A_psychic_rat wrote:
so im not new to pathfinder at all really, my friends and i have been into the system for a few years but for the longest time we never played because none of us wanted to GM really.
well a few months ago i finally got over my nerves and pulled my pants and started GMing for our group, and i was happy to discover I LOVE GMing, i like doing the prepwork to get ready for a night of play and i love paizos pre made adventure paths cuz im not very creative in a wold building mannor.
after learning the ropes over the past few months i came to these forums and found out about PFS, i like the idea of games that are short so they dont span months and anyone with level appropriate characters can join in. i was even thinking of asking my local hobbie shop if i could start doing a PFS night.
My main issue is whenever i learn something new for an RPG i learn best by being shown how it works and if im not i dont feel very comfortable doing it (i only learned a month ago that encounter CR isnt the total CR of all the creatures in a fight but based on a table and the total XPprovided by the creatures(and man i felt like a noob after finding that out))
i was wondering if there was someone who would like to take the time and setup a talk on skype or link me to a summery guid or even in this forums thread on how GMing (and i know gms in PFS just run off what the book says more or less and im A ok with that) and charater creation for PFS should go, just so im sure i understand it right.
thanks for any help i get
Three month I was in the same situation as you are now. In Italy there weren't any pfs events unless we started to organize them.
I had never played as gm since before, but i wanted so much play PFS than i've started to study the guide to organized play, and with a well experienced master in an other group who helped me, we made our first event.
It was one of the best Pathfinder experience I've ever had, and now that I got acquainted with PFS rules, every event is better than the last.
In short, my advise is: DO IT!Study the guide to organized play and organize as many events as possibile with your friends in your local shop. Don't worry, it's easier than you think!