About Noya Aurora Evangeline BridgetName: Noya Aurora Evangeline Bridgette
Stats*: 12,15,12,13,12,15
Hit Points: 39/39
Melee: 6
+6 Longsword 1d8
AC: 19:14:15 Skills:
Paladin=2+INT = 2 + 1 + FC = 4
Brawler = 4+INT = 5 ACP = -1 //Armour Check Penalty *Acrobatics: 6 = 1 + DEX Mod + 3 - ACP; Appraise: 1 = 0 + INT Mod + 0; Bluff: 4 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0 +2(ST); *Climb: 1 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP; *Craft: 1 = 0 + INT Mod + 0; *Diplomacy: 12 = 5 + CHA Mod + 3 +2(ST); Disable Device: NA = NA + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; Disguise: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; *Escape Artist: 2 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; *Handle Animal: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; *Heal: 1 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0; *Intimidate: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; Know(Arcane): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; *Know(Dung): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; Know(Engin): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; Know(Geo): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; *Know(Hist): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; Know(Local): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; Know(Nature): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; *Know(Noble): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; Know(Planes): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0 +3(SF); *Know(Religion): 5 = 1 + INT Mod + 3; Linguistics: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; *Perception: 11 = 5 + WIS Mod + 3 +2(Alert); *Perform (Sing): 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; *Profession(Barmaid): 1 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0; *Ride: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; *Sense Motive: 11 = 5 + WIS Mod + 3 +2(Alert); Sleight of Hand: NA = NA + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; *Spell Craft: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; *Stealth: 10 = 4 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP; *Survival: 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0 +1 (trait); *Swim: 5 = 1 + STR Mod + 3 -ACP; Use Magical Device: NA = NA + CHA Mod + 0; Class features, Feats, Traits and Racial Traits:
Prof: weapons: Simple + Martial + Monk Armour: All Class features:
Brawler Bonus Feats
Racial Traits:
AC, Saves, Attacks:
AC: Armoured AC: 19 = 10 + 3(Armour) +3(Dex) +1(Dodge) +2(Nat); Touch: 14 = 10 +3(Dex) + 1(Dodge); Flat: 15 = 10 + 3(Armour) +2(Nat); Saves: (Pal + Brawl)
Weapons: (15 + 5) Longsword (1d8 19-20 X2, S) 4 Cestus (1d4 19-20 X2, B or P) 1 mw Mithral short sword (1d6 19-20 X2, P) 1 +1 Cold Iron Ransaur (2d4 19-20 X2, ?) --Weight:6 Armour:(20gp)
Potions/ Alchemical:
Weight Total:41
Bibic Is loaned 400go from Noya
Physical Description You see what appears to be an Ulfen Woman of about 6 foot 3. She has inherited comely features and has a toned buxom and curvy build with pale skin, But her face is beautiful with blue eyes and long Platinum Blonde Hair in a braid that starts at the base of the skull and ends near her waist. Peasant Clothing on
Data and Background:
Job: ?? Likes: Humour, Good deeds, Honour, Redemption, Dislikes: Evil, undead, Dishonourable conduct, and people looking at her with lecherous eyes. Favorite foods: Meats, potatoes, eggs, Milk, Honey, syrup, Fish, alcohol Hobbies: Sewing, Singing, prayer, preaching, exercise Background:
Valeria, a paladin of Falayna taught her arms and armour, survival basics and certain morals.
During her childhood she had no problem with her peers. Valeria found her a good archer and good with armour, Astrid found her a beautiful social butterfly, and David found her just keeping up with the physical exercises and unarmed training, but Noya had faith in people and knew it would be put to the test later in life.
Most of Astrid's female students grew jealous of Noya's beautiful figure, while the male students grew leecherous. And while they were taught about physical beauty seems they needed training on inner beauty as well.
When she turned 17 she decide to leave her home and join the Pathfinders, with a letter of recommendation from David and her other masters she got in with few difficulties.
Leveling Data:
Feat Order: SF(Survival) Angelic Blood Superiour Unarmed strike at level 5 Armour of the Pit EH(Orc) ------------------- ->EH,I(STR) Angelic Skin ->Angelic Wings ->EH,G() (REM)Fiend Sight