They just defeated the grick in the room of iron spheres. And, like clockwork, Alastor Land appears to give the players a bit of a fright.
My ultra-paranoid Cleric of Pelor turns him before he can even speak - and destroys him. Then they find his body and realize their mistake.
Any suggestions for getting them into the next chamber now that Alastor is gone? I thought about using one of his relatives, but their souls should be long gone by the time their graves are desecrated by Kullen's gang.
They managed to figure out where the Land homestead is by calling in a favor with Allustan (and a speak with dead spell from the St. Cuthbert locals). . . but I feel like I should give them a second chance to get into Zosiel's chamber.
And from now on I think I'm gonna call the cleric 'twitch'
I look forward to any suggestions.