Peet wrote:
Nop, i actually have less options than being LG or CE, because im limited to animals and elementals, and those clerics have access to them too. Almost every other option has 2 alignments involved, except for a few exceptions (that again are open for a wide variety of clerics, because of having only one alignment restriction). According to my GM i have my advantage covered by being able to prepare the four kind of protections (protection from evil, good, chaos and law). I agree that those spells are OP when used against the right alignment, but a summon is more versatile since you don't have to specifically prepare "summon archon" like you do with protection from evil. To be able to do it right you need more skills/spells involved, and usually an specific spell prepared like protection from chaos is an easy target to transform to "cure" spell, because is not that useful unless you KNOW you are going to face a chaotic challenge.
HWalsh wrote:
Opposed: diametrically different Its not about like or dislikeIf we take that A opposes B and C, but don't necessarily B opposes C and A, then we are screwed because we end with more dilemmas. Its not about "who likes who" its about what is opposite to what.
Well being honest he is a good gm, he sometimes enjoy making the players feel desperate and frustrated, but well.. thats his thing. He normally search for the rules and tries to find something right RAW and RAI. Thats why im not sure about this, i guess everyone makes a mistake from time to time. Anyway im really glad you all of your responses. At least the topic is clarified, the community has spoken and i know im not the only one who thinks this way!
Checking everything you say here is actually useful, specially the guy who mentioned the ultimate campaign, it helps to clarify things. The main problem here was the summoning system. They dont want the neutral cleric to be able to summon all the possible monsters with "Summon Monster". The GM statements are: - A cleric gets his spells from their god (developer said this)
So TN cant cast summon mosnter to get an archon, because it becomes a LG spell and his god hates extremes, since LG is extreme, he cant do it. That is what GM says and makes perfect logic for him, he even asked it on another forum and got some ppl supporting it, os now he proceeds to say that as a "rule", not a house rule. The statements from the players are: - Ok, so alignment is a thing that can get messy, but there are some mechanics that the game itself says are defined on the stat blocks (like devils being LE), one of these things are spell descriptors. - On the cleric entry Core Rulebook it says: Clerics cant cast spells with alignment opposed to their alignment or their deity alignment. Spells get their alignment as descriptors, it mentiosn 4 descriptors. Also in the magic chapters we can find the types of descriptros and it says that spells can have more than one descriptor. - There is no "neutral descriptor", nor "Lawful good" descriptor. There is just [LawfuL,Good] as two descriptors. And here is the point where we have the problem. Player says that if neutral is opposed to "extremes", then extreme should be opposed to neutral, so every "extreme" character from "extreme" deity shouldnt be able to cast any "neutral" spell. Gm says: that is why there is no [neutral] descriptor. The thing ended in "agree to disagree" but since the gm is the gm, we do what he says. I am 100% sure that this is not the actual ruling, nor RAW or RAI, but i needed actual reference from the rule set.
I hope some developers throw a hint on this or actually state what opposite means for characters like clerics and inquisitors, because apparently, what we play are interpretations, not clear facts.
He says no, because there is no "neutral" descriptor, so it only works one way apparently. I tried to state that saying that a lawful good cleric wouldnt be able to cast any spell that doesnt have lawful and good as a descriptor. He also said that "lawful good" is a descriptor different from good, or lawful and that is the reason why there isnt a "neutral" descriptor, for lawful good clerics to be able to cast other spells. The real problem is that he says that the example is clear, in the Helm of Opposite alignment and because of that "neutral" is opposite of LG, CG, LE, CE.
I have a few questions:
The Gm says that true neutral is opposite to "extreme" alignments, so is opposite to LG, LE, CG, CE.
What i found in the rulebook about this case: Cleric cant cast spells with alignments descriptors opposed to their deities alignment, summon monster adquires the descriptors of the monster summoned. He also uses the rule about the "steps" from the alignment section to define opposite alignment. Found in the page 166 of the Core Rulebook. What i understand is that this is for effets and rules that use steps of alignment like for example a cleric cant be of an alignment more than one step from his deity alignment. I would appreciate answers based on actual rules and not just opinions because he says that anything that is not written is invalidated. Thanks!
Well it seems to me that its not possible to do any of the things i wanted to do, as RAW its not completely clear as RAI we got different opinions, some people say yes, some people say no. The thing is that its not well defined if the pounce full attack is considered a charge attack, i will have to ask my DM about how are we going to take this.
The problem here is that you can actually pounce and get rhino hide with just the core rulebook, lets say, my build but only with bestiary I and core rulebook, i wildshape into a dire tiger while wearing Rhino Hide, then i pounce and got a lot of attacks that work that way. Then comes to me another questions:
Ok, but right now im talking about 2 MAGICAL items that create a magical effect.
If that is true then i should be able to add the Rhino hide and belt of thunderous charge bonuses, to all my natural attacks. Now im considering changing my build from 6 druid 1 ranger to 7 druid to get acces to Strong Jaw spell, another question comes to my mind xD
If that is the case, if i wild shape into my dinosaur i get the benefit of it and get an improved bite attack as wildshaped, then cast Strong Jaw on myself with natural spell and make my bite attack advance 1 more step? If that is the case can i stack this with the effect of the belt of thunderous charge, making it advance 2 more steps? The numbers should look like this: normal totemic transformation (medium size character) - bite (1d6)
Hi, im new posting to this forums but i've played pathfinder RPG for a while. Right now im focusing at building a saurian druid and now i need to solve an important question regarding the rules of the combo pounce+rhino hide. I've seen a lot of posts regarding this question but couldnt find an answer. My druid is a saurian druid 6/ranger 1, i got the wildshape into dinosaurs of huge size. I want to transform into an Allosaurus (bestiary II) that has pounce+rake combo, and i want to wear the rhino hide armor. The question is: Can i get +2d6 of damage on every succesfull atack of my pounce (including rake attacks)? The rules involved are: Attacking on a Charge: After moving, you may make a
Pounce (Ex) When a creature with this special attack
Rhino Hide: This +2 hide armor is made from rhinoceros hide. In addition
So taking in account this definitions i would say this: When you make a charge you MAY MAKE single melee attack, but because of pounce you CAN MAKE a full attack (including rake), rhino hide gives you an additional 2d6 of damage on ANY successful charge attack made by the wearer. So the big question is: Does every attack of the full-attack of the pounce ability are considered charge attacks? From my point of view i can say that in the charge because it says that you my decide to make a single melee attack after moving in the charge, and so you may decide to make a full attack in the charge because of the pounce ability, both definitions state that those are considered charge attacks for the purpose of Rhino Hide. Another example is this one, im planning to use this item too on the same druid: Belt of Thunderous charging: An engraving of a charging rhinoceros
So if i make my pounce charge attack all my natural attacks should get the bonus. The numbers should look like this: Bite: