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![]() So one of my players came to me today and he had a intersting idea, He does not get a chance to play alot so he is kinda inexperianced with alot of the classes and his idea was as follows: Why dont we run a game that we make the players Switch Characters every hour or so of game play to give them a challange at "Role" playing and allow us to experiance new classes... Personaly i think it is a neat idea and wanted to try it out so i started writeing a game up, i am gonna bring a egg timer and randomly have players shift one seat to the left every now and then. ![]()
![]() Ok i was reading this class for the first time the other day and i got kinda upset here is why. First the spell per day they get is Sorcerer ( meaning 6 per level every level up to 9th )
Anyway mainly i want to know why it got Sorcerer Spells per day and Charisma based casting when it used its positive Int mod for the extra damage. seemed to me thta with what it gained it should be limited to the Wizard spells per day at the least... ![]()
![]() Ok in a game i am running at the moment i have a character who got ahold of a Evil intellegant weapon with an Ego of 27, the character is level 8 allmost level 9 and he is (Chaotic Good) so i was looking at the rules and what have you and i started to worry about what was going to happen to the party with this CE ( Chaotic Evil ) weapon hanging around. it dominated the character for allmost a full year ( witch i roleplayed out with him ) till he finaly was able to take control of the weapon and he is now able to reagularly make the save (due to some ingame stuff gained ) this characters main goal in this game is to destroy this blade but he does not want someone else takeing it because of what it might do Etc... anyway questiopn i had was there is a class in i dont remember what book called "The Anointed Knight" i think it was that at 10th level was able to create a intellegant weapon that matched his alignment and my player asked me if he where to go that path could he force the weapon ( or have a chance at ) makeing the blade Change alignments? i mean it is a really cool idea i like where it is going, but at the same time i worry that this weapon will end up destroying my party. at current they are in a Temple with a paladin who has a feat to give his allies his Devine Grace bonus to saves so he cant risist the sword much more easily.. anyway what do you think about that idea? ![]()
![]() So do most of you play the same Character for a long time or change around alot? i was asking because one of the groups i gamed with changed characters 3 times in the last 4 months because of death or adventure ending and not starting up again... anyway i was wondering because i have been playing the same character for 27 levels now ( 2nd Ed mage AD&D) its been like 4 years in the go and it was hard for me to make a new character every other week and care about him enough to write a detailed history... anyway i was wondering because i love to hear about other peoples old characters who have been through years of game play and wanted to know if there was a place to post historys and such about those characters. anyway thanks in advance for the read :) ![]()
![]() Ok so i played in a 2nd ed game a long time ago high level game when i joined it. i played a 19 Wizard we had a house rule system about enchating non permanet magic items so dont start quoteing rules at me :P Anyway one day we where trying to get from one side of a lake to another and we could not go around it and we didn't want to chance a teleport so we went to the boat master of the city who tried to overprice the cost of a trip across the lake. so i decided to make an airship, the Theif got us a boat and i enchanted it but i failed on the "fly" spell so all i could do was make it float... so i recast the Fly on myself and pushed this now floating ship across the lake... anyway years later the gameing group got back together and we where talking about that adventure when my friend said "wait, you had the boat why did you enchant it? why not just use it as it was to get across the lake?" at this point i relised that i had done all that enchanting for nothing and was quite put out about it... we all had a good laugh and the rogue told me " well sometimes a boat is just a boat... but sometimes a boat is a flying ship of death." i felt someone might just laugh at the whole thing and had to share it :) ![]()
![]() Ok this is my first time posting on any non myspace site about D&D at all no idea what has been covered in here allready but i plan on reading up as i can.. anyway on to my post... Ok i play a 3.5 / 3.0 D&D game every sunday, and the players there told me to post this because apperntly someone allowed this to happen and there are people who think it is ok... Anyway... There is an Enchant in the DMG called "vicious" ( please i know i am bad at spelling please dont beat me up for it :P ) anyway it adds 2D6 to weapon damage and does 1D6 damge to the user... anyway we had a player use his Damage reduction on that effect and it GM allowed it ( for some ungodly reason ) anyway i wanted to post because people thought i should.it states clearly in the DMG under damage reduction that "energy" is not reduced and the "vicious" enchant classifys the damage as Energy... anyway it is kinda small fish compaired to some of the other "Broken"/"overpowered" crap 3.5 has released but i had to post it for the un-aware GM's out there... btw Down with Warmages |