Nylanfs ~ PCGen PR Monkey's page

4 posts. Alias of Nylanfs.

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While not expressly called out I thought I'd ask and make sure. Pathfinder 2e is also included in the Approved Product list when it says "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game books"?

Just a note for those interested. PCGen had to go through some webserver migration issues but our website is back up and running we are currently on 6.08.00RC6, there have been many sourcebooks added in the last year.

Also we do plan on supporting PF2, but since we aren't a legal entity, and only use the CUP (we've been in touch with Glenn on this). We don't qualify for early access so it won't be ready on day one.

PCGen is pleased to announce the release of the 6.07.04 Alpha Release of PCGen, now with 100% more Starfinder!


Note: The windows installer is missing from Sourceforge, use the Github link if you need that installer.

==Notable Changes==

Formula System Foundation Implemented
Freemarker Support expanded
One new source

==New Sources==

The following single big source were added in 6.07.04

[NEWSOURCE-322] – Starfinder RPG

For the full detail on all changes made in this release, check out the release notes here:

https://github.com/PCGen/pcgen/releases/download/6.07.04/pcgen-release-note s-60704.html

Pathfinder has this for Point Buy.
"After all the points are spent, apply any racial modifiers the character might have"

Starfinder doesn't, so are the final totals either 16 (-2 racial), 18, & 20 (+2 racial), or are they 18 total?

It's strictly by the order in the book, correct?

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Buh Bam! Note that this is an ALPHA build, and that you will need PCGen 6.07.03 to run it.

https://sourceforge.net/projects/pcgen/files/PCGen%20Stable%20Datasets/6.08 .x/Starfinder%20RPG/Starfinder_Install_v2017_09_05.zip/download

I thought I'd tease you all with some screenshots. :)

PCGen Twitter Post

PCGen is pleased to announce the release of PCGen 6.05.06 Beta.

Notable Changes

Pathfinder improvements
Migration to Data control for Alignment, Stats and Saves
Further stability and fixes

New Sources

The following new sources were added in 6.05.06

Midnight Data Set (3.5 Conversion)
[Battlefield Press] Gaslight - 2nd edition OGL
[Paizo] Pathfinder PC: Quests and Campaigns
[Pathfinder] Pathfinder Unchained
[Pathfinder] Player Companion: Demon Hunter's Handbook
[Pathfinder] Chronicles: City of Strangers
[Storm Bunny Studios] The Gun Priest

For the full detail on all changes made in this release, check out the release notes here:


As you can see, the work for 6.06, the next stable release. is progressing well! So for the brave and the bold, please do try out this beta and give us your feedback.

PCGen is a RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 systems). All datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns. Please join us http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen/ or visit our site http://pcgen.org.

Public Releations Team PCGen Project

Note: The latest OSX release has broken our Mac build process. Mac users please use the pcgen-6.05.06-full.zip version.

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I'm just gonna leave this right here...
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcgen/files/PCGen%20Stable%20Datasets/6.04. 1%20OOC%20Data%20Sets/Pathfinder_Mythic_Adventures_Jan_5_2015.pcz/download

You can download this installable zip folder from:

http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcgen/files/PCGen%20Stable%20Datasets/6.04. 1%20OOC%20Data%20Sets/OOC_Pathfinder_Sources_Dec_2014.pcz/download

[Paizo] Pathfinder Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends

[Paizo] Animal Archive

[Paizo] Pathfinder RPG: Ultimate Campaign

Along with PFS support for them.

Download to your computer, open PCGen, use the install option, find the download file, install. Restart your PCGen program, load the new sets.

PCGen is pleased to announce the release of the 6.04.0 Production Release of PCGen.

Also as of this version there is better Spanish language support thanks to Pablo Hernán Custo!

And we are also pleased to announce that the PCGen project have our own forums, thanks to Anestis & Marie. Check them out!


