Nivlin Catbag's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

This is my first post and I wanted to use it to talk about a multi-class I have been brewing up for a few days now. The aim of this leveling was to make something close to a 2-handed barbarian that could blink in and out of combat. I feel I hit the mark, but I want to see what I may have overlooked. At the same time putting the spotlight at a double dipped class that is a blast to play.

Looking at it from level one. I start play with one level in "Blade Adept Arcanist" taking the "Sword Bond" ability with a bastard sword. This ability gives me the proficiency with the weapon I have chosen. giving me the feat exotic weapon proficiency Bastard sword, and it also gives me a Master Work Bastard sword to boot. The feat allows me to hold my weapon one handed, but I chose to build barbarian vmc so holding it 2-handed is what is going to give me the best attack rolls. As for a first level Feat I like Extra Arcanist Exploit (Dimensional Slide) because our archetype replaces the first and third level exploit, and Dimensional Slide is the bred and butter of this build.

Second level is the only level of fighter I take letting me hit a requirement for the Eldritch Knight I build into.

After that from level 3-7 it is Arcanist levels letting me build up the Slide distance on Dimensional Slide to 60 feet at CL 7. With this in place I can be in full plate and as a 5-foot step move 60 feet into range of my enemy for a full round attack..... but it is lack luster single attack. Don't get me wrong though at level 3 I also pick up the barbarian ability to rage, and I'm packing a 2-handed weapon so that may only be one attack at level 7 but it is going to hurt.

Now at level 8 I now hit the Eldritch Knight prestige class. This is a class that fixes my patchwork class form a 1/2 BAB to a 3/4 BAB. To fix the BAB I could also just level as a fighter and get armor and weapon buffs but I like E.K. because it gives me my spells, and boosts my BAB too.

Now level 18-20 I go back to leveling as an Arcanist just to fill out my spell book to 9th level spells. I guess an extra 30 feet of jump distance is good too.

My final product at level 20 has (BAB 15) (Saves 10f/6r/9w) (9 Feats) (Spells per day 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/4/2)

Feats to think about wit this are
-Extra Arcanist Exploit
-power attack
-Weapon Focus Bastard Sword

Final Notes
-As an Arcanist I can still Dimensional slide when in rage because it isn't an Cha. Wis. or Int. based skill. It is a move action that requires one point from your arcane reservoir.
-taking out the barbarian VMC gives me 5 extra feats that can be used for the Dimensional feats; that are also a ton of fun. I chose to shy away from them on this build because I built Heavy Armor and having to cast spells was not something I wanted to do in the plot of my DM's Story.
-I wanted to make more of a skeleton for people to play with than a strict build path but you don't get much room with this many classes.