The Expansionist

Nightfiend's page

Organized Play Member. 191 posts (6,270 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 10 Organized Play characters. 14 aliases.

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Recruitment Teaser - The Rusty Flagon Inn:
The Rusty Flagon Inn, known by the locals as the Red Room, got its name do to its rich cedar trim that lines the building’s interior. At night, when the place is illuminated, the walls take on a deep crimson hue that reflects heavily off the water that surrounds Magnimar’s docks. Over the years, the establishment has fallen on hard times and has since deteriorated, leaving only its unique interior as a testament of its glory days. To this day, the inn’s crimson light still shines into the bay giving it a warm and inviting feel.

Over the last year, the Pathfinder Society has begun renovating the Inn, rendering its seaside view open to the elements. Its recently constructed roof now sits halfway between the remains of the building and a series of reinforced pylons that allow it to serve as a patio that leads deep into the inn's cozy interior. Although the establishment is currently under construction, it remains open to the public and ready to serve.

The relentless rain beats down on the old planks that make up Magnimar’s docks. Meanwhile, streaks of color occasionally flicker in the distance as the rain cascades past a series of covered lanterns that light the dock’s walkway. Curled up next to a large hearth, that runs the length of the Flagon’s patio, sits a young woman holding an old leather-bound book. Its bindings, riddled with deep tears and darkened spots, testifies to the texts true age. While nestled tightly in her arms, the light from the hearth’s fire allows for only a quick glimpse of the book's exterior declaration. “The Pathfinder’s Ledger,” flashes into view as the flames dance quickly about causing the room's illumination to shift. The woman sits quietly, watching the rain, as a large ship drifts slowly towards the docks. Before long, heavy wooden planks drop from the ship’s deck and land firmly onto the dock’s ridged surface. Without hesitation, a number of the ship’s hands leap from the side of the ship and begin securing it.

From deep within the Flagon’s dimly lit interior, a shaky voice interrupts the silence. “Sheila, that’s the third boat of adventures tonight. Are you sure were ready for this?” The old voice asks, just before fading back into the darkness. In response, the young woman shifts and then glances back into the inn’s main room. “More than ready. I have enough requests here to keep them occupied for a long, long time. We should probably get things ready. I doubt this group will be able to secure lodging for the night.” After taking a moment to enjoy the last of the night's peace, she gets up and moves back into the "RUSTY FLAGON INN".

Introduction: Over the course of a week, the Dockway district of Magnimar has erupted with a massive influx of traffic from all across Golarion. Adventurers, both fare and wide, have made the voyage to the city of monuments in order to seek their fortune. Until now, most adventurers have had to root out prospects or stumble across a fortunate opportunity. Now, thanks to the Pathfinder Society, a more organized method of locating employment is at hand. The word is out, and much like yourself, adventures have answered the call in a big way. Standing before you, adventurers of every description gather outside a partially reconstructed inn. The inn, which boarders Magnimar’s main dock, is currently roped off with a long, thick, mooring line. It’s over extended patio, stretches fifty feet beyond its open dining room. Behind the rope, a large hearth runs the full length of the inn’s patio, which ends just before reaching the dock. Situated to either side of the hearth, sits multiple circular tables surrounded by a variety of hardwood chairs. Deep within the building’s main room, a rugged looking bar extends from one of its walls, creating a squared off area next to a carpeted stairway that leads up into the buildings resting quarters. The hearth’s fire, blistering with warmth as it dances around a well-crafted slate exterior, causes the building’s rich cedar walls to reflect a crimson hue that extends into the bay. Not far away, a woman stands before a rod iron podium that is set off to one side of the inn’s bar. She seems preoccupied with a large leather-bound book that is laid out across the podium. While ignoring the massive gather, she continues to read page after page.

Along the docks, adventures gather in anticipation of the inn’s opening. Conversations begin to take shape as topics of dungeons, crypts, and tombs are commonly spoken of. Boasting about skill and experience melds into a chorus of voices as individuals clearly make attempts to impress more experienced groups. Among the melding of voices you manage to pick up a bit or two about what’s taking place.

Off to one side of you, a young man wearing a crude set of armor, says something about “signing up for a group,” to someone in the crowed. While making your way through the crowed, and closer to the inn, a dark-haired woman wearing a thin, low-cut dress, converses with her rat familiar. “Only a recognized group will be allowed to sit at a table,” she mentions to the rat. After making it all the way to the rope, you stand comfortable close to the hearth. Somewhere between the rain and the mixed conversations you overhear a group of heavily armed men talking. “The tables are going to have first crack at the loot,” one says to other.

Before long a young boy, probably sixteen years of age, steps out of the inn and begins removing the rope that separates the establishment from the public. It doesn’t take long before random individuals begin taking seats at the tables. It takes even less time for the establishment’s muscle to extract the individuals from those seats. Eventually, the tables begin to fill with what looks like more experienced adventuring groups. The only thing you can see, that sets them apart, is the fact that they are united and sit at the table together. When approached by the proprietor and asked if they are a group, their response is an unequivocal, “yes.”

Table after table the room begins to fill. Soon, all but one of the tables become occupied. In desperation, adventures everywhere begin to look around the room in a last ditch effort to join a group. Glancing from one to the other for any sign of acceptance. Any, last minute indication that a group would be willing to take them in. In the heat of the moment, you notice an adventurer look your way and nod. Soon another random adventurer looks over at you and nods, and then another. Eventually, you and a bunch of random adventurers lunge for the last table. Moments after you take a seat, the inn’s elderly proprietor makes his way over. “Are you an adventuring group?” He asks in a cracking uneven tone.

Welcome to the Rusty Flagon Inn. The table now seats the six of you. Please feel free to describe and introduce yourselves in a way that doesn’t give away the fact that you’re not an existing group.

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Welcome to the Rusty Flagon Inn!

I would like welcome everyone to the game and thank you for applying. If there are any questions, please feel free to ask. I generally post between 2:00 PM PST to 12:00 AM PST.

I wanted to take this opportunity to go over a few things before we get started. I would request that introductions and descriptions be saved for gameplay. I have something set up for everyone to get the ball rolling.

Maps: I will be using google slides for maps and google drive for images. I realize a lot of players enjoy playing from their phone, or from work, where access to maps can be a bit of a challenge. If for some reason you can’t access the map and would like someone to adjust your token, simply post something to that effect in the discussion thread.

Absences: If you need to take an absence for more than a couple days, please let us know and I will BOT you if it becomes required.

Knowledge Checks: When an encounter presents a creature that invokes a knowledge check, I will post a set of three DC’s. The first, which will be set at the minimum necessary to identify the creature, will include what it is and possibly something about it. The second will be set 5 above the first, which will include all special qualities, special attacks, and special defenses, etc. The third, which will be set 10 above the minimum, will impart a +1-circumstance bonus to the group’s attack and damage vs. that creature. The bonus is for that specific encounter and will end once the encounter is over. For every 5 beyond the 10, another +1 will be applied. This is a circumstance bonus that does not stack with multiple knowledge checks. In order to streamline things, I will make the assumption that all information is distributed once the DC is hit. That means all characters will immediately benefit from the knowledge check no matter who made it. Hopefully this will add extra value to the Knowledge skills.

XP: Because the game has the potential to move in and out of content, levels will be awarded based on progression and not XP. Because of that, I added the Hero Points system to the game, which will be awarded as character’s complete missions and accomplish meaningful objectives throughout the game.

OOC: I prefer OOC commentary to be posted in the discussion tab. Small questions or quick commentary can be posted in game play as long as they’re not overly long.

Role-play: After going over everyone’s character, game play history, and posts, I have determined that many of you are very experienced in not only game mastery, but roleplay in general. So, this next part might not be necessary, but I want to cover it just in case it helps in some way. (IC) cometary is NOT meant to hurt anyone’s feelings. It is simply a player acting out how they feel their character would react to things. Please do not get offended by a vigorous character interaction. I surmise this game will have some strong role-playing with a multitude of spicy personalities, which has the potential to invoke feelings. If you feel like something is offensive or it bothers you in some way, please post something in the discussion tab. Give the other player a chance to explain their character’s reaction before judging the commentary.

Material: I have a wide range of material available for this game. Without knowing everyone’s content experience, it is possible that the group sets out on a quest that a player has already experienced. I’m ok with this as long as the player can separate their character’s knowledge from their own. In addition, it’s ok for the group to change direction on the fly. There is no hardline here. You can complete a quest or abandon it at any time, assuming it is physically possible. I also wanted to mention, in the mix of the content, I have added a few (PFS-1) scenarios. If you would prefer not to experience that content in this format, let me know and I will remove it.

Employees: If your character has employment at the Rusty Flagon Inn in their background, on the introduction night, your character is off duty and visiting the establishment on their own accord. You are aware that the establishment is currently being renovated by the Pathfinder Society and that the society is intending to have a large recruitment on that particular night. You are also aware that extra muscle was brought in to keep the tables clear for establish adventuring groups. At one point you overheard that there is supposed to be some sort of sign up to be assigned a group, which is what sparked your curiosity. Putting two and two together you have also determined that the society’s vested interest in the Rusty Flagon Inn is, in some small way, being sponsored by the church of Cayden Cailean.

Please review your character at this time. Finish off anything that needs to be completed. Discus the group’s dynamic and make any adjustments you feel is prudent. Fair warning: I generally run with, “If it’s not on your sheet, you character doesn’t have It,” cause and effect. Once you feel your character is complete, go ahead and read through the introduction on the gameplay thread and then post freely.

Again, thank you for playing. I’m looking forward to a fun and exciting game for everyone.

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Times have been troubling across Golarion since the death of Aroden. The Eye of Abendego has taken a hefty toll across the western coast, which has induced powerful stormfronts everywhere. Further north, The World Wound’s chaos has spread, posing an immediate threat to all living things. The fourth Mendevian Crusade has recently come to anticlimactic end with rumors about a fifth Crusade quickly becoming the topic of the day. Inspired by the depletion of the world’s defenses, chaos and evil have taken a stronger foothold, leaving a wake of problems in their path. Cities, being freshly depleted of their military, have been forced to take a backseat approach to most complaints. In response, The Pathfinder Society doubles down on its independent recruitment of mercenaries and adventurers. A newly acquired alehouse, residing in Magnimar’s Dockway District, becomes the society’s primary hub for contracting. Requests, both fare and wide, are now channeled through that hub and then distributed amongst a variety of independent adventures from all over.

This recruitment is for a sandbox style (PF1) campaign, which will seat 4-6 players. The campaign is setup to evolve based on the choices made by the players throughout the game. The campaign will feature optional content that varies between something as simple as a one-off quest, to a longer more committed AP. I have set aside a number of modules ranging from older AD&D content, to more current Pathfinder scenarios. I have worked those into the campaign alongside a series of in-depth AP’s. The goal is to present a number of optional paths for the player instead of relying heavily upon a predetermined linear one.

Year: The Year is 4712 AR, “The Age of The Lost Omen”.
Starting Location: Golarion, Southern Varisia, Magnimar, The Dockway District, The Rusty Flagon Inn.
Starting level: 1st
Starting Stats: 25-point buy.
Starting Gold: Max.
Races: Basic races plus Aasimar or Tiefling.
Traits: (2) None-campaign traits.
Skills: Background skills are in play.
Hero Point: Begin play with (1)
Posting Rate: Once a day.
Recruitment: Closes January 25th, 2023, at 10:00 PM PST

Content: Core Rule Book, Advanced Players Guide, Advanced Class Guide, Pathfinder Unchained, Ultimate Campaign, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, and Ultimate Magic. Note: If a character concept falls outside these resources, I’m open for discussion, but reserve the right to decline.

Background: Include the character's motivation for being an adventurer or the primary reason why they would be part of a mercenary / adventuring group. Also include where they are from.

Personality: I realize that many times a character’s personality is developed while in-play. As such, their personality is subject to change as the game progresses. Include a basic perspective on how you envision your character’s personality from day one.

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I’m checking to see if there is any interest in a sandbox style (PF1) campaign. I will be considering a group of 4-6 players, who will begin an adventure starting at first level. In this campaign the quest line will evolve based on what quests the group decides to take part in. I intend to arrange multiple hooks that could bring the group down a network of different content. One choice may send them into a long and committed (AP), whereas a different choice would bring about a series of stand-alone modules. What quests the group decides on will set the wheels in motion and solidify their path. If you are interested in a more flexible campaign and feel that you can commit to a game that may run for quite some time, post your interest here.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome to Destiny’s Call

It’s been two days since the dream shook you from your sleep. Its memory lingers in your thoughts like a ghostly replay of events. The cube seemed so real with its flawless shape, yet it vanished into nothingness as quickly as it came. The room full of antiquities still remains a mystery, even though you know that the dream was nothing more than an uncontrollable outburst of thought. You ponder about the dream as though it might have had some deeper meaning, but find yourself lost in its mystery. Before long you feel a cool breeze brush up against your face, which swiftly brings you back to reality. Back to the here and now.


Berta Lighthammer wrote:
Berta was shocked by Ingra's words for two reasons. First, she'd told no one of what happened with the arrow that night. Second, Ingra had never before told Berta of her clan name. For the past ten years, she had been Berta Far-Spear, thanks to the incident with the tent pole. Now she was of two names, and truly of two worlds. With tumultuous emotions, she left for Kaer Maga and her destiny.

The thunderous forges of the Dwarven Sky Citadel echoed through its labyrinth like a smoldering heartbeat. The smell of smelting iron and churned soil identifies strongly with the city’s deep-rooted Dwarven history. Being one of the few Sky Citadels still employed by its original founders, Janderhoff serves as a testimony to the Dwarven people’s mastery in both architecture and engineering.

It is here that Berta’s story begins.

The track from Janderhoff to Kaer Maga would prove to be a dubious one to say the least. It took Berta less than a day to find a Dwarven caravan willing to accommodate her passage in exchange for a little help defending its wears. By the following day both Berta and the caravan were ready to disembark.

A strong northern wind continuously beat down on the caravan’s overhead tarps like a continuous drum roll. The rustling of the wagon canvas’s blended in with the sound of its heavy wooden wheels as they made their way down the worked cobblestone streets of Janderhoff. The sound reverberated as it echoed off the city’s massive iron curtain walls and down its hewed tunnels. Berta watched as the caravan made its way through the city’s many crafting halls and onto the trade route to Kaer Maga.

No more than an hour into the trip, the caravan was approached by four Shoanti warriors on horseback. The small group of warriors seemed distressed as they rode towards the caravan with hast. Upon spotting the Shoanti, the caravan leader called for the wagons to stop.

It didn’t take long for the riders to close the distance on the caravan and approach its lead wagon. After a few moments the lead wagon’s driver points the four warriors in your direction. As the warriors approached your wagon you realized that you’ve seen two of them before. Although you don’t know them personally, you have seen them in passing on more than one occasion. The largest of the warriors urges his horse forward and presents you with a blood covered shirt. “I am Grissm of the Sklar-Quah. The Shoanti were raided last night from the Mindspin Mountains. Bands of orc’s have taken many of our people, including Lurks-in-Light and Two Stars.” You look at the blood covered shirt and recognize it as belonging to Lurks-in-Light. Grissm urges his horse a little closer and then continues. “We have picked up their trail, but need more warriors to pursue them. Even though you are a dwarf, I have seen you among our people, and I recognize you as Shoanti. Will you fight to free our people?” He exclaims while urging his horse back in line with the other three warriors.

The wagon driver looks over at you with concern and then shrugs. “Aye lass, are ye heading to Caer Maga or staying behind?”


Caro wrote:
Since that event, Caro has been travelling from city to city, attempting to gather samples and continue her research as she can, while supporting herself by selling healing potions and extracts and signing on with adventuring parties to supplement her income. She has discovered that her knowledge of anatomy and ability to create extracts and mutagens has much use outside of just the research world, but her goal is to find a place where she can establish a new lab and continue her research in order to ultimately create a new hybrid humanoid vastly superior to the existing races.

Each night the gloom of Ustalav bellows forth like a relentless plague. Shadowed movements lurk in every building recess and every corner window, while looming clouds slowly part enough to allow the pale moonlight to peer down upon the city of Caliphas. A city of majesty and history. A city that stands tall among the dark vales of Ustalav. Even with its elegance and doctrine, it submits to the dark gloom that takes hold of the region each night.

It is here that Caro’s story begins.

Over the last few months you has been traveling across Ustalav looking for a suitable dwelling for your experiment. You recognize that creating a new life form is no small endeavor and it would not likely be accepted by any community. You also know that, because of the unique nature of Ustalav, finding a deserted out of the way location, shouldn’t be too difficult. The only real challenge is the fact that most dwellings, vacant of ownership, are generally overrun by undesirable and potentially deadly squatters. In your travels you have witnessed things ranging from walking lifeless corpses to exiled humanoids taking up refuge in such places. Even local thugs, who deal in undesirable trades, seem to be in no small demand. Place after place, you have searched the land with little success. In fact, the last location you approached was inhabited by a less than friendly owlbear, who sent you running for your life. It was only by sheer luck that you managed to circumvent the beast. Ultimately, you came to the conclusion that you would need a little muscle to secure such a place, or at least the funds necessary to buy one. This has brought you to Caliphas, the capitol city of Ustalav, in search of opportunity.

A cold night embraced the city of Caliphas, which caused a chill to run down your arm. A thick blanket of fog shrouded the city in what seemed like a habitual layer of never ending gloom. Having just climbed down from a merchant wagon, you recollect that this is the first time you have ever set foot in the capital city. You watch as a light breeze carries a handful of leaves under the wagon’s carriage. Soon you wave to the wagon’s driver, letting him know you have safely exited the coach. Shortly after your wave, the wagon pulls away and blends into the relentless fog.

The streets of Caliphas appear to be void of life, which seemed to be the case with most places you have visited. From your experience, the people of Ustalav are untrusting and skittish. It generally takes a few days to get to know any of the locals. Unlike the other locations, Caliphas feels extremely different. You look around for a moment and catch sight of movement in a few vacant windows. You have little doubt that you are being watched. You also notice that many of the commercial buildings are sitting behind darkened, unoccupied windows. The lack of activity, in such a large city, leaves you feeling a little concerned.

After taking stock of the area you observe a couple commercial buildings still open for business. The city’s docks are also active with workers responding to currently moored ships. Just in front of the docks you see a general store named, The Silver Talon General Store, a rundown tavern with a broken sign that reads, “Flanagan’s Grain and Grog”, and a side shop with a crystal ball displayed on its front door. The sign hanging on the shop’s door reads, “The Looking Glass”. Aside from those three buildings you can hear door chimes echoing through the fog, which leads you to believe that other shops are still open, but hidden behind the fog.


Haddek wrote:

As I moved from town to town, I eventually made my way to Sothis and, out of necessity, fell in with a group of thieves.

After a while I got back in touch with my old contacts from the world of hired blades. I had learned quickly that there's money to be made in that business, especially with my set of skills; getting into and out of impossible places costs more than just another sword hand. If I'm an independent contractor I don't have to take the more distasteful jobs - I'm not above slitting a throat or two, but it's not my first choice if I have other options.

