Empyreal Lord, Cernunnos

Native Herald's page

14 posts. Alias of Aincrad Survivor.


It gives Druid Spells, Grants a way to get ride of the Negative Levels that come from Reincarnating via Many Lives.

I will look into the Voice of the Wild Bard, I do love me some bard. Not too fond of the Oracle for whatever reason never really looked to hard at them.

Its sound advice and I will look into it though. But for now I am gonna keep my current idea.

I want to make a Ghoran Druid

Especially using the Reincarnated Druid Archetype and then go into Green Faith Acolyte for a few levels.

So basically Druid 5/Green Faith Acolyte 3/X 12 (Not sure what to do beyond 8)

Ghorus Seed and Many Lives work oddly together, there is some debate on how they work together, but that seems more like you need to run it by the DM to see how they want it to work together.

The reason for this is I wanted a plant type character who has access to the Druid Spell List which is very flavorful for this type of being but without the Wildshape which I find to be a bit more then I want, sure its awesome to at later levels turn into virtually anything you want, but I don't want that for this idea.

I honestly liked how Spirit Shaman did this with a very Arcanist style feel, in fact I would have loved if the Arcanist had an archetype that let it use Divine spells from the Druid Spell List.

Any advice on what feats I should focus on, save for the Acolyte of the Green Faith feat.

The Shifty Mongoose wrote:
Just my idea, but if I was the GM in such a situation, I'd say that you'd reincarnate as the new Ghoran from the seed, for simplicity's sake.

Yes but ignoring how things work pretty much negates the game. Why roll this and that when for simplicity's sake you could just assume the party killed the big bad?

Of course I am speaking in hyperbole but I ask this in the rules section to ask if this would work together the way it is written not so much if it should be ruled that way to make things less complicated.

Mighty Squash wrote:

Reincarnate can not turn a ghoran into a human. The spell does not change the type.

reincarnate wrote:
For a humanoid creature, the new incarnation is determined using the table below. For nonhumanoid creatures, a similar table of creatures of the same type should be created.

Ghoran are plant type, not humanoid.

I realise this isn't what you are interested in, but it is making your examples inherently wrong to start with.

It was simply for example so people understood a race change was occurring. And most GMs would likely just use the table for simplicity rather then have to make up a new list for the Plant Type which does not have a lot of playable options.

Why does Raised Dead matter? Negative Level is not a Magical Disease or Curse, so why cite that part? It is not mentioned as a hold over, so why would it be?

I am not getting the % chance of survival odds you figured, care to explain how you figure that?

And no as Ghoran 1 reincarnating into a Human for example no longer has the Ghorus Seed ability and so is not subject to that racial ability.

No more then a Human who was reincarnated from a Drow would still have Light Blindness.

Somewhat like Hazrond said.

Ghoran 1 uses his seed ability and plants it.
Ghoran 1 dies when the seed sprouts.

Ghoran 2 is born when the seed sprouts (It retains all feats but can retrain all skills)

Ghoran 2 is now your player character.

That is the normal progression. Many Lives would just add.
Ghoran 1 is reincarnated as Human 1.

Death would remove the first -1 level from the Ghoran ability as Death removes negative levels and all effects as it kills you.

Human 1 now has 2 negative levels from Reincarnation via Many Lives
Ghoran 2 is at normal player level.

Because Ghoran 2 is said to be a duplicate and a replacement, it is not ever called the same person, no mention of the Ghoran's soul transferring into the new body or anything of that sort. It is literally a new character.

Your reincarnated human body in this example would be your original character reincarnated, the Ghoran 2 would be your character as well.

Its works via RAW but likely was never intended to work together.

Weirdo wrote:

It isn't defined as a reincarnation, but it's more like a reincarnation than a death effect.

In any case I believe my interpretation of how the two abilities work together is correct.

Your interpretation works to make sure there is only one character and if the flavor of Ghorus Seed actually said something about returning the soul to the duplicate. But according to RAW it does not say it returns the soul to the duplicate body strictly speaking it says your original character dies, and then you get a new one to take its place. Similar to how with Leadership your Cohort dies and you get a new one.

