Nisha Revanis's page

5 posts. Organized Play character for Rixius.


Grand Lodge 2/5

CRobledo wrote:

Kobolds fall into the same bucket as Goblins in golarion. They just don't fit the campaign and the Golarion lore. Neither would have any motivation to join up with the pathfinders and explore the world for ancient relics and treasures. Goblins are wholly evil (which PCs are not allowed to be) and Kobolds are viewed by not much more than pests and vermin in most lands.

Both are great and fun in your homegames, but leave them there. Anytime I play in a homegame, I pretty much play something I will never do in society.

Goblins I understand, wholly evil little buggers who would hate to have to "cooperate" assuming they understand what that means.

But Kobolds as a society cooperate, and work together, and are only so often evil because the evil masters are really the only ones who will give them the chance to be useful. Just because a race is widely regarded as pests and weak does not make them unfit for the Society. A powerful, adventurous Kobold who can withstand the troubles of fighting and even potentially the painful diplomacy bull-crap should be allowed in the Society. If I had to pick a race to add a boon to, I'd say it should be Kobolds. I mean, Wayangs, Nagaji? Dhampir? Tieflings? all of those seem less likely to maintain a quality reputation in an organization such as the Society than a Kobold.

Grand Lodge

While I have just recently established my name in the Pathfinder Society, and as such, in your favor, I will do whatever it takes to get to the bottom of whoever has been attempting to benefit from the harm and pain of our amazing Pathfinders. Whether it is the rogue Shadow Lodge "Members", the Aspis Consortium, or the sneaky Decimverate, I will not rest until my peers are safe, and we are adequately thanked for the effort we exert for the Society.

Thank you for accepting me,
Nisha Revanis

Grand Lodge 2/5

Jack-of-Blades wrote:
Oh, I'm with ya there. If ever a Kobold boon is created and crosses my path, I will make my Dirty Trick fighting kobold duelist. He'll cut your belt to trip you with your pants, then kick sand in your eyes. All while cackling gleefully and taunting you. Because, yeah.

I would have to make either an Alchemist(because Bombs and Traps are Totally the same thing) or a Dragon-Blooded Sorcerer, because I'd be flying around without a care in the world, with my Scarlet Scaled Wings of Doom™ :D

Grand Lodge 2/5

Jack-of-Blades wrote:
Nisha Revanis wrote:

As a Gm and a Player that just started this last weekend doing Society stuff, I do have to say that the "Race Boon" system was one of the things that bothered me about the Society in general. I like making Elves Rogues, and Gnome Alchemists, But I also like Sylphs Druids, and Kobold Sorcerers(Who aren't even available in Boon-form)

I can understand the reason they do it, but opening 3 races this year, including two insane powerhouses as Tiefling and Aasmir with their books, does set the stage for them allowing you access to a better selection.

Perhaps, yes. However, considering they just opened up those races after they'd been boons for as long as they had, I wouldn't expect the floodgates to suddenly spring open to allow all the other races to be open to everyone. Give it time.

Most certainly, I wasn't implying that they need to in any way change this in any near time. The Boon system is really great for drawing in crowds to large events, it's just unfortunate for people that cannot attend such events, due to time restrictions, monetary issues, or any other reason.

It's also unfortunate that there are no Kobold Boons... Why is there no love for the Little Dragon-Men. It's such a pathetically weak race, but I Love love love them so much, I have since DnD 3.0 TT.TT

Grand Lodge 2/5

As a Gm and a Player that just started this last weekend doing Society stuff, I do have to say that the "Race Boon" system was one of the things that bothered me about the Society in general. I like making Elves Rogues, and Gnome Alchemists, But I also like Sylphs Druids, and Kobold Sorcerers(Who aren't even available in Boon-form)

I can understand the reason they do it, but opening 3 races this year, including two insane powerhouses as Tiefling and Aasmir with their books, does set the stage for them allowing you access to a better selection.