC the PC's were close to. The PC's also discovered some more info about Laslunn who was also in contact with the SGE. (Chaos for orphans. Train some to be monks / hellknights sell the undesireables as slaves.)

- Posandi's Asmodean worship coming up when the PC's were looking to hire contractors for the citadel after Book 1.

- The PC's breaking into Posandi's house to investigate his labor practices and affiliations. (They discovered a summoning chamber in the basement, as well as a cursed Asmodean signet ring, plans for him to build a secret entrance into their citadel, communications with Lady Kaltessa Iyes as well as a contract for repairs at one of the Sisters of the Golden Erinyes monasteries.

- The consequent raid on the monastery to rescue their friends and an encounter with an Erinyes, whom they failed to kill, but injured enough for her to flee.

- The PC's did not tell anyone when they would be back when they journeyed through the portal and proceeded to not check in for their entire journey through book 2, only returning about 6 weeks later, which led to...

- Posandi seeking revenge on the PC's in absetentia and solidifying his contacts with the SGE, and Scarlet Triad to intro Heuberk Thropp's presence in town.

- The PC's raiding a hide out and killing Posandi to rescue Rorsk Axebane, whom Posandi was attempting to bind with an infernal contract a la a contract devil, whom they fought and AGAIN did not kill before he fled.

- And finally, making the deal with the Osyluth (whom they failed to identify after 3 different recall knowledge checks)

Now, my party has not been derailed by this sub plot and suspects that Dahak is the big bad and is heavily invested in stopping The Scarlet Triad who they think are working on his behalf somehow. I have also made it clear that Hell as an organized presence is monitoring the situation with passive interest, but individual actors have been taking their own risks. Posandi was hung out to dry by Iyes and the SGE were making unauthorized moves. Thrune has not been a relevant player and I am happy to keep it that way.

But... I feel like the PC's failure to dispatch any of the three devils they have faced (erinyes, contract devil, bone devil) and to enter into a deal with the third one should bring about SOME consequence or further attention by the forces of hell, but am not sure if doing so would prove a distraction to the main objective, nor am I sure what consequence to bring. The objectives of hell are not clear to me and are somewhat far afield from this AP.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

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Here are a collection of documents I used in my game for Book 2. My group is a couple dragon pillars out from the fortress and have just cleared the mine. They enjoyed the jungle exploration, but felt a little directionless and I have been trying to build up some of the plot connections, so here are a few of the handouts I made to organize what some of the book suggested and to build anticipation and urgency.

1. Missed Kobold Connection (A3). My group failed to follow hints to the sick Kobolds. I felt like they needed a consequence, but still wanted them to have access to Hezle's story so I made a short, skill check based investigation of the dead kobolds camp (since infested by grimstalkers and assassin vines).

1a. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15C9NeUMjczQxTckaH7rT5TISqXefXyQQ/view?usp= sharing

2. Chase Encounter. Seemed fun and a way to break up the routine of camp > travel > pillar. DC's were set (I think) for a 6th lvl party, but I am happy they were 7th when they got to it.

2a. Chase Tracker: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aiKcWHeEGmp7bYmHH__3AlsK2oAVlwPb/view?usp= sharing
2b. Chase Rules: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RLN7KHjcqDyluzrDY2jEyGDVzydeHrwO/view?usp= sharing
2c. Chase Events: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PEttVLw4z5_E1yOzdl42BXwuG9vJS9S1/view?usp= sharing

3. I gave Racharak a valueless magic belt / necklace / whatever, that had glowing orbs / stones in the colors of the dragon pillars, that winked out when the pillar was destroyed so they were able to figure out how many were left. No link. Not technically a material, just a simple idea.