The highlights of the changes for PCGen 6.04.00 are listed below:

Notable Changes

For Players and GMs
New Pathfinder Board output sheet
[Pathfinder] Apply Ultimate Combat 2nd printing errata
Implement Race Builder in ARG
Update Guide to PSOP to recently released 5.0 version
Implement calculation of assorted undead save DCs
Pathfinder: Prevent inadvertent stacking of resistances
Newer, more compliant, PDF generation library (FOP 1.0)
Improved error handling when exporting characters
Improved character file safety
Improved loading of older characters
Custom, Homebrew and Vendordata folder locations recalled between installs from 6.3.5 onwards
Lots of fixes to output
Many data fixes
Improved Spanish language support
For Data Authors
New conditional skill system
Bonuses to epic BAB and CHECKs now handled separately to non epic
Eliminate Ability Cloning / Ability Processing Consistency
Reduced memory use when switching or reloading datasets
New output sheet language - Freemarker (optional)
Migrate many sheets to use FreeMarker
Converter run on all sets

New Sources

The following new sources were added in 6.04.0

[Alluria Publishing] Remarkable Races: Compendium of Unusual PC Races, Pathway to Adventure Edition
[Dreamscarred Press] Ultimate Psionics
[Mongoose Publishing] Quintessential Samurai
[Paizo] Adventure Path: Mummy's Mask Players Guide
[Paizo] Adventure Path: Reign of Winter Players Guide
[Paizo] Adventure Path: Shattered Star Player's Guide
[Paizo] Pathfinder Player Companion - Andoran, Spirit of Liberty
[Paizo] Pathfinder Player Companion - Blood of Angels
[Paizo] Pathfinder Society Field Guide
[Paizo] Rise of the Runelords (Anniversary Edition)
[Paizo] Skull & Shackles AP55 - The Wormwood Mutiny
[Super Genius Games] The Genius Guide to: The Talented Rogue (PF)
[WotC] Unearthed Arcana

For the full detail on all changes made in this release, check out the release notes here.

PCGen is a RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 systems). All datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns. Please join us at http://groups.pcgen.org, https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/pcgen/info or visit our website http://pcgen.org.

Paul Grosse
Public Releations Team PCGen Project

Over the years it’s been suggested that we have our own official forums. We’ve looked into different options and software packages, and we think we have a good solution.
So without further ado we present for your consideration the official PCGen forums.


We’d like to thank Marie in her help in getting everything set up.

Paul Grosse
PCGen PR Silverback

This may come out of left field, and my surch fu may be failing me. But is there any guides or restrictions on selecting what geographical region your character is from?

I'm specifically looking for official rules, blogs &/or FREQ's

PCGen is pleased to announce the release of the v6.02.01 Production Release of PCGen. This release includes 150+ bug fixes and improvements that we've made since the 6.2 production release. The highlights of the changes for PCGen 6.02.01 are listed below:

Main Changes: Update to Paizo name in data, Numerous corrections to typos in the data, & Numerous other small code and data fixes

The following new sources were added in 6.02.01

[Paizo] Pathfinder Player Companion: Andoran - Spirit of Liberty
[Paizo] Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels
[Super Genius Games] The Genius Guide to: The Talented Rogue (PF)

For the full detail on all changes made in this release, check out the release notes here:

Release Notes

PCGen is a RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 systems). All datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns. Please join us http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen/ or visit our site http://pcgen.org.

Public Releations Team

PCGen Project

The PCGen team is pleased to announce the release of PCGen 6.02.00 Production Release. Thank you to everyone that reported bugs with the release candidate!

In this release the PCGen Team has added a number of new data sets since the last production release, including Paizo's Inner Sea Bestiary, Blood of Fiends, Dungeoneer's Handbook, Faiths of Balance, Faiths of Corruption, Goblins of Golarion, Advanced Race Guide, Bestiary 3, Ultimate Equipment, Skulls & Shackles AP Player's Guide, Super Genius Games' Adventurer's Handbook, The Genius Guide to: Air Magic, AEG's Empire, Broken Ruler Games Killshot: The Director's Cut, Dreamscarred Press's Psionics Expanded, Master the Battle, Pawns and Powers, Minotaur Games's Monster Focus: Skeletons, Zombies, Paradigm Concepts's Magic of Arcanis, and WotC's Monster Manual II OGC

In addition to these new data sets, a number of data and code bugs have been fixed and a number of "under-the-hood" changes made that improve the user experience. For the full detail on all other changes made in this stable release, check out the Release Notes.

