
Necco Wafer's page

33 posts. Organized Play character for pjrogers.

Full Name

Necco Wafer


| F +5 R +10 W +5 |


Perception +5, low-light vision | Move 25 | Hero Points 1


Female CN Catfolk Rogue (scoundrel) 1 | HP: 29/30 | AC:19


Chaotic neutral


Common, Amurrun, Kelish, Osiriani


Parting fools from their money

Strength 12
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 16

About Necco Wafer

"You can trust me. I'm your friend."
PFS# 226993-2006
Experience 0
Faction Horizon Hunters
Reputation 0
Wealth 1.8 gp

Necco’s fur is a dark, dingy mottled grey, perhaps not the sexiest or most exciting color. But, she’s found it just perfect for stealthing about. On the appearance spectrum of cat-like to human-like, Necco looks much more like a cat with a leopard-like head and a set of razor-sharp claws on her hands.

Necco is admittedly a bit of a sociopath, just a bit, not too much. Ethically, she regards pretty much everything as hers, some of it just happens to be in the possession of other people. Practically, she realizes that this upsets other people, so a bit of discretion and stealth is usually called for. Plus, where would she put it all.

Necco was born to a prominent family of lawyers and judges in Murraseth, and she was widely regarded as having a keen legal mind. Unfortunately for her family, she primarily used this knowledge in order to break the law. After several embarrassing (embarrassing for others but not her) scrapes with the law, she happily allowed her parents bribe her to leave Murraseth and go far, far away.

She traveled north through the continent of Garund to seek her fortune, mostly at the expense of other people’s fortunes. She stayed for a time in Katapesh and Osirion, learning the local language and keeping clear of law enforcement. While in Katapesh, she became a coffee aficionado and can be a little boring on the subject.

While in Osirion, she became acquainted with the Pathfinder Society. She felt that she would be a good fit for that organization but had less than zero desire to go through three years of training. Fortunately, Norden Balentiir, the venture-captain of the local lodge, proved vulnerable to blackmail, and Necco was shortly on her way to Absalom with a shiny new Field Commission.

Bot Me – General:
Necco is not averse to being at the front of the party as it moves and will generally be stealthing in explore mode.

Bot Me – Combat:
If an open flank is not available, Necco will attempt a feint (+7) to make her opponent flat-footed.

Unarmed Claw Attack

[dice=to hit]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=damage S]1d6+1[/dice]

[dice=to hit]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=damage S]1d6+1[/dice]

Catfolk Rouge (Scoundrel) 1 + level bump
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init/stealth +8; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5


AC 20
hp 30
Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4


Speed 25 ft.
Melee claw +8 (1d6+1 S)
Ranged shortbow +8 (1d6 P)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6 S precision damage

+8 Acrobatics, +1 Arcana, +5 Athletics, +5 Crafting, +7 Deception, +7 Diplomacy, +7 Intimidation, 0 Medicine, 0 Nature, +1 Occultism. +4 Performance, 0 Religion, +3 Society, +8 Stealth, 0 Survival, +8 Thievery , +4 Lore (underworld), +4 Lore (legal), +4 Lore (scouting), +4 Lore (coffee)