Beltias Kreun

Neal Shadowhand's page

60 posts. Organized Play character for CptJames.

Full Name

Neal Shadowhand


| HP: 35/35 | AC: 18 (15 tch, 13 ff) (+1 AC vs traps, +4 Dodge bonus vs AoO) | CMB: +2 CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +9 (+1 vs traps), W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 (+1 to Avoid Surprise, +2 to Locate Traps) SM: +6


| Speed 30 | Active conditions: Headband of Alluring Charisma +2


Male CN Human Unchained Rogue 4






Chaotic Neutral


Common, Undercommon, Abyssal, Aklo

Strength 8
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Neal Shadowhand

Neal Shadowhand
Male Human Unchained Rogue
CN Medium Humanoid
Init +4; Senses Perception +8 (+1 to avoid surprise, +2 to locate traps)


AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 Dodge Bonus) – (+1 Dodge AC vs Traps, +4 Dodge Bonus to AC vs AoO)
hp 35 (4d8+12)
Fort +4, Ref +9 (+1 vs Traps), Will +3;
Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge


Speed 30 ft.
Melee Masterwork Silver Light Mace (Primary-Hand) +8 (1d6B-1/20×2) or
. . Cold Iron Short Sword (Off-Hand) +7 (1d6P+4/19-20×2) or
. . Mithril Dagger (in Wrist Sheath) +8 (1d4S-1/19-20x2) or
. . Cold Iron Dagger (in Wrist Sheath) +7 (1d4S-1/19-20x2) or
. . Tusks +7 (1d4B/S/P-1)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack – If flanking or denying Dex bonus to AC, add 2d6+1 dmg. (+1 dmg from “Blade of the Society Rogue Trait”; Slow Reactions – When damaged by Sneak Attack, opponents can’t AoO for 1 rd.)
If full round attack, both Primary and Off-Hand get -2 on Atk Rolls.


Str 8, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Mobility
Traits Blade of the Society (Rogue), Adopted – Half-Orc, Tusked.
Acrobatics +11,
Appraise +1,
Bluff +9,
Climb -1,
Diplomacy +9,
Disable Device +13,
Disguise +2,
Escape Artist +11,
Fly +4,
Heal +1,
Intimidate +2,
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5,
Knowledge (Engineering) +2,
Knowledge (Local) +5,
Linguistics +6,
Perception +8,
Ride +4,
Sense Motive +6,
Sleight of Hand +11,
Stealth +11,
Survival +1,
Swim -1,
Use Magic Device +6;
Racial Modifiers +2 Dex at Creation
Languages Common, Undercommon, Abyssal, Aklo
Other Gear Masterwork Studded Leather, Cold Iron Short Sword, Short Sword, Dagger, cloak of resistance +1, backpack, disguise kit, flint and steel, grappling hook, ink, inkpen, scrivener’s kit, silk rope (50ft), sunrod, Masterwork Thieves’ tools, waterskin, wrist sheath x2

Special Abilities

Danger Sense (Ex) +1 bonus on Reflex saves to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. +1 bonus on Perception checks to avoid being surprised by a foe.
Evasion (Ex) Successful Reflex save = No damage
Slow Reactions When damaged by Sneak Attack, opponents can't AoO for 1 rd.
Sneak Attack When flanking or denying dex bonus to AC, +2d6 dmg.
Stand-up (Ex) Stand from Prone as a Swift Action (no AoO), Stand from Prone as a Free Action (Provokes AoO)
Trapfinding +1/2 level on Perception checks to locate traps and on Disable Device checks. Use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain DEX bonus to AC when flat-footed.