The Capitol City of Sothis has seen better days. The attraction of its giant beetle husk has slowly waned, causing a small decrease in the city’s tourist market. To make matters worse, a dry storm has recently presented itself, which caused a noticeably downward influx to the city’s import and export trade. Even with the city’s recent economy, the Eyes of Sothis has managed to maintain a steady level of order in all sixteen districts. With the River Sphinx now unsteady, only the truly desperate dare to make use of the city’s ports.

It is here that Haddek’s story begins.

A dry breeze shifts a small amount of sand across your path as you make your way to the city’s docks. The River Sphinx has become virtually unmanageable, leaving the docks void of most activity. A perfect place for a meeting, or perhaps an ambush. The vibrant moonlight that generally illuminates the streets of Sothis wanes behind dark overhead clouds. The city’s dimly lit sand filled streets, now harbors only small pockets of clarity around poorly maintained street lamps. The lack of light would have made most travelers uneasy, but you find the environment inviting. A refuge of sorts, that brings back memories of days long past.

The note you received earlier in the day said to meet at the docks. It mentioned a job involving a trip to the city of Caliphas. The note was clear, almost too clear, and the job sounded almost too easy. You glance down at the document one last time and run a finger over its heavy wax seal. The seal looked to be genuine, but it left a lot of questions unanswered.

Before long a hooded young woman, escorted by two heavily armed men, emerge from one of the dock’s darker alleys. All three of them approach you while maintaining a respectable distance. The young woman appears to have long black hair that hangs slightly below her dark hooded collar, where you can see her fair complected bosom being held tightly together by a dark green bodice. “You are Haddek?” The woman asks while trying to keep her face sheltered behind the hood of her cloak. The two heavily armed men stand slightly back from the woman, where they stand quietly supporting two rugged looking halberds. Both men stair off into the distance as if neither of you were there.


Ileum White wrote:
Upon arrival, Ileum’s discovered many more of his people had survived and were thriving in a beautiful elven stronghold within the forest of Kyonin. Instead of asking for local rumors, Ileum sought the written history of these elves. He found himself spending much of his time in the library eager to learn the truth of his people. The elves of Kyonin came to know Ileum for his unique skills of archer and herbalism, for he spent his off time taking small requests to gather herbs and passing his teaching on to the younger generations.

A cool breeze, bathed with the scent of pine, kept the library at a comfortable temperature. Natural lighting, shinning down from its skylights, warmed the room just enough to retain its pleasantness and keep it well lit. The libraries of Kyonin have always been legendary about keeping a history on things pertaining to elves. It is known that the library has kept a well-documented timeline dating back to the first doctrine of recorded history. Endless walls of aged books and ancient tapestries testify to this vintage history and the significant role the elven people have played throughout the world of Golarion.

It is here that Ileum’s story begins.

More than thirty moons have passed since you arrived in Kyonin. The warm bustling life of the forest is significantly different than what you are used to. The trip to the elven city was long and eventful. In that time, you’ve undergone a crash course in diversity. You’ve experienced what seems like a never ending complexity of races and culture that stretches from Kyonin to the crown of the world. That experience has only heightened your desire to know more about the world and the people in it. Your time in Kyonin has been exhilarating with a colorful foray of history, culture, and art. Much like your people, the elves of Kyonin believe strongly in seclusion. To that end, they were originally reluctant to allow you admittance to the city, but their curiosity about your secluded heritage eventually won out over their skepticism.

Over the course of your stay in Kyonin, the elves have made their libraries available to you in exchange for stories about your people. Stories that they seem to take very serious as they document every word. During this process, many of the city’s elders bombard you with questions about the location of your people, the differences in your culture, and the history behind their survival.

While deep in your studies, you have recently observed another elf who seems to have a similar appetite in reading material. He has waited, on more than one occasion, while you finished with a book. Aside from the occasional interruption, where he’s asked you about the availability of your book, he hasn’t taken the time to converse with you. Today you find yourself sitting across the table from him, reading a small history book, when one of the librarians walks over and sits a heavy leather bound book down in the middle of the table. The book appears to be an extremely old journal, of sorts. The author of the book isn’t clear, as its spine faces the opposite direction. The other elf, who is also eyeballing the book, has a look of anticipation on his face. Along the top of the book, you also notice a deep red stain that covers a small portion of the book’s title and appears to have also bled into its pages. The librarian, who sat the book down, now stands over at a card file where she watches with anticipation. It’s obvious that she sat the book down to see which of you would end up with it.


Sustos wrote:
He gathered some information about caves to the south of Eto where he might find information of ancient Shaitans. He set to Eto and found the journey refreshing. He seemed at home in the intense environment that is the deserts of Osirion. After arriving at Eto to resupply he could feel the energy of his holy symbol call to him. He sat in meditative prayer for two days in the hot sun and cool nights. When he stopped feeling the call and was on the brink of exhaustion and dehydration Torag reward his stoic perseverance. In his minds eye the path to his destination played over and over again until he could never forget it. On he went to the caves, hopefully he was also going toward answers.

The sweltering heat of the Osirion sun faded slightly as a blanket of dark clouds formed over the city of Eto. Rainless, dry storms periodically provide refuge from the relentless heat that generally plagues the dessert cities this time of year. Before long, the darkened sky ignites with a display of lightening that causes even the most distracted to pause and watch in amazement.

It is here that Sustos’s story begins.

Even though the incoming storm wouldn’t be considered uncommon for the area, you find the event to be somewhat unnerving. The journey to The Pillars of the Sun was going to be difficult enough without having to deal with a weather anomaly. The threats along the way would be very real and would most likely require all of your attention. It would definitely be a test of your faith to see the trip through.

The first sign of lightning split the night’s sky as you tied down the last of your provisions. Most of the city’s denizens hastily took refuge from the approaching storm in small sandstone buildings that line the city streets of Eto. A few of the city’s more sturdy men stand close by while you finish the last of your preparations. Before you leave, one of the men approaches you. “Well met traveler. It looks like you are about to head off for an adventure. I don’t see anyone else with you, so I was wondering if you would like to hire a little muscle to tag along. Me and my friends would be willing to join you for, say, I don’t know, twenty gold.” The man appears to be moderately well armed with a shortsword, small shield, and a light crossbow. In addition, he is wearing a loose fitted set of studded leather armor that blends in with the sandy colored environment. The three other men, which he points at, looks to be equally equipped. All four men have travel bags set aside just in case your response is favorable. “So what do you say? Would you like some company?”


Taisar wrote:
Tiasar focused his studies on outsiders and the planes, searching for any weakness the creature may have. He knew that death would not stop such a monstrosity, and conventional methods of confrontation may not be enough. But even upon finishing his education he still had no answer to the questions he sought. Once he scoured the libraries and probed the mind of every elder willing to talk to him, he realized the answer could not be found within Kyonin. He must expand his search. Perhaps it would take decades, centuries, but he would travel Golarion and maybe beyond to gain the power needed to confront Treerazer.

A cool breeze, bathed with the scent of pine, kept the library at a comfortable temperature. Natural lighting, shinning down from its skylights, warmed the room just enough to retain its pleasantness and keep it well-lit. The libraries of Kyonin have always been legendary about keeping a history on things pertaining to elves. It is known that the library has kept a well-documented timeline dating back to the first doctrine of recorded history. Endless walls of aged books and ancient tapestries testify to this vintage history and the significant role the elven people have played throughout the world of Golarion.

It is here that Tiasar’s story begins.

Among the books and schoolers of Kyonin you come across a kindred spirit of elven decent. His pale white skin and grayish colored eyes set him apart from the majority of elves within the city. On many occasions, during your course of study, you have seen this elf deep in study. Most of his focus has been on the history of Kyonin and Earthfall. Your paths have crossed on more than one occasion when you found yourself waiting for a book that he was immersed in. It has crossed your mind to introduce yourself, but the timing just hasn’t presented itself. Until now!

The light skinned elf now sits across from you as you both stair at a very old leather bound book that rests in the middle of the table. The book was brought over by one of the library’s more mature librarians who has been keeping track of your studies. She assumed the book would peek your interest. You observed a small smile appear on her face when she sat the book down, dead center, between you and the other elf. It was almost like she knew both of you would have an equal interest in the thing. After reading the book’s spine you realize it’s a journal of sorts. The decor along the journal’s bindings leads you to believe its elven, but you are unable to make out who specifically wrote it. Both of you sit there staring at each other, wondering who’s going to reach for it first.


Destiny’s Call

Welcome to the new thread. Seeing that everyone is now vetted I am going to post the intro and pray it works this time around. I apologize for the delay, but you can't always anticipate the Paizo forums. Without further delay, hopefully, i present Destiny's Call.

As the title states. I created a PBP Discussion thread, invited players who were able to post in the Discussion thread, and then opened the play thread so others could post in the thread. After posting, in order to clean up the thread, I deleted the post. Later I went back to post the games introduction and found that I was unable to post anything in the play thread. Any help with this would be appreciated.

Here is the link to the play thread. Play Thread


Destiny’s Call

First, I would like to welcome everyone to Destiny’s Call and congratulate you on being selected for the upcoming game. I have personally taken the time to look over each of your characters and their backgrounds. I have chosen each of you based on what I believe will make an interesting group, both in dynamic of character as well as player. Each of you have demonstrated the ability to create a well-articulated history for your characters, which will hopefully come to life shortly. Before continuing, there are a few things I would like to address.

I would like to take the time to address character death. In the event that a character dies and is unable to be brought back to life, the player will have the option to remake a new character with an equivalent starting level. The character’s XP will begin at the minimum for that level. The character’s starting gold will be set by me at the time of death. At the start of the campaign, only basic races will be available for remakes. As the campaign progresses, other, more unique races will become available. These races can be unlocked by encountering them within the game world. A tracker for unlocked races, and personal XP, will be kept on google slide displayed at the top of the thread.

