
Nettlox's page

54 posts. Alias of Swordwhale.


Denobulan Chief Engineer (Lt. Commander) | Stress:0/10


Control:10|Daring:7|Fitness:8|Insight:11|Presence:9|Reason:11 /\ Command:3|Conn:1|Engineering:5|Security:2|Science:3|Medicine:2







About Nettlox

- Control: 10
- Daring: 7
- Fitness: 8
- Insight: 11
- Presence: 9
- Reason: 11

- Command: 3
- Conn: 1
- Engineering: 5
- Security: 2
- Science: 3
- Medicine: 2

- Warp Field Dynamics
- Transporters & Replicators
- Linguistics
- Electro-Plasma Power Systems
- Diplomacy
- Counseling

- Parent Figure: Ignore first COmplication when attempting or assisting a Task where 2+ characters are involved
- Technical Expertise: Re-roll one d20 if using or assisted by the ship's systems (may be the ship's roll).
- Cultural Flexibility: Reduce Difficulty by 1 when interacting with an unfamiliar culture
- Veteran: When spending Determination roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, regain the spent determination.

- Denobulan: Robust immune system, vulnerable to radiation, sleep little (but need hibernation period once a year), good climber

"One big Family"
-> Stemming from the Denobulan extensive families, he believes that all species can form one big family - if just everyone were to be prepared and willing to make it work.
"People before Protocol."
-> Meaning that he prefers to talk and listen to people directly and on an equal level instead of enforcing protocol and rank.
"More than the sum of Parts."
-> Means that he acknowledges and supports the fact that teamwork and cooperation goes a long way to achieve greatness. He does also apply this principle to machines, although this is usually seen more as a spleen than a virtue.
"Better be Prepared"
-> Reflects his preference for preparation over hasty improvisation. He would rather set-up and use multiple fall-back redundancy systems rather than rely on hasty repairs. The same applies nearly every situation. He will rather spend hours to prepare himself with available data about the topic, than go in blind and improvise.

Creation Notes:

Step 1: Donobulan:
-> +1 each in: Fitness, Insight, Reason
-> Denobulan Trait
-> Talent: Parent Figure

Step 2: Homeworld Denobula
-> Value: "One Big Family"
-> +1 Reason
-> +1 Science

Step 3: Upbringing Science and Technology: Accepted
-> Control +2, Reason +1
-> Engineering +1
-> Focus: Warp Field Dynamics
-> Talent: Technical Expertise

Step 4: Star Fleet Academy: Operations Track
-> +1 each: Reason, Insight, Control
-> Value: "Better be Prepared"
-> Major: Engineering+2
-> Minors: Command+1, Science+1
-> Focuses: Transporters & Replicators, Linguistics, Electro-Plasma Power Systems
-> Talent: Cultural Flexibility

Step 5: Career: Veteran Officer
-> Value: "People before Protocol"
-> Talent: Veteran

Step 6: Career Events:
1) First Contact: TODO Details
-> Presence +1
-> Command +1
-> Focus: Diplomacy

2) Death of a Friend: TODO Details
-> Insight +1
-> Medicine +1
-> Focus: Counseling

Step 7: Final Touches
-> Value: "More than the sum of Parts"
-> Attributes: +1 each on Presence & Insight
-> Disciplines: +1 each on Security & Engineering
-> Stress: 10
-> Damage: 2
-> Department: Engineering
-> Name: Nettlox
-> Position: Chief Engineer ? -> Advantage Engineering Department
-> Rank: Lt. Commander ?
-> Items: Uniform, Communicator, Tricorder, Sidearm (Type-1), Tools