4. Gerhards Contract. I wanted Gerhard to have a reason for being there, so I made him a freelancer for the ASPIS Consortium, who is in the area to monitor Triad operations. I know they are allied (book 5), but they are both pretty self-interested and I don't imagine this being something these competitors would avoid, even amongst "friends"

4a. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VFPT9EPE-XqNoC29d7pWZvEwc8ZqUYsb/view?usp= sharing

5. Hezle's Letters and journal. Again, wanted my party to get a little of Hezle's story and since they missed the hints at A3 I was trying to make the PC's feel bad and I wrote an elongated tragic tale of Hezle's motivations (and failures) for when they killed her. They ended up saving her, but alas.

5a. Hezle's Letters (From Belmazog) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bFGqAhSQqEnMnHq_GSbQc-3dMWrvwaSG/view?usp= sharing

5b. Hezle's Private Journals https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fXoZyq4q5e9t2R3MAWbGLKoY9aEkFGel/view?usp= sharing

6. Belmazog's Assorted Papers. Expanded out from the book's directions on what was in her notes. Played up some of the Scarlet Triad stuff a bit more (slight changes to official motives/sequencing), followed up on Nketiah's story, told the Cinderclaw version of the attack on Temple of Ketephys / Malarunk's stranding.

6a. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15_LUslNlljZodG5dC22sMDE_HS6tE_rJ/view?usp= sharing

7. For the interlude / return to Breachill I have some additional plot hooks prepared. They are an outgrowth of some things I did in the first interlude between books 1 & 2 that cater to some of my characters interests and reference things from my earlier post in this thread. This is more of a rough summary of some plot connections I am building than a grab and go type file, but here it is, in case it proves useful.

7a. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EXf62xWpxzPidwdnHD8-uJKORUJFXcth/view?usp= sharing

Really hoping the links work how they are supposed to... See ya'll for book 3.

- Ofneverwherelse

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Rune wrote:
Ofneverwherelse wrote:


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S5qperP-0G_H92hjYpBM-asF4Z2M9Qom/view?usp= sharing

I added this as an additional note that Voz was carrying on her person. It manifested as a way to warn the PC's about the Greater Barghest's danger and evilness (for the Goblin Alchemist), but it also serves as a means to tease the Scarlett Triad and a key way to deliver some clues about navigating the 7 mile cave crawl from Guardian's Way to Alseta's Ring which I decided to expand upon in the narrative.

This is really great, contains really useful information and foreshadowing. Seeing as there are a lot of groups that play in other languages (including two of mine), could I bother you to provide the Word version of this so we could translate to our native language?


Yes, I can try and do that... I've had weird luck with google docs not showing up correctly, but hopefully this works (it should, I 2x checked and made them into .rtfs). This is for the specific requested file and it's good except for the image formatting on the bottom got a little messed up.

5a. Sgt. Agler's Report:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-LPqdaBjAHFuLU4rfTKJ2DhKV8J6DFaY/view?usp= sharing

Additionally, these are two more related files to round out what Voz has on her person.

5b. Voz' Correspondence with Laslunn:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/13E3jVx3URUbn9HWbDv02BeQXNLOTfAKf/view?usp= sharing

I added my own backstory timeline to explain some of Voz' sloppiness and haste leaving town.

5c. Voz' Private Journals (necril):
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BSZq_uNKBs4ZumBQy5Rm3G6JXYRNZbdn/view?usp= sharing

I wanted to add a few more clues to round out the planned session from "6." in my original post. Also tied back to some added flavor about why the party were the only adventurer's at the Call to Heroes. I had the Bloody Blades murder "Bellin's Company" some Dwarven mercenaries who were expected in the area. Voz' reanimated them as her undead minions for the cave exploration*. They will recover the clan dagger from Dmiri to give for extra goodwill and a friendly NPC in book 4.

*I was inspired in this and some of my other tweaks from various actual play AoA podcasts like Dicefall and TheCrackedDie which I would recommend to any GM new or otherwise who is running AoA for ideas and flavoring NPC's.

- Ofneverwherelse

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Hey all,

I have gotten a lot of use out of various uploads from this thread and it has made my game-running much smoother as a first-time GM. I appreciate all the hard work!! My group is getting close to closing out Hellknight Hill and I wanted to share some of the resources I made for my game to pass on some ideas and highlights from my sessions for the next group. I grouped and annotated the file uploads to explain their usage / purpose.