I would ask that everyone check their PM’s on a regular bases. I will be relaying a character’s personal knowledge, observations, and private information through PM’s.

I would also like to ask that OOC questions and comments, that are more than a line or two, be posted here, in the discussion tab. This will hopefully reduce a long OOC conversations from the game thread and help to maintain immersion.

GM style vs player preference. I realize when it comes down to a table’s gaming dynamic, not every player has the same expectation. People enjoy a variety of different aspects of RPGs. If for some reason my gaming style doesn’t fit with your idea of fun, please say so. I will not take offence if someone decides to quit because the game isn’t fun for them. That being said, I thought I should describe my play style a bit before starting. Although I am not the most proficient writer, I try to add as much description and detail as I can. Sometimes this delays things a bit, but in all, I believe it adds a lot to the game. In addition, if the campaign heads a direction that I haven’t anticipated, which is common in RPG’s, I might need a (small) break for preparation.

Someone once asked me what level I intend to continue the game to. I intend to see the game through to whatever conclusion it takes, up to Level 20. That’s assuming the group is successful. That being said, Destiny’s Call will be the only campaign I am running. Simply put, it will be my primary focus. I will be using Google slides for maps and will unlock the map so everyone can move their icons. If for some reason you FUBAR the map by accident, don’t panic. I will correct it. If you are using a phone and can’t move the icon, say so in a short OOC comment and describe where you would like your character to go. I will do my best to move the icon as directed. On subjects of concern, I am open to correction if someone feels that I am making a mistake. Please voice our concern here in the discussion thread and allow me a little time for research. If you have added material to support your concern, please post a link to the information, or copy the information into a spoiler. I would like to close this topic by saying I hope everyone enjoys the game.

The Crunch

I have taken the time to plug each of your characters into Hero Labs. This has allowed me to complete audits quickly and effectively. That being said, there are few things that Hero Labs has flagged as being incorrect. In addition, some characters are missing information on their profile that will need to be updated. I will list what things need to be addressed here in the discussion thread. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Tiasar Soseshtian
1. Tiasar needs to choose x2 opposition schools.
2. Traits: Elven reflexes requires half elf.
3. Traits: (Balancer’s Banishing and Diabolical Dabbler) are both magic traits. Only one magic trait is allowed.

Berta Lighthammer
1. Craft Woodcarving: I’m curious if you intended for this to be a craft listed under craft all, or is it something that I am missing in Hero Labs. Simply put, I don’t see it. More insight required here.
2. You have 20 arrows listed but no bow. Is this intended or an error?

Sustos the Guardian
1. Nothing listed for traits. He can select (2).
2. Missing 2 Background skills. He can select (2).
3. Needs to select a level 0 and a level 1 spell.
4. I am assuming the tower shield proficiency was selected as the bonus feat available to crusader. This means Sustos can still select a normal feat.
5. Needs to list out all gear, encumbrance, and remaining currency.

Haddek Balmont
1. Human is displayed on the character profile. I believe this should be half elf based on many of the traits and race features in the crunch.
2. Needs to select a second favored class.
3. Needs to finish selecting formulas. Only 3/6 currently selected.
4. Needs to choose memorized Extracts. 1/2 selected.
5. Traits: (Clever Wordplay and Student of philosophy) both are considered social traits. Only one social trait is allowed.
6. Skills need to reflect current skill levels. This is a little more complicated correction. I believe your current skill numbers possibly reflect the Ceaseless Observation skill of the Empiricist. This ability doesn’t come into play until level (2), and (or) Unfailing Logic at level (4). Keen Recollection at level (3), which allows knowledge skills to be used untrained.
7. I would also like to have the Inspiration point availability in the class/level command line.
8. Needs to list all equipment, weapons, armor, and encumbrance on profile.
9. Can select 4 more starting languages. Please consider background and availability when selecting languages.

After looking over Haddek, it looks almost as if you are putting him together without the aid of Hero Labs. I could be wrong about this, but in the event that I am not, I am willing to help.

Caro Martisova
1. Can select 3 more languages. Please consider background and availability when selecting languages.
2. Background skill: Profession Mortician? Is this under Profession all? I can’t find the specific listing of Mortician, although it sounds like it makes sense.
3. I’m seeing a significant difference in left over currency. You have 22 GP listed. I’m showing 50 GP left over. Not sure what I’m missing. Was there something bought and not listed in the profile?
4. Needs to memorize 2 Extracts.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

(Please give this thread a bump as you pass through!

The Cube

Before you, on a small wooden table, sits the ominous looking cube. Each of its sides appears to be eight inches in length, making it perfectly symmetrical. Both the cube and its table are prominently displayed in the center of a dark, damp, naturally carved cave that is dimly lit by a small hole in its ceiling. The vigilant moonlight, that manages to seep through the caves rough exterior, becomes quickly diminished by the cubes presence.

You originally pursued the cube for a reason. That reason now escapes you. Only the presence of the cube seems to inhabit your thoughts. Its form is flawless. Its sides are perfectly smooth, and its darkness is absolute. It doesn’t seem real, or make sense, yet you can’t find the strength to look away. You step forward, raising a hand slightly above the artifact and then pause long enough to feel an aura of coldness pulsate from its core.

Fight the urge to touch the cube!


Touch the cube!


The cube’s cold touch radiates darkness throughout your entire soul. Despair, anger, and pain fill the thoughts that once was heavily focused on the object. You feel your eyes close involuntarily under the strain of the blight as you struggle to resist the cube’s control. Soon the anguish begins to subside. The dark damp cave that once held your interest so fiercely, has now faded into what feels very much like a dream. Slightly confused by what just happened, you begin to reorient yourself and realize that your surroundings have changed. After taking stock of your new environment, you find yourself standing in the middle of a warm room, surrounded by a number of intriguing items. The room itself, being distinctly different from the damp cave, feels much more inviting. The candles that make up most of the rooms lighting sit in rows of three upon oddly shaped sconces. Each sconce depicts a different image of a metallic face frozen in time with a permanent display of emotion. Riddled throughout the room are tools, books, weapons, and oddities belonging to different professions and scholarly pursuits.

Glancing through the room you make note of a few specific items that seem to be displayed more prominently than the rest. In the fare corner of the room you spot a powerful looking longbow, which appears to be strung so tight that you doubt anyone could draw it. The bow displays a uniquely carved green vine that runs up and down its dark wood base.

Close by, a thick leather bound book sits on top of a small wooden table. Its heavy leather bindings show signs of extreme wear, yet the book appears to be sturdy enough to handle. Unusual glyphs and symbols are carved deeply into its thick cover, which gives it a mysterious appearance. Slowly, you run your hand over the books cover and get a sense that it holds great power. The symbols seem foreign to you, yet you feel somehow connected.

On the other side of the room, a large two-handed sword hangs from two mounted skulls. The blade is the likes of which you have never seen before. It displays a tightly woven design of dark striations that make their way down the entirety of the blade. The sword’s hilt, guard, and pommel are of a single design that most likely was not crafted with skill alone. The blade’s majesty leaves little doubt that it was likely owned by royalty at some point in time.

Two the left of the sword stands a heavy set of plate armor. The helmet’s beveled dome, along with its narrow eyelets, indicate that the gear was designed for jousting. Although the armor seems too heavy to walk around in, its bulky design suggests that it would serve quite well for its original purpose. Intrigued by the gears weight you lift one of its arms and find that it weighs substantially less than you originally thought. A heater shaped shield, with displays of divine imagery, leans up against the armors left leg. The shield’s images match the armors padded gambeson and are periodically worked into the armor itself.

Laying close to the feet of the displayed armor, sits an old worn-out satchel. The satchel’s long shoulder-length strap rests curled up next to it. A closer inspection reveals that the satchel is full of coins, gems, and other valuable items. Although you are not sure about the exact value of the contents, there is little doubt that it would set a person up for life.

Lastly, a crate full of weird odds and ends sits pushed up against a red colored smoking chair. The old crate looks similar to one that would be used to deliver milk. After taking a moment to consider the simplicity of the crate, and its surroundings, you decide to examine its contents. An old door knob, a metal fork, a hand full of springs, a small hand spade, an empty glass vial, and a large marble door jam, make up but a few of the oddities that fill the common crate. Surprising enough, although the objects seem to be worthless, they hold your attention for quite some time before you decide to return the crate back to its original location.

As you step back and consider each item and its significance, you come to realize that one of them draws your attention more than the rest. Its presence calls to you in a way that only you are able understand. In that moment you realize that destiny has laid a forked road before you. A choice of paths that winds somewhere between free will and determinism.

The bow calls out to me about unclaimed exploration! (Reserved)

The power of the book is more than I can bare. I must have it!

I will surrender myself to the might and majesty of the sword!

I will fortify myself with the armor, for as long as I stand, so shall my ally’s!

I cannot pass up the overwhelming wealth that fills the satchel!

I know it’s weird, but I feel drawn to the crate!


Welcome to the recruitment page for Destiny’s Call. and the path of the (Undeclared.)

This recruitment is for a sandbox style pathfinder campaign that will be set in the world of Golarion. Ultimately, I have prepared multiple modules, scenarios, and adventures with different storyline hooks that will surface within the campaign in order to allow (you) the player to choose which adventure you will participate in. This is intended to create a nonlinear experience where the (PC) group can affect the dynamic of the world they live in by choosing their own path. That being said, this link is specifically for a character that the player doesn’t feel meets any specific role. A catch all you might say. There are no expectations of a character posted in this category. In addition, any type of character can be placed here, even if it might be suited for a different category. The reason for this is to allow for none stereotypical builds. An example of this would be the warrior who was built to be an archer, or the healer that prefers front line combat over healing, or the arcane caster who is better with a sword, etc. Only (1) character from this category will be accepted with 2 others selected as alternates. Only one charter submission per category will be allowed. Multiple character submissions within a single category will result in disqualification. Only characters with complete profiles will be considered.

