Noodlekeeper's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Trashloot wrote:
We need better rules for damaging terrain. I want to blow up a door with a grenade or rocket launcher. I want to destroy cover the same way.
moosher12 wrote:
Valid, in agreement here.

I have to agree. This could easily be fixed by just adding a keyword to those weapons that lets them do significant bonus damage to structures.

During our play through of the Dead Suns Adventure Path, our operative rolled a crit on a creature while we were in a vacuum. Now, we checked the book to see if Burning would work while in said vacuum, and the book says nothing.
So, I would like to know peoples opinions on how this might work. To continue the campaign, we decided that rolling 1d4 to determine how many rounds it lasts, but I'm just not sure if that is balanced or not.

Air0r wrote:
does any of this allow you to put shield enchantments on your gauntlets?

Yes, the Shielding Fist class feature says so. "At 1st level, so long as the monk of the silver fist is wearing gauntlets, he gains a +1 shield bonus to his AC, and treats his gauntlets as bucklers in addition to their normal effects.". Since bucklers can get shield enchantments, so can gauntlets and gauntlet type weapons.

Selvaxri wrote:

sounds like your trying to make a Dune Drifter variant.

Getting the "Natural Grit" so late in the game may hinder the idea more than you think.

I put Natural Grit in the same spot as "Holy Grit" from the Holy Gun archetype. That's why I placed it there, and before that point I would have 4 deeds and 1 point, so I would have to tactically think about what I want to do.

Entryhazard wrote:
Trophy Hunter might be the archetype you're looking for.

No, the thing I am specifically going for is having a gun to start with, and having grit points.

My GM's are starting up a new Pure Steam based campaign set in North America during the Gold Rush era. I am playing a Ranger, and I am working on making an archetype for using guns and wanted to see what people thought about it, or if they had any suggestions.

Have Gun:
At 1st level, the Gunner gains the Amateur Gunslinger feat and Gunsmithing as bonus feats. She also gains a battered gun identical to the one gained by the Gunslinger.
This ability replaces Wild Empathy

Will Travel:
Starting at 4th lvl, and every 3 lvls after, the Gunner can select one Deed from the Gunslinger deeds list. The Gunner must meet the level requirement for deeds selected.
This ability replaces Spells

Natural Grit:
Starting at 11th lvl, the Gunner gains a pool of Grit equal to their Wisdom Modifier per day + the number of deeds she has. She can regain her grit as normal, but it can not exceed this maximum.
This ability replaces Quarry and Improved Quarry.

Mumford & Anson has not participated in any online campaigns.