
Naurin Ferrick Phren's page

553 posts. Organized Play character for FurtiveZoog.

Full Name

Naurin Ferrick Phren


Human (Varisian)


Oracle of Life 3 (Dual: Lame/Legalistic) HP24/27 NL0 | AC18* T11* FF17* | CMB+3 CMD14* | F+4* R+3* W+2* (*+2 if evil; +8 v charms & compulsions)| Init+1 SPD35 | Perc-2 SM+2

Shortspear: +3/1d6+1; LXbow: +4/1d8/19-20







Special Abilities

Traits: Magical Knack (Oracle), Irrepressible; Feats: Fey Foundling, Selective Channeling, Extra Revelation; Revelations: Channel Energy, (Life Link), Misfortune








Common, Infernal, Sylvan, Varisian



Strength 12
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 7
Charisma 18

About Naurin Ferrick Phren

Naurin Ferrick Phren

A fey foundling who dreams of being a Celestial, but has nightmares in Infernal and Sylvan.

Physical Description: Naurin is a muscular, female human, 5'10" tall and about 160 lbs. She has medium-length dark brown hair and deep green eyes which have, upon close inspection, flecks of silver and gold.

Her dress is a brown and green traveler's outfit, and she wears a large, heavily-laden backpack and has a darkwood buckler strapped to her left arm. She walks, with a pronounced hobble from a right leg fixed straight and foot turned inward. She recently gave up her shillelagh (a walking stick) as a 'crutch' and took up the morningstar, then shortspears, ... but it is the unused longsword on her back to which she feels the most kinship.

Pathfinder number and stats:

PFS Number: 92489-3

XP: 8
FP: 16
PP: 12

Character backstory:

While Naurin dreams of being a celestial, like an aasimar, the truth is that Naurin is a fey foundling, rumored to have been born of a diabolical tiefling and a fey-bloodlined cleric of Desna, a rumor supported by her inborn knowledge of the Infernal and Sylvan languages. Whether this relationship was the fault of a damning contract, a tragedy, or merely a misbegotten love affair is unknown. Equally unknown is the reason for her abandonment, although Naurin suspects it was caused by her deformities. Her lame right leg is her ever-present deformity. Hidden under her clothes is a pair of grotesque, vestigial bat wings, fused to her back, black but with the iridescence of coal, or of black oil on water.

Growing up in the chaotic environment of Cayden Cailean orphanages, Naurin has a strong desire to do good but an equally strong desire to have order. Bullied because she was so different, Naurin never was able to fight back since fighting was against the rules and she would always follow the rules - even when no one else did, and even at great personal cost. She despises ‘luck’, thinking that things should happen or not happen according to reason and determinable laws. Self-taught in mathematics and other arcana, she takes comfort in the orderly precision and predictability found in math. She also despises travel, blaming her bad leg, although she is obligated to do so to both as a Pathfinder and to do good in the world. (That Desna is a goddess of travel and luck doubtlessly fuels Naurin’s animosities.) She is decidedly not a devotee of the green, but has some instinctual knowledge of nature and the fey, whether she likes it or not.

Early on, Naurin discovered that not only did she prefer to have order and truthfulness, she actually became physically ill if she broke her word. (Despite being an orphan and not being able to afford ink, her fellow orphans and wardens were always very disturbed when Naurin used her own blood in inking her promises and ‘contracts’.) She found, however, that she could also vow to herself and summon great personal strengths to keep her vows.

As Naurin grew up, she found she had a strange, mysterious connection to what seems to be the power of life itself, and was easily able to magically heal her own bumps and bruises (and finger pokes) and those of her compatriots. While such efforts at healing only made her more estranged in the orphanage, she attracted the attention of her wardens, who also acted as scouts for the Pathfinder Society, which takes in so many of the talented and estranged.

