
Nate Goodknight's page

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About Nate Goodknight

Name: Nate Goodknight
Race: Half-succubus Aasimar(angel) (looks and ages as half-elf)
Class: Bard (Archaeologist) 1/4 : (Fighter (Flexible, but low on Skill points) , Ranger, or Slayer) ? May PrC into Arcane Archer ?
Type: Outsider (Native)
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Alignment: NG
Deity: Kord
Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Elven, Sylvan

Stats*: 14,14,13,13,12,12
STR: 16(3) = 14 + 0 + 0 +2(Racial) +0(Half-Succubus)
DEX: 16(3) = 14 + 0 + 0 +0(Racial) +2(Half-Succubus)
CON: 17(3) = 13 + 0 + 0 +0(Racial) +4(Half-Succubus)
INT: 15(2) = 13 + 0 + 0 +0(Racial) +2(Half-Succubus)
WIS: 14(2) = 12 + 0 + 0 +0(Racial) +2(Half-Succubus)
CHA: 22(6) = 12 + 0 + 0 +2(Racial) +8(Half-Succubus)

Hit Points: 11/11

Init: 3 = 3(Dex)

Melee: 4
Range: 3

AC: 17:13:15


Bard (6) +1 + INT = 8 + 2 (Background)
?? (X) + 1 + INT + FC =

ACP = 1 //Armour Check Penalty
BK = +1 // Bardic Knowledge
Format: Total = ranks + stat + trained(?) +other(noted) -ACP
*Acrobatics: 7 = 1 + DEX Mod + 3 - ACP;
b*Appraise: 2 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Bluff: 10 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3;
*Climb: 3 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP;
b*Craft: 2 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Diplomacy: 10 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3;
#Disable Device: 6 = 1 + DEX Mod + 3 +1(Trait) -ACP;
*Disguise: 10,20 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3 +10 (Change Shape);
*Escape Artist: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Fly: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Handle Animal: 6 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Heal: 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
*Intimidate: 6 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
*Know(Arcana): 3 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +1(BK);
*Know(Dungeon): 3 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +1(BK);
*Know(Local): 7 = 1 + INT Mod + 3 +1(BK);
*Know(Nature): 3 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +1(BK);
*Know(Planes): 3 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +1(BK);
*Know(Religion): 3 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +1(BK);
b*Know(Engineer): 3 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +1(BK);
b*Know(Geography): 3 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +1(BK);
b*Know(History): 3 = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +1(BK);
b*Know(Nobles): 7 = 1 + INT Mod + 3 +1(BK);
b*Linguistics: NA = 0 + INT Mod + 0 +2 (TS);
*Perception: 6 = 1 + WIS MOD + 3;
b*Perform (Dance): 10 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3;
b*Perform (Sing): 6 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
b*Prof (Farmer): 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
b*Prof (Barmaid): 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Ride: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
*Sense Motive: 8 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3 +2(TS);
b*Sleight of Hand: NA = NA + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
*Spell Craft: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0;
*Stealth: 7 = 1 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP;
Survival: 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Swim: 3 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP;
*Use Magical Device: NA = NA + CHA Mod + 0;

* / # Class Skill
b Background Skill

Class features, Feats, Traits and Racial Traits:

Class features:
Armour: Light
Weapons: simple weapons, plus the long-sword, rapier, sap, short sword, short-bow, and whip

Bardic knowledge
Archaeologist’s Luck (+1 bonus, 4 + 6(CHA) Rounds / day)

1) Cunning (+1 Skill point/level)

feats to Look at

Armour Expert (-1 ACP)
Mechanical Expertise(+1 Disable Device, CS)

Racial Traits:

An aasimar with this racial trait can create light centred on her head at will as a spell-like ability. When using her halo, she gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks against evil creatures and on saving throws against becoming blinded or dazzled.

They gain a +2 bonus on Linguistics and Sense Motive checks, and they learn two languages each time they gain a rank in Linguistics.

Deathless Spirit:
Resistance 5 against negative energy damage. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school.