Other strong considerations for selection include a robust background, which is completely open to the player, a solid personality concept, and a strong visual description.

The Crunch:

Content: I am open to virtually all Paizo content as long as the character makes sense and the background strongly supports the choices made by the player. Preferably, no third party content.

Expectations: I intend to review the game daily and expect that players will do the same. That being said, if someone is going to be absent, one of three things will happen. 1) The game will be placed on hold for a short break. 2) The character will be botted. 3) The character will be shadowed. This campaign is intended to be a long running campaign with a strong focus on depth and detail. I realize that sometimes too much detail can stagnate a game, but I feel confident that I can apply momentum when necessary.

Role play: Within the realm of role play, it is sometimes difficult to embrace a unique personality concept without stepping on other people’s toes. Ultimately, I intend this campaign to be approached with an adult mind set. On the other hand, I have little tolerance for someone who is set upon ruining the game for others. Simply put, don’t be a tool! If a players personality concept, role play, or posts become inappropriate, I will PM the player with the hopes that an adjustment can be made. If the problem persists, the player will be asked to leave.

Timeline: Cutoff date for submissions will be on All Hallows Eve (October 31st). After which I will make a selection and post in this thread as well as PM the player with a link to the game.

2nd addition Pathfinder: Upon the release of 2nd addition pathfinder, I will be tabling the option of converting the campaign over. That means if 2nd addition is any good and the group decides they would enjoy the new content, than I am willing to consider the possibility of conversion.

Maps] I will be using google for map content and icon display.

Stats: Use the (20) point buy with no stat lower than an 8 before racial adjustments.

Races: All pathfinder base races, which include Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-elf, Halfling, Half-orc, and Human, are acceptable.

Other races: Other races, which will include Aasimar, Catfolk, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph Tengu, Tiefling, and Undine will be considered with a Strong and well put together background. Note: These races will be considered very unique in my game. As such, reactions of npc’s and other players could make replaying these races extremely difficult.

Racial traits: Are acceptable as long as they are not third party.

Starting Wealth All characters will begin play with a flat (200 GP).

Traits: Because the campaign path is undeclared, no background traits will be included. Two non-background traits are acceptable with a third trait (optional) upon the selection of a drawback.

Background skills: Background skills are acceptable and encouraged as long as they fall in line with the characters background.

Quick reference items: The (Race) category within the characters profile should list | HP | AC | Intuitive | Perception | Speed | CMB | CMD | Saving throws|. The Class/levels line should include | Primary weapon stats | Spell availability.

Knowledge, Item identification, and appraise: I personally believe these skills belong independently to the character that has vested points into advancing them. That being the case, I intend to pass information onto the player through (PM) whenever possible and allow them to decide how much of their skill they wish to share with the group. (Optional) A player may state up front that they intend to share everything with the group. In this case I will post via spoiler any information that is not time sensitive. Other information, such as creature identification, will be specifically passed on as a (PM)

Combat Communication: While in combat, I will allow a single brief statement (one sentence or less) to be posted out of turn without affecting a character’s economy. This will allow some creature identification information to be passed on during critical combat moments. Alternatively: A player may forgo a move action and state whatever they like.


Welcome to the recruitment page for Destiny’s Call. and the path of the (Rogue.)

This recruitment is for a sandbox style pathfinder campaign that will be set in the world of Golarion. Ultimately, I have prepared multiple modules, scenarios, and adventures with different storyline hooks that will surface within the campaign in order to allow (you) the player to choose which adventure you will participate in. This is intended to create a nonlinear experience where the (PC) group can affect the dynamic of the world they live in by choosing their own path. That being said, this link is specifically for the role of the Rogue . If you choose to submit a character on this thread, please do so knowing that the character is meant to fill that role. The class should include skills in Disable device, Perception, and Stealth. Only (1) character from this category will be accepted with 2 others selected as alternates. Only one charter submission per category will be allowed. Multiple character submissions within a single category will result in disqualification. Only characters with complete profiles will be considered.

Other strong considerations for selection include a robust background, which is completely open to the player, a solid personality concept, and a strong visual description.

The Crunch:

Content: I am open to virtually all Paizo content as long as the character makes sense and the background strongly supports the choices made by the player. Preferably, no third party content.

Expectations: I intend to review the game daily and expect that players will do the same. That being said, if someone is going to be absent, one of three things will happen. 1) The game will be placed on hold for a short break. 2) The character will be botted. 3) The character will be shadowed. This campaign is intended to be a long running campaign with a strong focus on depth and detail. I realize that sometimes too much detail can stagnate a game, but I feel confident that I can apply momentum when necessary.

Role play: Within the realm of role play, it is sometimes difficult to embrace a unique personality concept without stepping on other people’s toes. Ultimately, I intend this campaign to be approached with an adult mind set. On the other hand, I have little tolerance for someone who is set upon ruining the game for others. Simply put, don’t be a tool! If a players personality concept, role play, or posts become inappropriate, I will PM the player with the hopes that an adjustment can be made. If the problem persists, the player will be asked to leave.

Timeline: Cutoff date for submissions will be on All Hallows Eve (October 31st). After which I will make a selection and post in this thread as well as PM the player with a link to the game.

2nd addition Pathfinder: Upon the release of 2nd addition pathfinder, I will be tabling the option of converting the campaign over. That means if 2nd addition is any good and the group decides they would enjoy the new content, than I am willing to consider the possibility of conversion.

Maps] I will be using google for map content and icon display.

Stats: Use the (20) point buy with no stat lower than an 8 before racial adjustments.

Races: All pathfinder base races, which include Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-elf, Halfling, Half-orc, and Human, are acceptable.

Other races: Other races, which will include Aasimar, Catfolk, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph Tengu, Tiefling, and Undine will be considered with a Strong and well put together background. Note: These races will be considered very unique in my game. As such, reactions of npc’s and other players could make replaying these races extremely difficult.

Racial traits: Are acceptable as long as they are not third party.

Starting Wealth All characters will begin play with a flat (200 GP).

Traits: Because the campaign path is undeclared, no background traits will be included. Two non-background traits are acceptable with a third trait (optional) upon the selection of a drawback.

Background skills: Background skills are acceptable and encouraged as long as they fall in line with the characters background.

Quick reference items: The (Race) category within the characters profile should list | HP | AC | Intuitive | Perception | Speed | CMB | CMD | Saving throws|. The Class/levels line should include | Primary weapon stats | Spell availability.

Knowledge, Item identification, and appraise: I personally believe these skills belong independently to the character that has vested points into advancing them. That being the case, I intend to pass information onto the player through (PM) whenever possible and allow them to decide how much of their skill they wish to share with the group. (Optional) A player may state up front that they intend to share everything with the group. In this case I will post via spoiler any information that is not time sensitive. Other information, such as creature identification, will be specifically passed on as a (PM)

Combat Communication: While in combat, I will allow a single brief statement (one sentence or less) to be posted out of turn without affecting a character’s economy. This will allow some creature identification information to be passed on during critical combat moments. Alternatively: A player may forgo a move action and state whatever they like.


Welcome to the recruitment page for Destiny’s Call. and the path of the (Healer.)

This recruitment is for a sandbox style pathfinder campaign that will be set in the world of Golarion. Ultimately, I have prepared multiple modules, scenarios, and adventures with different story-line hooks that will surface within the campaign in order to allow (you) the player to choose which adventure you will participate in. This is intended to create a nonlinear experience where the (PC) group can affect the dynamic of the world they live in by choosing their own path. That being said, this link is specifically for the role of the Healer . If you choose to submit a character on this thread, please do so knowing that the character is meant to fill that role. The class should include skills in Healing, knowledge religion, and have the ability to cast healing spells. Only (1) character from this category will be accepted with 2 others selected as alternates. Only one charter submission per category will be allowed. Multiple character submissions within a single category will result in disqualification. Only characters with complete profiles will be considered.

Other strong considerations for selection include a robust background, which is completely open to the player, a solid personality concept, and a strong visual description.

The Crunch:

Content: I am open to virtually all Paizo content as long as the character makes sense and the background strongly supports the choices made by the player. Preferably, no third party content.

Expectations: I intend to review the game daily and expect that players will do the same. That being said, if someone is going to be absent, one of three things will happen. 1) The game will be placed on hold for a short break. 2) The character will be botted. 3) The character will be shadowed. This campaign is intended to be a long running campaign with a strong focus on depth and detail. I realize that sometimes too much detail can stagnate a game, but I feel confident that I can apply momentum when necessary.

Role play: Within the realm of role play, it is sometimes difficult to embrace a unique personality concept without stepping on other people’s toes. Ultimately, I intend this campaign to be approached with an adult mind set. On the other hand, I have little tolerance for someone who is set upon ruining the game for others. Simply put, don’t be a tool! If a players personality concept, role play, or posts become inappropriate, I will PM the player with the hopes that an adjustment can be made. If the problem persists, the player will be asked to leave.

Timeline: Cutoff date for submissions will be on All Hallows Eve (October 31st). After which I will make a selection and post in this thread as well as PM the player with a link to the game.

2nd addition Pathfinder: Upon the release of 2nd addition pathfinder, I will be tabling the option of converting the campaign over. That means if 2nd addition is any good and the group decides they would enjoy the new content, than I am willing to consider the possibility of conversion.

Maps] I will be using google for map content and icon display.

Stats: Use the (20) point buy with no stat lower than an 8 before racial adjustments.