Character sheet:

Female Human
Oracle of Life 3 (Dual-Cursed - Lame/Legalistic)
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init: +1, Senses: Perception: -2
Languages: Common, Infernal, Sylvan, Varisian
AC 18, Touch 11, Flat-footed 17, CMD 14
HP 27 (2HD)
Fort: +4, Ref: +3, Will: +2 (+8 v charms & compulsions)
Speed: 15 ft. (3 Squares)
Morningstar +3 (1d8+1)
Melee Dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged Dagger (thrown) +3 (1d4+1/19-20)

Face: 5 ft. Reach: 5 ft.
Base Atk: +2, CMB: +3

Known Oracle Spells (CL 3 rd):
0th - Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Read Magic
1st - Command, Cure Light Wounds (DC 15), Entropic Shield, Ill Omen, Protection From Evil
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 7, Cha 18

Armor Proficiency, Light, Armor Proficiency, Medium, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency
Fey Foundling: Your strange connection to the First World and the fey infuses you with life, and whenever you receive magical healing, you heal an additional 2 points per die rolled. You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against death effects. Unfortunately, you also suffer +1 point of damage from cold iron weapons (although you can wield cold iron weapons without significant discomfort). (Inner Sea World Guide)
Selective Channeling: When you channel energy, you can choose a number of targets in the area up to your Charisma modifier. These targets are not affected by your channeled energy. (4 targets)
Extra Revelation: *Life Link

1. Channel Energy
3. Misfortune (Ex): At 1st level, as an immediate action, you can force a creature within 30 feet to reroll any one d20 roll that it has just made before the results of the roll are revealed. The creature must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the original roll. Once a creature has suffered from your misfortune, it cannot be the target of this revelation again for 1 day.
3F.Life Link: As a standard action, you may create a bond between yourself and another creature. Each round at the start of your turn, if the bonded creature is wounded for 5 or more hit points below its maximum hit points, it heals 5 hit points and you take 5 hit points of damage. You may have one bond active per oracle level. This bond continues until the bonded creature dies, you die, the distance between you and the other creature exceeds medium range, or you end it as an immediate action (if you have multiple bonds active, you may end as many as you want as part of the same immediate action).

(Skill - Total, Class Skills in Bold, others useable untrained; Class, but untrained)
Acrobatics -2
Acrobatics (Jump) -6
Appraise +2
Bluff +4
Climb -2
Craft (Untrained) +2
Diplomacy +10; 4, 3 Rank, 3 Class
Disguise +4
Escape Artist -2
Fly -2
Handle Animal
Heal +3; -2, 2 Rank, 3 Class
Intimidate +4
Knowledge (Arcana) +3; 2, 1 Rank
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +3; 2, 1 Rank
Knowledge (Nature) +6; 2, 1 Rank, 3 Class
Knowledge (History) +8; 2, 3 Rank, 3 Class
Knowledge (Planes) +8; 2, 3 Rank, 3 Class
Knowledge (Religion) +8; 2, 3 Rank, 3 Class
Perception -2
Perform (Untrained) +4
Profession (Untrained) -2
Ride -2
Sense Motive +2; -2, 1 Rank, 3 Class
Spellcraft +8; 2, 3 Rank, 3 Class
Stealth -2
Survival -2


Total Equipped: 99.28 lbs. (Medium Load - 50-100 lbs.)
Traveler's Outfit (w/brown & green/dark gray reversible cloak)
Cloak of Protection, +1
Wand of Bless, Wand of Cure Light Wounds
Shortspears, Cold Iron, 2
Masterwork Agile Breastplate
Darkwood Buckler
Alch. Silver Dagger, Cold Iron Dagger
'Longsword' (shortsword) - 'Gamin the Misforged'
Darkwood Light Crossbow
- 10 CI bolts
- 10 CI/As bolts
- 10 CI/Ad bolts

Signal Whistle
Holy Symbol (Wooden/Iomedae), Continual Light
Outfit (Traveler's)
Sleeves of Many Garments
Spell Component Pouch

Caltrops (2)
Marbles (4)