SLA ->
You can subsist entirely on honey and wine. +
Your kiss invigorates others. Once per day, you can kiss a creature to change its condition from exhausted to fatigued, or from fatigued to normal.

Type: Outsider(Native)

Darkvision 60ft

Speed: Land same as base, Wings gives flight x2 land speed.

Change Shape: A half-succubus can use this ability to assume the form of any humanoid creature of her size, as if using alter self, once per day.

Immune: poison
Resist Acid, Cold, Elect, Fire 10
Nature Armour +1
DR 5/magic
SR 11+LVL (reducing to 6+LVL)

Claws 1d3
Bite (Removed)
Smite Good (Removed, she'll never use it)
A half-succubus drains energy from a mortal she lures into an act of passion—unwilling victims must be grappled before the half-succubus can use this ability. The passion bestows one negative level.
A half=succubus can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Hit Dice. The save DC to remove one of these negative levels is equal to 10 + the half-succubus’s HD + her Cha modifier.


Darkness 3/day


DC = 10 + WIS + Level
Level-0: Unlimited use
Level-1: 1 + 2(CHA)

Spells Known:
Level-0 (4):
Detect Magic
Mage Hand

Spells Known:
Level-1 (2):
Cure Light

AC, Saves, Attacks:

AC: 17 = 10 + 4(Armour) + 3(Dex) + 1(NA);
Touch: 13 = 10 + 3(Dex);
Flat: 15 = 10 + 4(Armour) + 1(NA);

Immune Poison
Fort: 2 = 0(base) + 2(CON);
Ref: 5 = 2(base) + 3(DEX);
Will: 4 = 2(base) + 2(WIS);
+2 vs death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school

Melee: 03 = 0(base) + 3(STR);
Range: 03 = 0(base) + 3(DEX);
CMB: 03 = 0(base) + 3(STR);
CMD: 16 = 10 + 0(base) + 3(STR) + 3(DEX);


Weapons: 11gp
Long-sword (1d8, 19-20/x2, —, 4 lbs., S)

Whip (1d3, x2, —, 2 lbs., S, disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip)

Sling (1d4, x2, 50 ft., 0 lbs, B)
--Weight: 6

Armour: 100gp
Chain shirt (Armour:+4 Dex:+4 ACP:-0 ASF:20% Weight: 25lb)

Special Substances and items:
3x Maiden lily attar


Father's heirloom


Wondrous Items:

Adventure Gear: (18gp, 3sp,2cp )
Back Pack (2)
Bed roll (5)
Chalk * 10
Flint and Steel
Pouch, Belt (1/2)
Sack (1/2)
Sewing Needle *4
Water skin (4)
Whetstone (1)
Trail rations *2 (1 each)

Mirror (used for looking around corners and anytime she uses Shape Change.)

Tools and Skill Kits:

Clothes: 12gp
Explorers outfit 10gp, 8lb
3x Peasant 1sp, 2lb (Maid, barmaid, gypsy)
2x Corset 1gp 3lb

Weight Total:63.0
Light: 76, Med: 153, Heavy: 230

Cash: 90gp
0 PP
6 GP
6 SP
8 CP


She is a beautiful half-elven woman of about 6'0", with silver hair and blue eyes.
Sporting an attractive body that has some defined muscle, and an attractive and innocent like face.

She is a beautiful half-elven tiefling woman of about 6'3", with red hair and violet eyes.
Sporting an attractive body that has some defined muscle, and an attractive and innocent like face.
along with a pair of horns and a tail.

Normal is more lady like, though a bit tomboyish.
In her tiefling form, she is a bit more crass and unladylike like.

Data and Background:

Name: Nate Goodknight
Race: Half-succubus Aasimar(angel) (looks and ages as half-elf)
Job: Former Noble, Hired Adventurer
Age: 24
Favorite Foods: Apples, Honey, Meat, Fish, Potatoes, Oats, eggs, others
Hobbies: Training, Singing, Dancing, Sewing

Background Info:
Born into the Goodknight Household in the Duchy of Ulek near the Kewl River and a bit of distance to town and city of Loradden and Tringlee.

