Norren |

So, I'm playing a Gun using Wizard in a level 8 party (I'm built as a Gish using Abjurant Champion as my PrC, so I have CL 5 and 6 BAB) and the DM allowed advanced firearm rules, giving me a Pepperbox rifle and when all feats tally up, some nice damage, rolling around 60 to 70 DPT basically every turn, as long as there's something for me to shoot within 30 feet. (Focused shot on a 26 int is lovely.)
Unfortunately, the DM's looking at me thinking he needs to nerf me because my damage is disproportionately high. (and I sort of soloed a CR 13 last session) I've both told him to stop letting me get within 30 feet so my damage goes down, and I'm already looking through ways to nerf myself without crippling my build in the long run (mostly by redoing my feats so my bigger bonuses come later), but I'm worried that just reducing myself down isn't going to help:
- We have one player who's Duelist build averages 0 damage
- Our Longbow Fighter is built exclusively for ranged and has spent the last 3 encounters in melee. (in fairness, one encounter was because he tempted fate and a CR13 single mob encounter grappled him in a surprise round while he was climbing... the rest I dunno what's going on.)
- There's one more player who's playing a Divine Trickster (Sniper Rogue 3, Cleric 3, Trickster 2) that's just on an unbelievable string of bad luck with his damage rolls, he's done less than half his average the entire campaign, one turn he hit with both attacks with a revolver (silencing oil'd), from stealth, making iterative stealth checks against the -20 penalty, and did 8 damage. All ones.
- Our dedicated caster just falls asleep at the table and can't be woken up.
Usually, our party is optimized for damage, so... I'm not really sure what's going on. I feel like something is wrong besides my lawful evil Gunmage invoking "shoot first, speak with dead later".