Fire Giant

Nova-Head's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


The Exchange

I understand where your coming from, I am the sole DM for my group and the only other that would DM probably wouldn't be super great as he would just let us all walk over him(or his world)....

But anyways I have had the "I want to be a player..." blues and to solve this I alway play an npc in my game, this can be super fun, at least for me cause I have no problem not meta-gaming cause of my ocd of theatrics about playing true to a concept character ^_^ (As a side dm note playing a party npc you can hook the party with any adventure hook EVER even if its NPC: Hey guys look a dungeon!I'm going in to search around!)

The Exchange

In my ongoing Rise of the Runelords, I yelled from another room "what do you want to be?" and we ended up with two rogues, one combat one skill, two fighters one finesse one brute a ranger who doesn't like using his bow and a paladin that is better suited to be a wizard. needless to say after a few sessions (two) Mr.NPC Cleric joined the party, he's going to be a key feature and story character, but for now hes the party heal bot cause if they didn't have one (the paladin won't heal on principle, he sees others that need healing weak)

Now this is for the group I DM for, the group I play in we have no cleric and seem to do fine with a (Rogue, Ranger, Rogue/Wizard, Fighter/Ranger and a Wizard/Fighter) So it might be my DMing but my group usually NEEDS a cleric and only one person doesn't mind being a cleric. I was thinking of making it a round robin character XD just so they get a glimpse of being a cleric.