Natalie was being raised to be a proper lady of noble birth, but with the death of her mother, she started becoming more like a tomboy.
Disguised as a boy recruit she managed to get some basic training before she was caught, and then continued some of the basic training.
To keep up appearances she kept up with her training to be a lady, only doing training when she had time to herself.

She attended various tea parties and learned some of the subtle things spoken when at a tea party.
One has to pay attention to the tea and the snacks as well as where they come from, as they will hint what the tea party is about.
Natalie managed to make a few of the other soon to be noble ladies into her friends, as she gave ideas on how to fix some issues.
She would even later teach a bit about lock picking should they need to escape or open a locked box,
which some ladies found to be a useful ace to hold onto as their families had received a few kidnapping attempts.

She also started leaving the estate (either at home or in the capital) to check things out and learn about the outside world.
It was a learning experience and she kept mental notes of things and even learned a few things from other children, using the name Nate.
During one of these visits into town she learned a bit about lock picking and funny enough a few days later was caught sneaking out.
Her windows and doors were locked to stop her excursions outside the estate and to study. She put to work what she learned a few days earlier.
It took a while before even that was caught onto and her father was angry that she kept sneaking out.

They had a talk and came to an agreement, she could go out under a disguise with an escort. But that was not the only thing agreed upon.
Natalie would get some basic combat training, but she had to keep her training as a young noble lady who would be in a short 5 years doing her social debut.

It was only a few years later at the age of 16 during a tea party that some purple crab was imported from the Principality that Natalie triggered.
Natalie's transformation caused quite a disturbance, the head maid of one of Natalie's friends, a former cleric,
checked one Natalie and said Natalie was suffering under a succubus curse.

The fallout was swift as some attending the tea party were not on good terms with Natalie and they wanted her crushed.
The Nobility were at odds and each faction made moves against each other as the statement was broken.
The faction her household was part of after hearing the curse was permanent and weren't sure if would be passed on decide to abandon their household.

Natalie still had noble lady friends as her advice helped them a lot, and they looked passed her curse.
This was partially how Natalie knew her household would likely destroyed and she would be on the streets and likely in hiding.
Now a few of her remaining noble lady friends agreed to have a monthly tea party where Natalie could drop in and catch up,
but it is not just a one way street for information, they would like to hear of things going on outside nobility.
They also agreed that the purple crab that started the whole mess or a purple ribbon hanging would be a warning to not drop by.

It was a few months later that the house was attacked by a religious order or a cult, seeking out Natalie.
But Natalie escaped using impersonation as one of her maids heading into the next town over at her father's request.

Eating in a tavern after staying there a few days she ended up hearing that her home and the town was destroyed and everyone was killed.
She inquired for more information claiming to have family their. That was when she heard the details from a man that escaped and just arrived an hour ago.
They were tearing the estate and town apart looking for the Cursed Viscountess Natalie to be a sacrifice to their god,
thankfully the survivor mentioned he did not think Natalie cursed not knowing who he was speaking to, as Natalie helped the people where she could at times.

She ran up to the room she was renting for her stay when she talked with the village elder of Oakland.
Natalie looked at the paper instructions her father gave her before leaving and noticing the large empty spot, decide to try something.
She found invisible ink hiding a message from her father mentioning his worries, but that if something happened at home while she was in Oakland.
To not return and instead go west to Mabnagar and introduce yourself to the leader of the all female Mercenaries company the "Valkyries"

She followed the letters order and when she introduced herself, the leader, Astrid, looked sad saying "So one of his worst fears came true."
Astrid explained things and how she knew Natalie's father. Astrid told Natalie she's be under her care for a few years and learn more of how to fight.

The years passed and Natalie left the Valkyries after Astrid said she was now good enough to hold her own and could become an adventurer.
She also added the advice to not stick to any one place too long with a lot of people.

It was not long after leaving that she visited a village near Silverwood and was going to stay there a bit
but then a noble's men started trashing the village over it's missing taxes, and some of the men were animals.
She was fighting off some of the men, when Robin's merry band showed up and proceeded to clean up the mess.