Flask(s) of Alchemist's Fire, Acid, Alkali (1 ea.)
Tanglefoot bag
Potion of Touch of Sea
Air Crystals

Wrist Sheath (Spring Loaded) (R): Wand of Cure Light Wounds
Wrist Sheath (Spring Loaded) (L): Wand of Ill Omen
Wand of Bless

Backpack (MW) (34.5 lbs.): Grappling Hook, Hammer, Pitons (6), Rations (Trail/Per Day)(5), Rope (Silk/50'/Knotted), Whetstone, Torch (1), Waterskin (4), Waterproof bags (2)
Blue Book (Korvosa); (Kaer Maga); (Augustana)
Pathfinder Chronicles (ISWG p. 293): Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Nature, Planes, Religion

Pouch (Belt)(2.28 lbs.): Candle (5), Chalk (5), Fishhook (3), Flint and Steel, Holy Symbol (Wooden/Iomedae), Inkpen (2), Ink (1 oz.)(1), Sewing Needle, String (50 ft.)(3), Coins (see below)

Healer's Kit

Scroll Box: Parchment (4), Rice Paper (5)
Scroll Box: (Scrolls)

At 'home':
Blanket (Winter)
Rations (Trail/Per Day)(5)

Magical Knack (Oracle): You were raised, either wholly or in part, by a magical creature, either after it found you abandoned in the woods or because your parents often left you in the care of a magical minion. This constant exposure to magic has made its mysteries easy for you to understand, even when you turn your mind to other devotions and tasks. Your caster level in Oracle gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn't raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice.
Irrepressible: You can use your Charisma modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier when attempting Will saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

Dual-Cursed Oracle: Though doubly-inflicted with supernatural or physical hindrances, a dual-cursed oracle can manipulate fortune and gains greater insight into her mystery.

Special Attacks
Channel (Su): You can unleash a wave of positive energy. You must choose to deal 2d6 points of positive energy damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures of 2d6 points of damage. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a DC 14 Will save to halve the damage. You can use this ability 5 times per day.

Special Qualities
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Favored Class: Oracle.
Favored Class Bonuses: Bonus Hit Point (x3)
Lame: One of your legs is permanently wounded, reducing your base land speed by 10 feet. Your speed is never reduced due to encumbrance. (1st curse)
Legalistic: Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your obligation, whichever comes first. However, once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual. (2nd curse-PF Player Companion: Blood of Fiends.)
Life Mysteries: You draw upon the divine mystery of Life to grant your spells and powers.
Orisons: You can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells. These spells are cast like any other spells, but they are not expended when used and may be used again.
Second Curse: You must choose two curses at 1st level. One of these curses (oracle's choice) never changes its abilities as you gain levels; for example, an oracle with clouded vision never gains darkvision 60 feet, blindsense, or blindsight. The other curse comes with its normal benefits.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Abilities, Equipment, and Money remaining:

0-level spells: At Will.
1st-level spells: 1/6 per day (-5 PfE on each)
Channel (Su): 5/5 per day
Legalistic morale bonus: 1/1 per day

Air Crystals
Caltrops: 2/2
Crossbow bolts (CI): 10/10
Crossbow bolts (CI/AS): 10/10
Crossbow bolts (CI/Ad): 10/10
Screaming bolt: 1/1
Healer's Kit: 6/10
Flask(s) of Alchemist's Fire (1/1), Acid, Alkali (1 ea.)
Marbles: 4/4
Potion of Touch of Sea
Shortspears (CI): 2/2
Tanglefoot bag

Wand of Bless: 45/50 (46; -1 Arena)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds: 41/50 (41)
Wand of Ill Omen: 49/50 (50; -1 Helkit)
Warpaint of the Terrible Visage: 0/2

Scrolls: Scrolls of Comprehend Languages (2), Detect Evil, Detect Good, Diagnose Disease (2), Lesser Restoration, Magic Weapon (2), Purify Food & Drink, Read Magic (2)

Money: 72.57 gp