Nazrun's page

No posts. Organized Play character for pedr.

Dark Archive

The WotC 'D&D Campaigns' campaigns Mark of Heroes and Xen'Drik Expeditions and now LFR had/have scope for GMs to create adventures which they can then run as part of the campaign, with players getting credit/rewards for playing them as if they were 'official' campaign adventures.

Given that one of the concerns about replay is a lack of low-level adventures making it difficult for players to create third and fourth characters (and to find adventures which they can play with new players) I wonder if this is something the campaign would like to consider.

As a rough proposal, I'd suggest something like this: GMs can create adventures which can award 1XP, up to 1PA, and a specified level of gp. It may be that the adventure should only run at tier 1-2, and a particular character could only play through a specific adventure run by a GM once - but that character could play a different adventure run by the same GM, at least until it reached 3rd level. Guidelines would be issued reiterating the adventure creation rules that form part of the Pathfinder RPG - and players would probably have to trust the GM to provide an appropriate challenge. The scheme would be enhanced by the publication of some adventure outlines or plot points which GMs could be encouraged (or required) to include in their adventures, but this isn't necessary. GMs could be told of 'off-limits' plot points to avoid conflict with ongoing plot-lines, or an area of the world 'set aside' for these adventures.

These may not be as 'good' as official, published, PFS adventures, but could allow willing GMs to facilitate play in their local groups. If more control was wanted, this could be limited to GMs with a particular star rating (showing that they've GMd plenty of PFS and presumably have an idea of how the campaign works and what is appropriate) and/or the permission of a Venture Captain could be required before a GM could create and run these adventures.

I don't have a personal interest in this - I'm not a PFS organiser and play about once a month if that - but after skimming over hundreds of posts about replay, this seemed to be a possible partial solution.

Dark Archive

I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding something, but is the shipping price for international customers a per-item price?

I'm considering adding a Planet Stories and Pathfinder Chronicles subscription to my Pathfinder AP subscription, and when I do, even if I choose 'Hold for monthly shipment' it's showing a S&H price of $13.72 which is twice the $6.86 listed in the drop-down box for USPS Package service.

If I could get all three products delivered once a month for $6.86 I would add the extra subscriptions. If it's going to be 2 or 3 times that for postage etc then I think I'll have to pass.

Could you let me know if I'm overlooking something?

Dark Archive

I am about to start a Rise of the Runelords campaign, but I'm convinced we won't be anywhere near finished by the time Curse of the Crimson Throne is released and I'm wondering: if I convince someone who is playing my Runelords campaign to GM Curse of the Crimson Throne, would preparing for and running the second AP diminish his enjoyment of the second half of the first one? Or are the two APs sufficiently separate that you can run the second one without learning secrets or reading references to events which happened late in the first?

Dark Archive

My credit card expires at the end of September. I have a new one, which is valid from the 1st of October, with a new expiry date.

If it's certain that my card won't be charged - or pre-authorised - before 1st October, I'll go ahead and put in the new details. But if there is a chance that it'll happen slightly before the start of October I don't want to do that as then the transaction won't go through as you'll have the wrong expiry date.

Do you have a suggestion? Or should I just wait to see what happens and remember to change the details on the 1st?

Dark Archive

I really think there ought to be a better place to put this, but what the heck :)

Is there any way we can bribe, beg or borrow anyone associated with Paizo to attend GenCon UK? It's August 30th to Sep 2nd, it's back after a hiatus of a year and returning to the location where large-scale RPG/games conventions started in the UK: the campus of Reading University, a mere hour from London.

Now, I wasn't a Paizo fanatic until recently, but reading about Pathfinder and Game Mastery modules have made a convert of me... would I be right in thinking that at least one of your most fabulous authors resides in this green and pleasant land?

Any chance? At all?


Dark Archive

I've not had anything shipped by Paizo to the UK before, but I've decided to subscribe to Pathfinder - it seems as if it'll be a very cool product and I'd like to get in at the start!

Could anyone tell me what the practical difference is between the three postage options - particularly as they all cost the same! Are there advantages of Air Mail over Global, or Parcel over Envelope?

Thanks - and good luck with this new product - I'm looking forward to it!