Step 1: Donobulan:
-> +1 each in: Fitness, Insight, Reason
-> Denobulan Trait
-> Talent: Parent Figure
Step 2: Homeworld Denobula
-> Value: "One Big Family"
-> +1 Reason
-> +1 Science
Step 3: Upbringing Science and Technology: Accepted
-> Control +2, Reason +1
-> Engineering +1
-> Focus: Warp Field Dynamics
-> Talent: Technical Expertise
Step 4: Star Fleet Academy: Operations Track
-> +1 each: Reason, Insight, Control
-> Value: "Better be Prepared"
-> Major: Engineering+2
-> Minors: Command+1, Science+1
-> Focuses: Transporters & Replicators, Linguistics, Electro-Plasma Power Systems
-> Talent: Cultural Flexibility
Step 5: Career: Veteran Officer
-> Value: "People before Protocol"
-> Talent: Veteran
Step 6: Career Events:
1) First Contact: TODO Details
-> Presence +1
-> Command +1
-> Focus: Diplomacy
2) Death of a Friend: TODO Details
-> Insight +1
-> Medicine +1
-> Focus: Counseling
Step 7: Final Touches
-> Value: "More than the sum of Parts"
-> Attributes: +1 each on Presence & Insight
-> Disciplines: +1 each on Security & Engineering
-> Stress: 10
-> Damage: 2
-> Department: Engineering
-> Name: Nettlox
-> Position: Chief Engineer ? -> Advantage Engineering Department
-> Rank: Lt. Commander ?
-> Items: Uniform, Communicator, Tricorder, Sidearm (Type-1), Tools