Races: All pathfinder base races, which include Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-elf, Halfling, Half-orc, and Human, are acceptable.

Other races: Other races, which will include Aasimar, Catfolk, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph Tengu, Tiefling, and Undine will be considered with a Strong and well put together background. Note: These races will be considered very unique in my game. As such, reactions of npc’s and other players could make replaying these races extremely difficult.

Racial traits: Are acceptable as long as they are not third party.

Starting Wealth All characters will begin play with a flat (200 GP).

Traits: Because the campaign path is undeclared, no background traits will be included. Two non-background traits are acceptable with a third trait (optional) upon the selection of a drawback.

Background skills: Background skills are acceptable and encouraged as long as they fall in line with the characters background.

Quick reference items: The (Race) category within the characters profile should list | HP | AC | Intuitive | Perception | Speed | CMB | CMD | Saving throws|. The Class/levels line should include | Primary weapon stats | Spell availability.

Knowledge, Item identification, and appraise: I personally believe these skills belong independently to the character that has vested points into advancing them. That being the case, I intend to pass information onto the player through (PM) whenever possible and allow them to decide how much of their skill they wish to share with the group. (Optional) A player may state up front that they intend to share everything with the group. In this case I will post via spoiler any information that is not time sensitive. Other information, such as creature identification, will be specifically passed on as a (PM)

Combat Communication: While in combat, I will allow a single brief statement (one sentence or less) to be posted out of turn without affecting a character’s economy. This will allow some creature identification information to be passed on during critical combat moments. Alternatively: A player may forgo a move action and state whatever they like.


Welcome to the recruitment page for Destiny’s Call. and the path of the (Warrior.)

This recruitment is for a sandbox style pathfinder campaign that will be set in the world of Golarion. Ultimately, I have prepared multiple modules, scenarios, and adventures with different storyline hooks that will surface within the campaign in order to allow (you) the player to choose which adventure you will participate in. This is intended to create a nonlinear experience where the (PC) group can affect the dynamic of the world they live in by choosing their own path. That being said, this link is specifically for the role of the Warrior . If you choose to submit a character on this thread, please do so knowing that the character is meant to fill that role. Ultimately, the character should be developed as a heavily armed and (or) armored martial character with the mindset of being on the front line. Only (1) character from this category will be accepted with 2 others selected as alternates. Only one charter submission per category will be allowed. Multiple character submissions within a single category will result in disqualification. Only characters with complete profiles will be considered.

Other strong considerations for selection include a robust background, which is completely open to the player, a solid personality concept, and a strong visual description.

The Crunch:

Content: I am open to virtually all Paizo content as long as the character makes sense and the background strongly supports the choices made by the player. Preferably, no third party content.

Expectations: I intend to review the game daily and expect that players will do the same. That being said, if someone is going to be absent, one of three things will happen. 1) The game will be placed on hold for a short break. 2) The character will be botted. 3) The character will be shadowed. This campaign is intended to be a long running campaign with a strong focus on depth and detail. I realize that sometimes too much detail can stagnate a game, but I feel confident that I can apply momentum when necessary.

Role play: Within the realm of role play, it is sometimes difficult to embrace a unique personality concept without stepping on other people’s toes. Ultimately, I intend this campaign to be approached with an adult mind set. On the other hand, I have little tolerance for someone who is set upon ruining the game for others. Simply put, don’t be a tool! If a players personality concept, role play, or posts become inappropriate, I will PM the player with the hopes that an adjustment can be made. If the problem persists, the player will be asked to leave.

Timeline: Cutoff date for submissions will be on All Hallows Eve (October 31st). After which I will make a selection and post in this thread as well as PM the player with a link to the game.

2nd addition Pathfinder: Upon the release of 2nd addition pathfinder, I will be tabling the option of converting the campaign over. That means if 2nd addition is any good and the group decides they would enjoy the new content, than I am willing to consider the possibility of conversion.

Maps] I will be using google for map content and icon display.

Stats: Use the (20) point buy with no stat lower than an 8 before racial adjustments.

Races: All pathfinder base races, which include Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-elf, Halfling, Half-orc, and Human, are acceptable.

Other races: Other races, which will include Aasimar, Catfolk, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph Tengu, Tiefling, and Undine will be considered with a Strong and well put together background. Note: These races will be considered very unique in my game. As such, reactions of npc’s and other players could make replaying these races extremely difficult.

Racial traits: Are acceptable as long as they are not third party.

Starting Wealth All characters will begin play with a flat (200 GP).

Traits: Because the campaign path is undeclared, no background traits will be included. Two non-background traits are acceptable with a third trait (optional) upon the selection of a drawback.

Background skills: Background skills are acceptable and encouraged as long as they fall in line with the characters background.

Quick reference items: The (Race) category within the characters profile should list | HP | AC | Intuitive | Perception | Speed | CMB | CMD | Saving throws|. The Class/levels line should include | Primary weapon stats | Spell availability.

Knowledge, Item identification, and appraise: I personally believe these skills belong independently to the character that has vested points into advancing them. That being the case, I intend to pass information onto the player through (PM) whenever possible and allow them to decide how much of their skill they wish to share with the group. (Optional) A player may state up front that they intend to share everything with the group. In this case I will post via spoiler any information that is not time sensitive. Other information, such as creature identification, will be specifically passed on as a (PM)

Combat Communication: While in combat, I will allow a single brief statement (one sentence or less) to be posted out of turn without affecting a character’s economy. This will allow some creature identification information to be passed on during critical combat moments. Alternatively: A player may forgo a move action and state whatever they like.


Welcome to the recruitment page for Destiny’s Call. and the path of the (Arcane Spell-Caster.)

This recruitment is for a sandbox style pathfinder campaign that will be set in the world of Golarion. Ultimately, I have prepared multiple modules, scenarios, and adventures with different storyline hooks that will surface within the campaign in order to allow (you) the player to choose which adventure you will participate in. This is intended to create a nonlinear experience where the (PC) group can affect the dynamic of the world they live in by choosing their own path. That being said, this link is specifically for the role of an Arcane Spell-Caster . If you choose to submit a character on this thread, please do so knowing that the character is meant to fill that role. The class should include skills in Spell craft, knowledge arcane, and have the ability to cast arcane spells. Only (1) character from this category will be accepted with 2 others selected as alternates. Only one charter submission per category will be allowed. Multiple character submissions within a single category will result in disqualification. Only characters with complete profiles will be considered.

Other strong considerations for selection include a robust background, which is completely open to the player, a solid personality concept, and a strong visual description.

The Crunch:

Content: I am open to virtually all Paizo content as long as the character makes sense and the background strongly supports the choices made by the player. Preferably, no third party content.

Expectations: I intend to review the game daily and expect that players will do the same. That being said, if someone is going to be absent, one of three things will happen. 1) The game will be placed on hold for a short break. 2) The character will be botted. 3) The character will be shadowed. This campaign is intended to be a long running campaign with a strong focus on depth and detail. I realize that sometimes too much detail can stagnate a game, but I feel confident that I can apply momentum when necessary.

Role play: Within the realm of role play, it is sometimes difficult to embrace a unique personality concept without stepping on other people’s toes. Ultimately, I intend this campaign to be approached with an adult mind set. On the other hand, I have little tolerance for someone who is set upon ruining the game for others. Simply put, don’t be a tool! If a players personality concept, role play, or posts become inappropriate, I will PM the player with the hopes that an adjustment can be made. If the problem persists, the player will be asked to leave.

Timeline: Cutoff date for submissions will be on All Hallows Eve (October 31st). After which I will make a selection and post in this thread as well as PM the player with a link to the game.

2nd addition Pathfinder: Upon the release of 2nd addition pathfinder, I will be tabling the option of converting the campaign over. That means if 2nd addition is any good and the group decides they would enjoy the new content, than I am willing to consider the possibility of conversion.

Maps] I will be using google for map content and icon display.

Stats: Use the (20) point buy with no stat lower than an 8 before racial adjustments.

Races: All pathfinder base races, which include Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-elf, Halfling, Half-orc, and Human, are acceptable.

Other races: Other races, which will include Aasimar, Catfolk, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph Tengu, Tiefling, and Undine will be considered with a Strong and well put together background. Note: These races will be considered very unique in my game. As such, reactions of npc’s and other players could make replaying these races extremely difficult.

Racial traits: Are acceptable as long as they are not third party.

Starting Wealth All characters will begin play with a flat (200 GP).

Traits: Because the campaign path is undeclared, no background traits will be included. Two non-background traits are acceptable with a third trait (optional) upon the selection of a drawback.

Background skills: Background skills are acceptable and encouraged as long as they fall in line with the characters background.

Quick reference items: The (Race) category within the characters profile should list | HP | AC | Intuitive | Perception | Speed | CMB | CMD | Saving throws|. The Class/levels line should include | Primary weapon stats | Spell availability.

Knowledge, Item identification, and appraise: I personally believe these skills belong independently to the character that has vested points into advancing them. That being the case, I intend to pass information onto the player through (PM) whenever possible and allow them to decide how much of their skill they wish to share with the group. (Optional) A player may state up front that they intend to share everything with the group. In this case I will post via spoiler any information that is not time sensitive. Other information, such as creature identification, will be specifically passed on as a (PM)

Combat Communication: While in combat, I will allow a single brief statement (one sentence or less) to be posted out of turn without affecting a character’s economy. This will allow some creature identification information to be passed on during critical combat moments. Alternatively: A player may forgo a move action and state whatever they like.

I have a player who wants to build an Eldritch Archer (Magus). When they began the process with Hero Labs they noted that the program included both Spell combat as well as Ranged spell combat. They also noted after attempting to progress the class that it also allowed Spellstrike as well as ranged Spellstrike. After reading through the class, i noted that the wording of those skills state that they alter and (or) modify the existing skill.