We would also like to expressly point out that with this version we will also start supporting Non-d20 systems! Most notably the Ennie winning system Killshot from Broken Ruler Games and Fantasy Craft by Crafty Games.

PCGen is a RPG character generator and maintenance program. All datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns. Please join us at PCGen@Yahoo! or visit our Website and wiki.

PCGen Public Relations Team

PCGen v6.02.0 RC2 is the second release candidate for PCGen 6.2. It represents a product we believe is ready for production use and which we would like your assistance in testing out. In particular the PCGen team would appreciate your feedback on importing your characters and data from earlier versions of PCGen. For the full detail on these and all other changes made in this alpha release, check out the Release Notes.

If you have reported a bug at any time in the previous year, please test this system and get back with the development team if it hasn't been resolved, there are a few that haven't been addressed yet.

We would also like to expressly point out that with this version we will also start supporting Non-d20 systems! Most notably the Ennie winning system Killshot from Broken Ruler Games and Fantasy Craft by Crafty Games.

PCGen is a RPG character generator and maintenance program. All datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns. Please join us at PCGen@Yahoo! or visit our Website and wiki.

PCGen Public Relations Team

he PCGen team is pleased to announce the release of PCGen 6.01.05 Alpha.

In this release the PCGen Team has made a number of changes including the improvement of PCGen's support for Paizo's Pathfinder Society and adding Paizo's Advanced Race Guide and Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Expanded to the alpha release. Additionally, a number of under-the-hood changes have been made that will impact our homebrew community as we reorganize our data folder. These changes will improve the long term maintainability for our ever growing library of data sets. For the full detail on these and all other changes made in this alpha release, check out the the full release notes here:

http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcgen/files/PCGen%20Unstable/6.01.05%20Alph a/pcgen-release-notes-60105.html/download

This release is an alpha release from the PCGen development branch to allow experimentation and testing of our latest work. Please give it a shot and let us know how it works for you. Bug reports are welcome and can be submitted at on this list.

PCGen is a RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 systems). All datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns. Please join us at http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen/ or visit our website here, http://pcgen.org, and our wiki here, http://wiki.pcgen.org/Main_Page.

PCGen Public Relations Team

As noted here in this thread
PCGen v5.15.10 (Beta) Released!
PCGen is now shipping with a almost complete dataset and gamemode for Pathfinder.

I'm creating this thread here so that people can post if they have any bugs or feedback if they didn't have a yahoo account to be able to log onto our main PCGen mailing list

So beat on it and help us improve!. :)

I noticed that our PR Monkey missed posting this here where it would be most appreciated :)

PCGen Team wrote:

PCGen is pleased to announce the release of data sets for Paizo Publishing's Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Paths!

Data Sets in this release include Rise of the Runelords chapters 2 through 6, "The Skinsaw Murders", "The Hook Mountain Massacre", "Fortress of the Stone Giants", "Sins of the Saviors", and "Spires of Xin-Shalast", and Curse of the Crimson Throne Players Guide and chapters 1 and 2, "Edge of Anarchy" and "Seven Days to the Grave".

These data sets are compatible with the latest stable version of PCGen, v5.14.1, and are available for immediate download from PCGen's download page here:


You will find the release notes here:

https://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?group_id=25576&release_id =618495

PCGen is an Open-Source RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 systems). All datafiles are ASCII text files so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns. For more information about PCGen, join us at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen/ or visit our website at http://pcgen.sourceforge.net and wiki at http://www.pcgen-test.org/wiki.

PCGen Team