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wraithstrike wrote:
You forgot Rogue talent and Hellcat Stealth. I'm sure there are more. Anyway, here's how I see it: * You can hide while in plain sight as part of movement even while observed (Go ahead and debate if senses other than vision apply).
Disagree? This URL has more info. ![]()
[]Sure a Kitsune isn't a numbers perfect race for a war priest Don't underestimate Kitsune. Humans do get a feat which is awesome in any build but Kitsunes has access to one of the few ways for a character to get a pounce effect. IMHO, kitsune swashbuckler is one of the most powerful ways to build such a class. ![]()
Myrryr wrote: You can now only keep a character from casting a spell by knocking them unconscious, killing them, or having them stuck inside of an anti-magic field. Nothing else prevents casting. uhm, a regular AoO should knock the spell away right? page 331: "Normally, you can concentrate even in a distracting situation, but if you’re casting a spell and you take damage from either a successful attack that targeted your AC or from an effect that you failed a saving throw against, the spell fails."some other considerations: caster level now stack when multiclassing between different types of caster. targetted dispel magic must be named (so you can't really dispel unknown effects anymore). casting no longer has spell components (but really powerful effects such as raise dead still has a cost but not wish). detect magic no longer reveal school of the spell for example no; "glowing with strong abjuration". fly is no longer a third level spell but instead a variable 1-6 level spell. haste no longer provide an extra attack but instead an extra move action when doing a full action (so quite nerfed). knock no longer auto-open locks but instead require a caster level check vs lock/doors DC. no spells damage scale anymore, they are all fixed (for better or worse, magic missile for example is tremendously more powerful at level 1 and can deal up to 3d4+3). infact spells overall seems to be equal or better than similar level weapons. In pathfinder melee/bow damage often outscaled spells it doesn't seem to be the case anymore. mirror image is slightly nerfed, 1d4 images instead of 1d4+lvl/3. raise dead/reincarnate behaves slightly different from before so re-read those rules. restoration no longer cost money (instead resolve). pathfinder has detailed rules regarding attended/unattended objects but sometimes they got quite fuzzy and unclear (which messed up newer classes such as aether kineticists), starfinder doesn't really explain the requirements when an object is unattended or not so GMs should just use common sense here. ![]()
Son of the Veterinarian wrote:
A few things. MT is still bad - very bad but it's slowly getting there. MT need a way to enter mystic theurge earlier and/or a way to continue +1 wizard/+1 cleric spellprogression after level 10. Here's a few things to keep in mind for Mystic Theurge. Traits:
Suggested Classes:
Spellprogression with one class that has -1 spell level (sorcerer, arcanist etc. Cleric or wizard as "main" is interchangable).
Spellprogression with maximal spell levels (wizard, cleric/oracle).
About Holur BlackhandDruid 1
Init +5; Senses: Dark vision 60ft.; Perception +2
HP 17 (+8 favored, +1 Con)
Base Atk +0; CMB +3 Special Qualities:
Character Traits
Deft Dodger
belt pouch
Animal Companion: Wolf (Maiiengan)