My question is when an ability states modifies or alters, does that mean the original definition of the skill is still active to the character?

My original interpretation was that when something is altered or modified, the original context of the ability no longer exists, thus replaced. After recent feed back from Hero Labs, I am now unsure.

Hero Labs Feedback: The wording states that ranged spellstrike alters how spellstrike works, not replaces it. In this case, our reading is that the normal spellstrike ability is still active. Hope this helps!

Just a quick question in order to sort out a discrepancy I am having with hero labs. Am I correct in thinking that Ranged Spell-combat and Spell-strike replace the original abilities of the magus?

For some reason hero labs is granting both Spell-combat and Ranged Spell combat as well as Spell-strike and Ranged Spell-strike at level two. I’m trying to decide if this is an error or a misinterpretation.


More recently the increasing warmth of the approaching summer has made the evenings of Absalom the best time for gatherings. This evening the society has called a large gathering within the society’s grand audience chamber. Several hundred of your fellow agents mingle around a large stage in the center of the room. As the surrounding noise of the gathering echoes through the room, three prominent figures take the stage. The first is easily recognized as the society’s Master of Swords Marcos Farabellus, who raises his hands with a commanding presence.

Marcos Farabellus:

PLEASE!....Please! Quiet! We have an important announcement! Shortly, the noise in the audience chamber begins to settle. Standing next to the Master of Swords is the former Chelish liaison Zarta Dralneen, who smiles with an obviously fake temperament. On the other side of the Master of Swords stand A tall, heavy-set woman wearing a black-lacquered breastplate and a sweeping ruby cloak. She rests a hand on the gold pommel of the longsword at her hip as she readies to address the assembled Pathfinders. She nods once to Marcos Farabellus before beginning.

Ianareth Alazario:

“I am Ianareth Alazario, and I come to you with words spoken by Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune. Pathfinders, your exile is at an end. Cheliax welcomes you once again.”

Master of Swords Marcos Farabellus vigorously leads a round of applause that echoes off the sturdy walls following the new declaration. Ianareth’s smile is as wide as her host’s, though it falters slightly when her gaze falls on her disgraced predecessor Zarta Dralneen. Ianareth continues,

Ianareth Alazario:

“With your help, I would mend the rifts between us and forge an enduring friendship. I have entrusted your Master of Swords with several promising leads found within our borders. To that I add only this: Pathfinders, the glory of Cheliax is placed in your care.” Ianareth bows deeply to Marcos and then to the crowd before taking her leave. Marcos Farabellus steps behind the lectern and begins the second part of the announcement.

Marcos Farabellus:

“I’ve gathered a handful of teams to lead these initial expeditions, and I’ve posted those outside with times to meet me in my office for more details. There’s rewarding work ahead, so don’t be late!” With that, the auditorium begins to empty. Walking briskly with infinite poise and a clenched jaw, Zarta Dralneen is the first to disappear through the doors.

Crowds begin to gather at three different locations that have been designated for lists. After pursing through the different lists, you finally see your name posted next to five other agents and a time to meet the Master of Swords.

(You may begin your introduction with the assumption that you are entering the Master of Swords chamber for a briefing. I will continue once we have everyone on board.)


Please post the following info.
Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Day Job:
Items Purchased:

I am going to open the game play thread for players to introduce (describe) their characters. I will wait until I have everyone checked in with completed characters before moving the game forward.

This is a recruitment for (PFS-Standard) #7-14 Faithless and Forgotten, Part 1: Let Bygones Be. The Scenario is designed for levels 1-5 and will be run in sub-tier (1-2). There are currently (2) seats reserved with (4) active seats open. Priority on selection will be given to in-tier completed characters that have an active PFS #. Additional submissions will be considered on reserve.

Speed: I prefer players to post at least once a day. In combat, when this is not possible, the character will be placed on delayed status. For those interested, I am on PST and generally post multiple times a day.

Current Line up
1. GM Red / Paladin or Bloodrager
2. Nerak the Numb / Arcane type (Under development.)
3.-6. Open


Ever since the tragedy at Delvehaven decades ago, the infernal empire Cheliax has rarely allowed Pathfinders to explore its many ruins and archaeological treasures—even then only after its recently disenfranchised liaison Zarta Dralneen fought for that privilege. Cheliax has once again extended its hand to the Society, inviting its agents to investigate an abandoned keep that dates back to the Chelish civil war. It's up to the PCs to navigate the Corentyn's streets and politics as they uncover the buried past and lay the foundation for a new partnership with a one-time foe.


You are several days northwest of Bloodcove—days of dusty, dirty running and riding as your wagoner, the scoundrel Raimondo Scevola, whipped his horse to go faster, faster!

Closing in behind you, no more than an hour by horse, ride a large force of Aspis mercenaries. Your activities in Bloodcove, it seems, were not as secret as you hoped.

After days of bumping around, in the back of an overly cramped wagon, Scevola finely brings the wagon to a slower pace. After looking back over his shoulder a couple times, he turns to the group. "It looks like we have put enough distance between ourselves and the consortium. I think they have given up the chase. I don't know about you, but I could use a small rest." As Scevola finishes his statement, he brings the wagon to a slow stop. "By the looks of it, I think the horses have taken all they can. I'm going to give them a moment to rest." After setting the wagon's brake, Scevola climbs out of the wagon and begins to water down the horses.

The wagon now sits in front of a fallen tree and is surrounded by a shrub covered landscape. The grassy knolls that dot the landscape are separated by shallow dirt ditches that pose a small challenge for the wagon and the horses. It is now dusk and the humidity has increased with your distance from the coast, even with the waning sun.

I will have an update as soon as everyone has populated over.


Because of problems with the original thread, we will be continuing part 2 on this thread. Once everyone has migrated over, I will close the other one.

Current group

I have a quandary. I have a character in my game who has successfully attacked an invisible target using shield bash. Normally her shield slam feat allows her to also hit with a free bull rush attack using her previous to hit as her CMB. Would the free bull rush also have a 50% miss chance do to the invisibility? Assuming the bull rush is successful, she also has the spiked destroyer feat, which allows her to automatically make an attack roll with her armor spikes. Would that attack also have a 50% miss chance?

Shield Slam:

In the right position, your shield can be used to send opponents flying.

Prerequisites: Improved Shield Bash,Shield Proficiency, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: Any opponents hit by your shield bash are also hit with a free bull rush attack, substituting your attack roll for the combat maneuver check (see Combat). This bull rush does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Opponents who cannot move back due to a wall or other surface are knocked prone after moving the maximum possible distance. You may choose to move with your target if you are able to take a 5-foot step or to spend an action to move this turn.

Spiked Destroyer:

You can attack with your armor spikes while using bull rush or overrun.

Prerequisite: Proficient in spiked armor.

Benefit: When you succeed at a bull rush or overrun combat maneuver, you may automatically make an attack roll with your armor spikes against the target of the maneuver as a swift action, using your highest attack bonus.

Many nights have passed since your last incursion and you find yourself wondering what the next adventure will reveal. The lack of activity in Absalom has you concerned that it might be a while before you see any new opportunities. With a small glimmer of hope, you recall seeing Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin pacing in the Lodge’s main office. It looked as if he had something concerning on his mind. You find yourself enjoying the comfort of the room with the hope that an assignment may be brewing. Almost on que, the Captain walks through the door.

While calmly brushing a hand over his well-kept beard, the Venture-Captain turns to you with a formidable look in his eye. “I want you to head down to the Master of Spells study and wait for me for there. I have a mission of importance for you to undertake. Unfortunately many of our more experienced members are engaged elsewhere, so I’m going to have to entrust that you have the skill to complete this mission in their absence.”

The Venture-Captain’s thoughts seem elsewhere and his mannerism appears slightly off as he walks out of the room and down the hall.

Quickly you gather your things and head down to the Master of Spells study, where you run into five other Pathfinders.

(Please introduce and describe your characters.)


Please place your chronicle information here in the usual format.

Name of Player:
Name of Character:
Society Number:
Day-job Role: <-If any

This should be an enjoyable run. As fare as I know, we are in no rush so feel free to role-play and FLUFF as much as you desire.

A little side Note: Keep an eye on your PM's. I tend to send PM's for information that your character ascertains that other characters do not have access to. This does create a little more work on the part of the player, but it allows the player to divulge what he wants to share. That and it allows a role-play format for that information.

The Grand Lodge has been quiet for months, with many of its more elite members out on extended mission. Over that last two weeks the temperature has fallen, leaving a brisk cool chill in the air. The sweet smell of a light colored wood that is burning vigorously in the room’s hearth permeates the entire lodge, creating a cozy-warm feel.

Many nights have passed since your last incursion and you find yourself wondering what the next adventure will reveal. The lack of activity in Absalom has you concerned that it might be a while before you see any new opportunities. With a small glimmer of hope, you recall seeing Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin pacing in the Lodge’s main office. It looked as if he had something concerning on his mind. You find yourself enjoying the comfort of the room with the hope that an assignment may be brewing. Almost on que, the Captain walks through the door.

While calmly brushing a hand over his well-kept beard, the Venture-Captain turns to you with a formidable look in his eye. “I want you to head down to the Master of Spells study and wait for me for there. I have a mission of importance for you to undertake. Unfortunately many of our more experienced members are engaged elsewhere, so I’m going to have to entrust that you have the skill to complete this mission in their absence.”

The Venture-Captain’s thoughts seem elsewhere and his mannerism appears slightly off as he walks out of the room and down the hall.

Quickly you gather your things and head down to the Master of Spells study, where you run into five other Pathfinders.

(Please introduce and describe your character as others would see you.)



