About Nebraska JonesBackground:
Nebraska's childhood was spent on the outskirts of Katheer, Qadria in an odd sort of tutelage under an elven Wizard named Rokshaw that insisted he was a stranded time traveler from the future. Rokshaw's dramatic stories filled her head and shaped her early world, making her still question several aspects of reality today. He refused to train her in the Arcane arts, as she was his servant to fetch things that the "scheming Keleshites insisted he was not supposed to have." This developed a large curiosity for the Arcane and she would often fiddle with things behind his back in his laboratory. Naturally interested in how things work and driven by the nature of her purpose, Nebraska would soon master traps, locks, scrolls, wands, people, their emotions, and of course the slippery ability to make herself and other things go unnoticed. As she entered early teens Rokshaw was captured and put to death for being a "semi-evil and large pain for all of society." She escaped by lying about their relationship and drawing sympathy from the officers. Once on her own she floundered with some petty crime in Katheer under the pretenses of survival but was more interested in good-natured discovery. So much of her worldview had been shattered into confusion. She yearned to learn about Golarion, this time, age, magic, the odd entities known as "gods", their religions, and most importantly what parts of Rokshaw's ramblings were actually true. When he would get into moods Rokshaw would tell Nebraska that she wasn't from this time, that she didn't belong here anymore than he did, that she would never get home or understand who or what she really was. Simple gossip lead her to the Pathfinder lodge in Katheer where she was promised to "See the world's riches while promoting the greatest network of trade imaginable." Personality:
Nebraska has a warm personality that is moderately ditsy, definitely kind-hearted, and bubbly. Since she doesn't have a family, she'll grow very attached to the team over time. She'll immediately start joking with them and as she learns their strengths she'll do what she can to influence events around the team to everyone's benefit. It is odd that with her upbringing that she doesn't have trust issues. She is confident enough that coexisting with others is a joy and her perspective is on a much larger scope than the immediate moment. Growing up with brainwashing of time-travel and multiple realities she is disconnected from most bodily fears to the point of seeming naive. She is very existential, and while not superstitious she regards the Arcane as a sort of spiritual science woven through us all. To this end, her relationship with her faction is a means to an end though she understands that helping the faction succeed will in turn greatly help her realize her goals. As a mostly passive, happy and curious person, it is only the practices of slavery that she can not tolerate in the slightest. After suffering the emotional imprisionment of dirty old Rokshaw, she can only shutter at the thought of not having the streets to runaway into for fresh air and freedom from him. She will act towards putting an end to any buying, selling, or trafficing of people that she sees, believing that if they can't be free in life then they at least deserve the respect of being free in death. Appearance:
The young Nebraska's oval face is still in the final processes of trimming it's baby fat and is framed by long blue hair. She is 5'9" and has a lanky athletic build consisting more of toned lines than soft curves. A spacey smile is usually resting on her lips with her light blue eyes staring off dreamily. Nebraska's relaxed nature usually calms people to be around, and it often surprises them how in touch she is with her surroundings from behind her absent facade. Crunch:
Female Half-Elf Rogue [Core] 1 NG Medium Humaniod(Human,Elf) Init +2; Senses Perception +7, Low-Light Vision Languages: Common, Elven --------------------
Racial: Half-Elf
Rogue Skills
Skills 8 = (8+0)
48/50 Wand of Mage Armor In Scroll Case
In Backpack (2gp, 2lbs)
4.19gp Carrying
Future Gear
Spells I like:
Offensive Lead Blades Gravity Bow Enervation Ray of Exhaustion Magic Missile Lightning Bolt Fireball True Strike Defensive
2 PP Purchase Ideas:
wand of comprehend languages wand of endure elements wand of protection from evil wand of remove fear scroll of align weapon (5) scroll of delay poison (5) scroll of remove paralysis (5) scroll of resist energy (5) scroll of lesser restoration (5) scroll of silence (5) scroll of daylight (2) scroll of invisibility purge (2) scroll of protection from energy (2) scroll of remove blindness/deafness (2) potion of remove blindness scroll of control water scroll of water breathing (2) scroll of death ward scroll of freedom of movement scroll of tongues wand of identify scroll of glitterdust (5) scroll of locate object (5) scroll of see invisibility (5) scroll of gust of wind (5) - better than energy damage for the swarms that are immune to weapon damage scroll of darkvision (5) scroll of spider climb (5) scroll of clairaudience/clairvoyance (2) scroll of invisibility sphere (2) scroll of fly (2) potion of fly scroll of dimension door scroll of locate creature Feat and Rogue Talent Schedule:
F1:Magical Aptitude RT2:Combat Trick (Rapid Reload) F3:Weapon Finesse RT4:Combat Trick (Elven Curve Blade Proficiency) F5:Weapon Focus (Elven Curve Blade) RT6:Fast Stealth F7:Combat Reflexes RT8:Powerful Sneak F9:Dodge Minor Magic
Race | HP: 10/10 | AC 16 : T 13 : F 13 | CMB 4 : CMD 16 | F +2 : R +5 : W +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (lowlight) : Sense Motive +1 Class | Speed 30 | Active conditions: None Gender NG Female Half-Elf (Qadiran) Rogue 1 |