Does the player make all decisions related to monster advancement when attuning their Guardian Spirit to a new spell? Feats, skills, ability increases, languages, etc? If so, are there any restrictions (beside listed prerequisites) on which feats may be taken?
Also, a weirder side question: Might size change be considered one of those choices? The Monster Advancement rules *suggest* a size increase at every +50% HP, which I guess would be at SMIV and every two spell levels afterward. I realize the imp example is still Tiny, but the MA rules imply that it might be optional. I also realize the Guardian Spirit rules don't mention size, but they also don't mention languages and the example has gained one.
Neophyte here, so I apologize if I missed something obvious or if this isn't the right forum. Been banging my head on this feat for two weeks, now. I'm enjoying the book. Thanks to anyone who can clear this up for me.