Well it was the wording of the ghorus Seed that confused me, it does not say it brings you back, the wording implies you are just a clone or duplicate, and that you may in fact be a whole new Ghoran, I mean you can change up your skills each time. Plants grow seed to produce children of a sort. So the way I thought it might work is basically, Pappa Ghoran produces a seed and then goes off to die a noble death saving the world. His spawn sprouts and takes his place as the character you control.

So basically Ghorus Seed mentions nothing about Ghoran 1's soul or anything being used in the seedling body, the wording says you play the seedling and that it replaces the Ghoran for the purpose of play.

So if Ghoran 1 dies and does not somehow get reborn into his seedling, then his soul would exist for reincarnation.

Ok so I am curious about how Ghorus Seed and the Many Lives ability would work with one another.

Ghorus Seed wrote:
As a full-round action, a ghoran can expel its ghorus seed from an orifice in its abdomen. If planted in fertile ground and left undisturbed for 2d6 days, the seed grows into a healthy duplicate of the original ghoran, save that the duplicate may reallocate all of its skill ranks upon sprouting. Once a ghoran expels its seed, it gains 1 negative level, and it dies as soon as its duplicate sprouts. This duplicate replaces the previous ghoran character (6 RP)
Many Lives wrote:
At 5th level, if a reincarnated druid is killed, she may automatically reincarnate (as the spell) 1 day later. The reincarnated druid appears in a safe location within 1 mile of her previous body. At will for the next 7 days, she can sense the presence of her remains as if using locate object as a spell-like ability. If she is killed during these 7 days, she remains dead and does not reincarnate. The many lives ability does not function if the reincarnated druid is slain by a death effect. A reincarnated druid cannot be raised from the dead or resurrected, though she can be reincarnated.

So I am curious ghorus Seed says it makes a duplicate that replaces the original. Many Lives reincarnates the original after 1 day.

Does this mean in theory you could have well... loads of the same character running around? I mean a Ghoran pops out a seed and plants it, then goes off and dies nobly and reincarnates as a human or whatever. The duplicate sprouts up and replaces the original, so you have two characters, one reincarnated and one replacing the original. This Ghoran also pops a seed and then dies and reincarnates as a elf. So now you have a Ghoran seed sprouting into a new Ghoran version of the character, a human version, and a newly reincarnated elf version.

Is this how the rules are looking? I am sure it was never intended for this but, would that be strictly how it works?

Ok I wanted to make a character for a party we are going to be throwing together soon. We were all brainstorming and one of my party members said he was going to make one based on the Mountain That Rides Gregor Clegene.

It is a gestalted game so his character was going to be a Barbarian (Invulnerable)//Bloodrager (Untouchable/Spelleater) Which would give him a good DR, Fast Healing, and the ability to eventually burn spell slots to heal himself in battle. Basically he is building a Troll lol. He is using the Half-Giant from Dreamscarred Press.

I wanted to make a character who is sort of like Khal Drogo, at least in the terms of a powerful fighter who does not really rely on armor but is just a powerful in melee. But unlike him I wouldn't mind some spell casting but nothing to vast as I dont want to get in the way of the warrior way of Khal.

Paladin//Bard < Gestalt is one of my favorite class combos.

I wanted some help with the Variant Multiclassing option when Unchained releases fully. I am going to be getting my copy within the next two weeks in my new hardback copy. (Nothing like the feel of a brand new book right?)

I was wondering what class I should use to better balance out and give more options to the Paladin?

I was thinking the Oracle but I am not sure what the Unchained option would grant me, I would have thought maybe Revelations, the Lore or Nature Mystery would be interesting to have, Cha to ac in place of dex or something.

Any other ideas?

Which is why I thought of trading out the Divine Bond which grants either the +5 increases or a mount for lance combat.

I wanted to construct a Daring Champion like Paladin Archetype, Basically an archetype that allows the Paladin the ability to use Deeds, even if only a handful of them.

Has anyone seen one before?
I was thinking of either trading out the Mercy class feature to give the Deeds to the Paladin, or I thought maybe trading out the Divine Bond class feature to grant the Paladin a few of the deeds, such as the parry and riposte and the precise strike deeds.

Either of these sound like a good idea?

Well if you are allowed to use a 3rd party thing called AEG's Mercenaries tag on the Laminated and Serrated Edge to it and you get a weapon that deals 1d8+1 18-20/x4. With that put on a Swashbuckler/Kensai/Daring Champion is awesome.
Because when you get to 15-20/x4 is sick.