Full Name |
Nicholas Tyrel |
Race |
Human Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 7 | HP: 54/56 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 13 | CMD: 15 | Fort: +5, Reflex +5, Will +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +9 |
Classes/Levels |
| Spells: 1st: 7/8, 2nd: 8/8, 3rd: 5/5 |
About Nicholas Tyrel
Human Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 7
LN Humanoid (Human)
Init: +2 Senses: Darkvision 30 ft., Perception +9
AC: 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex)
HP: 56 (7d6+14)
Fort: +5 Reflex: +5 Will: +6
Speed: 30 feet
Melee: Dagger +6 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged: Dagger +5 (1d4)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 7th)
3/day - Ghost Sound
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 7th; Concentration +13)
3rd-level (5/day, DC 19) - Deeper Darkness*, Dispel Magic, Shadow Enchantment (DC 21)
2nd-level (8/day, DC 18) - Blindness/Deafness, Darkvision*, Invisibility, Minor Image (DC 20)
1st-level (8/day, DC 17) - Color Spray (DC 19), Disguise Self (DC 19), Interrogation, Ray of Enfeeblement*, Shadow Trap (DC 19), Silent Image (DC 19)
0-level (At-will, DC 16) - Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Message, Ray of Frost, Read Magic
Bloodline: Umbral
Str: 10 0
Dex: 14 +2
Con: 14 +2
Int: 14 +2
Wis: 10 0
Cha: 22 +6
BAB: +3 CMB: +3 CMD: 15
Feats: Alertness*, Greater Spell Focus (Illusion), Inscribe Magical Tattoo, Mage’s Tattoo (Illusion)*, Spell Focus (Illusion), Spell Penetration, Tenebrous Spell
Skills: Bluff +12 (3 ranks), Diplomacy +12 (+3 familiar, 3 ranks), Disguise +9 (+14 in normal or dimmer light) (3 ranks), Knowledge (Arcana) +9 (4 ranks), Knowledge (Religion) +9 (7 ranks), Perception +9 (+2 feat, 7 ranks), Sense Motive +10 (+2 feat, +1 trait, 4 ranks), Spellcraft +9 (4 ranks), Stealth +12 (+17 in normal or dimmer light) (7 ranks)
Background: Craft (Tattoos) +12 (7 ranks), Lore (Nidal) +6 (1 rank), Sleight of Hand +8 (6 ranks)
Traits: Kuthite Caster (+4 Concentration on Darkness, Pain, and Shadow spells), Outcast's Intuition (+1 CL to dispel)
Languages: Common, Infernal, Shadowtongue
Advancement: Armor Attunement +1, Deflection +1, Mental Prowess (Charisma) +2, Physical Prowess (Constitution) +2, Resistance +1, Weapon Attunement +1
Special: Bloodline Arcana (Umbral), Bloodline Tattoos, Create Spell Tattoo (1/day), Familiar Tattoo (Thrush)
Combat Gear: Tattoo of Darkness (Hands), Tattoo of Haste (Feet), Tattoo of Invisibilty Sphere (Shoulder), Tattoo of Mage Armor (Chest), Tattoo of Nondetection (Wrist)
Other Gear: Dagger, Glamoured Spiked Silken Ceremonial Armor, Backpack, Ring of Spell Knowledge I (Magic Missile), Shawl of Shadowy Disguise, Spell Component Pouch, 8980 gp