1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1blQ8BzumXFEfZKZry_po_DaeIbHV730l/view?usp= sharing
One of my players has the Haunting Visions Background. I have used his dreams to be semi-prophetic if obscure plot-devices. So far foreshadowing the town hall fire and two different takes on the Hunter's Gate Way Station Hazard. This is the "cost" of that info.

a) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BJoEOFih6jeKRWgLfjRRBcOjYmr0FJfQ/view?usp= sharing
b) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uZG41EogAGSlQ6cQ7zIL3w2p5z0wC79w/view?usp= sharing
I have a 5 player group and in addition to modifying combats, I have added a few side quests from NPC's in Breachill to both bring the town to life and control the pacing. I also wanted to introduce a relic (Darkwood Shield: Air and Water Gifts) for the party's Druid and this seemed a good way to do it.

A) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qc6PhVVGRJ_0yvoMDGBU54T9MeJS2hqt/view?usp= sharing
B) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GOeiahEuz8mb7KSJkF_73Lhp6hYwJbmE/view?usp= sharing
C) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N4qiSaOjFCQdBMlOyC5dudv_m-Az3vH8/view?usp= sharing
One of my PC's is a Goblin Alchemist who tentatively worships the Goblin Hero Gods and I wanted to flesh out the Bumblebrashers and use them to give some world building exposition. I had Warbal and the Bumblebrashers host a feast after my PC's cleared the ground level of the Citadel.

4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MWYmEwaGgvLfwvbwuqKTV_nPhdkllsRK/view?usp= sharing
A Bloody Blades Wanted Poster, to clue them in to both the Bounties and the danger of the encounter.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S5qperP-0G_H92hjYpBM-asF4Z2M9Qom/view?usp= sharing

I added this as an additional note that Voz was carrying on her person. It manifested as a way to warn the PC's about the Greater Barghest's danger and evilness (for the Goblin Alchemist), but it also serves as a means to tease the Scarlett Triad and a key way to deliver some clues about navigating the 7 mile cave crawl from Guardian's Way to Alseta's Ring which I decided to expand upon in the narrative.

A)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LT5xxr2chwpkCO6J26_pQUUhijc0C4o4/view?us p=sharing
B)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s4_UCm1haFgQ206DcegZFxQjGj4uGPEx/view?us p=sharing
C)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wp3cQtXiYnmrUODGeHhxXl5nVPBYtkDN/view?us p=sharing
D)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tvRQq5epDPWFBdjcfMs8gQ5U85-lxLAF/view?us p=sharing

This is my expanded quest session / cave crawl for the Goblinblood Caves. Its the most... inventive... and therefore the most confusing, particularly as it's shared.

The idea is small scale semi-blind hexploration in the Goblinblood Caves, based around using Voz's map made from Agler's field report above. I am using roll20 so the pink and green drawings on the map are only visable to the GM. Players just see the brown box over the hexes with the black borders. The map is CONCEPTUAL. Not LITERAL. And the point is that if they meet their survival checks they advance their token correctly along the straight line between miles 1 and 7. Those checks are secret though and therefore their token represents where they THINK they are. The pink lines (which only I can see) represent dead ends in the metaphorical cave system and a way to judge how lost they are. If the party fails a survival check I count up the number of potential hexes they could move into and roll percentile and move them into one of them. Ideally they get a little lost and eat up hexes traveled, but can course correct pretty easily. More hexes traveled, more chances for a random encounter and a need to camp to finish the cave.

This one is "at your own risk" and I am not sure my explanation is making it less complicated than just reading the directions I made in the images, but I thought it would be a fun challenge and something different to represent how insanely difficult cave exploration actually is. Particularly over SEVEN miles of barely explored sprawling caverns, it felt important to make them earn it.

I hope that someone finds some of this inspiring and that it is user-friendly enough to steal / customize. I know the files are view only or screenshots, but I like my privacy (sorry).

- Ofneverwherelse