
Obfuscated's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hey Customer Service Team,

I submitted an email from my personal address regarding this order on 10/26, but have yet to get an acknowledgement.

Like many other folks, my binding is starting to separate from the book. My email includes more information and images.

I understand there's quite a large backlog of emails, and there's a new print run of the CRB that will delay replacements a bit. That's understandable with an issue this widespread. I would just like to have a ballpark idea of how long the delay is on addressing customer concerns and emails? It looks like it's more than 1 week to even answer emails at this point. Should I expect an acknowledgement before a 2nd week passes?


I placed this order on November 11th and it is still listed as pending. Any idea what the holdup is?

Please cancel my Pathfinder Subscriptions.....

All of them.

Adventure Path
Role Playing Game

Hopefully I can catch up in a few months.

Thank you

Please cancel my Paizo order #1269615

Thank you

I just received my order today, and one corner of the box was pretty badly damaged. Opening up the shipment I found my highly anticipated books:

Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Monsters Revisited (OGL)
Pathfinder #8—Curse of the Crimson Throne Chapter 2: "Seven Days to the Grave" (OGL)
GameMastery Module W2: River into Darkness (OGL)
GameMastery Module D3: The Demon Within (OGL)

All of which had some corner damage. 3 of the books have damage to the bottom right corners, which can be flattened with any of the hundreds of other RPG books I have around. Unfortunately my copy of Classic Monsters Revisited was flipped over in the stack of books and has damage to the upper spine. Not something that I'm really able to work with.

Honestly this is the first time I haven't been completely pleased with my shipment. Is there any way I can trade in my copy of Classic Monsters Revisited for a (hopefully) undamaged one?



They just defeated the grick in the room of iron spheres. And, like clockwork, Alastor Land appears to give the players a bit of a fright.

My ultra-paranoid Cleric of Pelor turns him before he can even speak - and destroys him. Then they find his body and realize their mistake.

Any suggestions for getting them into the next chamber now that Alastor is gone? I thought about using one of his relatives, but their souls should be long gone by the time their graves are desecrated by Kullen's gang.

They managed to figure out where the Land homestead is by calling in a favor with Allustan (and a speak with dead spell from the St. Cuthbert locals). . . but I feel like I should give them a second chance to get into Zosiel's chamber.

And from now on I think I'm gonna call the cleric 'twitch'

I look forward to any suggestions.