I have quickly reviewed some of your characters and have come across a couple things. Some of the players here are experienced and some are semi-new. Because of the newness of some of the players, I would like to take a little extra time to make sure everyone's character is squared away. For those that are experienced, I apologize for the slight delay, but this should make things much easier as we move along. If all goes well, I am hoping to run back to back scenarios for everyone.

So go ahead and DOT in here and in the GAME thread. Place your chronicle information here in the following format.

Name of Player:
Name of Character:
Society Number:
Day-job Role: <-If any

If you prefer a fully filled out chronicle then include the following.

Current PP:
Current Fame:
Current Gold: <--(Note: this is rounded to the nearest gold. We don't use silver or copper.)
Current XP:
What chronicle number this is for you:
Any Items you want to buy before, or after the scenario:

I am willing to answer any question you might have. Don't hold back, if you don't know something please ask.

I am recruiting for Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-01: Before the Dawn-Part 1: The Bloodcove Disguise .

We will be running in Sub Tier 1-2 and currently have (3) available slots, along with (1) backup slot. I am looking for players that are interested in a group that intends to build some continuity and continue onto parts 2. The game should start sometime within the first week of January. I generally post during PST, but I am open to players in different time zones as well.

Assuming all goes well, and if everyone is willing to continue, I will be running the new three part scenario (Faithless and forgotten 1, 2, and 3), which is scheduled to release (January 27th, February 24th, and March 30th).

This recruitment will not be on a first come, first serve bases. I currently have three slots filled by very experienced online GMs, who will have input on the remaining player selection. This process will hopefully allow the existing players to round out the group.

What you can expect and what is expected.

1. I would prefer if everyone is able to post at a minimum of once in a 24 hour period. If you have not posted in a 24 hour period and combat is being held up, your character will be placed on delay and the combat will move forward. If you know you are going to be unavailable for more than 24 hours, you can request the GM to post an action in your absence.

2. Perception, Initiative, and in some situations, saving throws will be rolled by the GM. This is to speed up game play. I intend to use Google for maps, handouts, and chronicles.

3. I prefer a complete and registered (PFS) character that is viewable online. Because we are starting with well-versed players, I would expect that role play will become a mainstay. Although I don’t expect a lengthy background, some sort of background will allow me to flush out additional in game fluff. This will make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

4. Ultimately, I want everyone to have fun. I am open to criticism and debate. There are a lot of gray areas in Pathfinder, and sometimes we interpret things differently. If you have an in game concern, I encourage voicing that concern. Either send me a PM, or post something in the discussion thread. We will have a lot of experience sitting at the table, so the discussion thread is a welcome open forum.

This is where you can compare notes and decided on what you would like to play, and discus what you think would best round out the group. You are welcome to jump into the recruitment thread and interact with the potential candidates as you see fit.

Grand Lodge

I am about to start a society pbp game. I was able to post to the recruitment thread with no problem. I have also been posting to other threads with no problem. But the gameplay and discussion threads of this particular game is not allowing the post to send.

When I attempt to post to the gameplay thread, it allows me to preview the post. When I submit the post, it refreshes and my post remains in preview mode. After logging in and out the post no longer exists, so I am assuming it never registers as submitted.

The link to the game is here.

Link to Game

Any feedback on how to fix this would be appreciated.

Blessing of the Harrow

Hi everyone, I could use some help on creating a gipsy. Ultimately I really like the flavor of a gipsy character. I would like to begin play with the ability to perform a harrowing and have it actually be meaningful in the game. I think the below ability would provide what I am looking for, but it reads as if you can’t get it till later in the game. Either the prestige class harrower at level 6 or the Varasian Pilgrim at level 8 can provide this ability. Is there any way to begin play with this ability at level 1?

Blessing of the Harrow, Once per day, a harrower may perform a harrowing for herself and all allies within 20 feet of her. This harrowing takes 10 minutes, and allies to be affected by it must remain within 20 feet of the harrower for the entire time. At the conclusion of the harrowing, count up the number of cards from each suit that were used in the reading. This harrowing provides a bonus based upon the suit with the most cards showing. In case of a tie, choose one suit. The bonus lasts for 24 hours. The suits grant insight bonuses as follows. Strength: +1 on attack rolls; Dexterity: +1 to AC; Constitution: +1 on weapon damage rolls; Intelligence: +1 on all skill checks; Wisdom: +1 on all saving throws; Charisma: +1 on caster level and concentration checks.


I have recently decided to run my first pbp game. I have a basic question about the chronicle. Do we date the chronicle when the game starts, or when it is completed?

I’m getting ready to run a game that has an encounter involving a tiny creature. The attack and damage the creature does is, rapier +8 (1d2-2 / 18-20). The creature also has sneak damage 1d6.

Please correct me if I am wrong in any of this.

My question is as follows. Does the 1d2-2 result in 1 nonlethal damage? Assuming it does, what kind of damage, if any, does the sneak attack do?

Also the creature has the ability to reduce person at will. If the player becomes reduced in size, does that have any effect on the damage the tiny creature does to the newly reduced target?


Ok I am looking at an encounter in a scenario I am about to run. The encounter takes place in a sewer that runs about 8 feet deep. Currently the party is on a ledge to one side of the running sewer, and is about to engage a couple bad guys. If the bad guys move into the sewer to attack the group, they need a DC 10 swim check to traverse the running sewer water. If they decide to fight from the running water what happens?

I see the PCs gaining a +2 to their attack, for attacking down, but I found the following rule.

Attacks from Land: Characters swimming, floating, or treading water on the surface, or wading in water at least chest deep, have improved cover (+8 bonus to AC, +4 bonus on Reflex saves) from opponents on land. Land-bound opponents who have freedom of movement effects ignore this cover when making melee attacks against targets in the water. A completely submerged creature has total cover against opponents on land unless those opponents have freedom of movement effects. Magical effects are unaffected except for those that require attack rolls (which are treated like any other effects) and fire effects.

Do I apply this to the bad guys AC? Seems a little harsh giving it is a 1st level scenario. Can I modify the AC bonus, or am I stuck with the above rule giving it is a society scenario?


After receiving a summons from Venture-Captain Sir Canayven Heidmarch, you set out to a designated location in Karvosa, where a meeting is supposed to take place. The exact nature of the meeting is vague, but mentions something about a treasure horde.

As you approach your destination, the rain that has been taxing your entire trip, finally lightens up. A small brake in the overhead clouds allows just enough light through, to dimly light your path. In the distance, two figures stand conversing about something obviously important. One of the figures you recognize, as Venture-Captain Canayven, and the other appears to be an older woman, who seems familiar with the Venture-Captain.

Observing the area you count at least five other pathfinders approaching. Each looking uneak in their own way. Each looking formidable.

You can take this time to describe your approach, appearance, and introduce yourselves.


Welcome everyone. Intro will begin 07/19/2014

Current lineup.
1. Kenri
2. Harlynne
3. Telos
4. Torsk
5. Yakima
6. Zuriel

Feel free to dot away and chat.

I am looking to run The Veteran’s Vault #4-18 / Tier 1-5.

Post valid PFS characters here for consideration.

Game Expectations

GM posts PDT

Post one or more times a day.

If you fail to post in combat for more than 24 hours,you will be considered delayed till you can post.

If you can’t post please let me know in the discussion thread.

I will be rolling initiative and perception rolls for surprise.

I use Google drawing for maps and handouts.

I will select on a first come bases, with a completed PFS legal

Please include the following in your stat block. HP, AC, Saves, Initiative, Perception, CMB, CMD, Move.

I also ask you to post your character’s PFS#, Fame, PP, XP, and Gold before any purchases , somewhere on your character sheet.

Items you would like to buy or sell should be posted in the discussion thread.

Last I ask that you have fun.

Hi I have a couple questions regarding donning armor.

Looking at the time and requirements to don full plate. If the armor is made out of mithral does this effect the time it takes to don the armor?

Second Does it still require two people to don?

Hi everyone,

Quick question on a rangers favored enemy. If a ranger is about to combat a creature that is his favored enemy and that enemy appears to be something else do to a magical effect. Would the ranger get all the added bonuses from his favored enemy class ability, even though he is unaware of the fact it is his favored enemy?

I am currently running a game where one of my PCs has a medium Triceratops as an animal companion. I have looked over the starting statistics and I can only find the creatures weight as a full sized 20,000 pound animal. The full sized creature is category huge. What would a medium one weigh? I ask this because this could be a problem when dealing with any kind of hazard, that weight and size would be a challenge.


Just quick questions regarding a character redo. I am aware you can redo your character up until you play your first game at level 2.What is the latest chronicle you can note the changes on. For example If I have a PC who is wanting to sell gear and has successfully played in three games and currently has three chronicles. The PC would like to make changes on their character before the start of the upcoming game, which would be their first game at level 2. Changes to the character would include returning items they started with and buying new items which would be an upgrade to what they could have bought when the character was originally created. Can this be done at the beginning of the 4th game and logged on the 4th chronicle?

Hi everyone, I would like some opinions on a mindless animated thing. Would an undead or an animated object that has been triggered to defend a place or an object stop striking a PC, that has triggered it, if that PC has gone unconscious? Would it move to the next viable threat? What defines someone as a target? And when does that target, no longer become a target? Would it continue striking the first PC that activated it even though the PC is long dead?

Noted that preparing a spell from an opposing school for a wizard uses up two spell slots. What effect if any would this have on scribing a scroll or attempting to use a spell from an apposed school with the wizards bonded item?

In the case of a whip does a player who has the weapon finesse feat apply his dex bonus to his CMB instead of his strength?

Also when dealing subdue damage with the whip, if the player can gain a back-stab on his target, is the back-stab damage considered lethal or nonlethal?

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