
Nerple's page

23 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

I've been looking unsuccessfully for 25 or 28mm metal miniatures that could pass for Tengus. Does anyone know a company that produces sucha miniature?

So came upon a situation last week where my group and I were split on how remove disease would work.

The party encountered a vargouille in the middle of the night, and the vargouille successfully got it's kiss special attack off on the dwarven bard. Being a while out of town, and the party too low to cast remove disease themselves, the bard went through the first two phases of transformation (lost hair, leathery wings for ears, tentacles, sharpened teeth) before finally getting into the city and getting to one of the temples to get remove disease cast.

The question is to what extent does remove disease heal the character. Everyone agreed the transformation was stopped and the character was saved. But the party was split on whether or not the transformation was reversed. All agreed the hair would grow back naturally, but was split on whether remove disease would reverse the tentacle, wing, and tooth growth. Some assumed remove disease would remove all effects of the disease as well, others assumed it just halted the transformation but wouldn't reverse the damage done.


In the end it didn't matter, the dwarf was so shamed that he lost his beard, he retired from adventuring and refused to leave his inn room. But was curious what the community thought for possible future events.