Natalie saw a familiar face among merry band, Mark Shepard,a commoner friend from her home town.
He helped vouch for Nate to join them in keeping some of the corrupt nobles in check.

She now operates as a bit of the eyes and ears for the band in places they might not get access to.
Nobles that pass through Silverwood, get confirmed by Nate and she reveals their likely tactics.
She also helps in figuring out if the patrol or noble caravan going through could be a trap worth more ignoring.

She managed to get a some "Maiden lily attar" from a few attempts to kidnap her, in which she fought back, because she's immune to poisons.
Nate would like to get some more of it, even though it has a bit of a iffy record in working for emergency use cases.

On tasks outside of the Silverwoods, when Nate hears of connections to certain figures or a certain demon cult she might deviate from the task to pursue
her vengeance and may do so recklessly.

Family Data
Father: David Goodknight
Race: Half-elf
Classes: Fighter / Bard
Noble title: Viscount
Only surviving child of family succession issue when his father passed along with his eldest brother.
Before inheriting his father's title he worked as a guard within the family fiefdom.

After inheriting it, he had a lot of work and even had to fight a demon cult with connections to Iuz that built up within the Duchy.
It was during this expedition that he needed to fight on the front-line some. He managed to resist the succubus's control and struck her down.
But as she dying she placed a succubus curse quietly on the young viscount.

He got married shortly after to the Aasimar Baronetess, Noya Goodwill, not knowing that the curse was beginning to do it's work.
A few years later Natalie (Nate) Goodknight was born, and both David and Noya were overjoyed at their beautiful baby girl.
That joy faded a few years later when Noya sudden became very sick and died when was Natalie's 8 years old.

David did his best to raise Natalie like a noble lady she was to become, but she was a tomboy looking at getting combat training and fighting with swords.
He even found out that she snuck out sometimes to explorer outside the estates. Even locking the doors and windows did not help, as she had a knack for picking locks open.

He was worried as his daughter was soon about to start becoming an adult woman and would need to be a proper lady.
But he was also starting to get worried about something else, something he would not tell his daughter.
Realizing it was next to impossible to keep his tomboy daughter in complete control or completely into a proper lady, he made compromises with his daughter.
A move that would help ensure her safety should one of his fears come to pass.

When he heard of the events at the tea party, for he knew something was up. But the fact his daughter was cursed was out of his expectations.
He tried his best to keep his household in good standing with other households and keep Natalie's engagement to another house, but it was for naught.
The loyalist faction deemed him an embarrassment for their faction and pulled their support for him.

He knew likely what would be coming next and made preparations so at least Natalie would be safe.
His time was short and he decided to let a family secret die with him, but give Natalie a way to learn it.
He prepared to give Natalie a certain medallion heirloom, which when properly inspected would relieve ties to royal blood through a bastard son.

David knew those coming would kill him to stop him from speaking something he stumbled upon,
certain corrupt nobles allied with a demonic cult faction within Iuz and allied to Iuz.

His household was a loyal protector of the Duchy that steadfast and kept outside threats low.
But the household also has a bloodline to the crown, and a demon cursed daughter with bloodline to the crown makes for a powerful sacrifice
for either a vessel for certain demons or certain rites to effect the masses that have require a royal blooded daughter.


Poor Nate has a Succubus curse on her.

This'll Kinda be like Princess Fiona in Shrek

It operates like curse of lycanthropy (not transmittable), but without any mechanical changes.

On the first night of the Full moon she is forcefully changed into her tiefling form until the sun rises ending the night of the third full moon.
She also changes into her tiefling form after eating Shellfish, or Pig, or rolling a 10 or less on the fortitude save for alcoholic drinks (water cut with wine in fine)
She can shift from a triggered Tiefling to half-succubus only during the night.
Triggering from Food or Drink, will work like disease with a frequency of 1 / 2d6 minutes needing to pass 2 sets of a Fort and Will save of DC 10 + her CHA Mod.
Just doing the save alerts her that she might be changing soon, and passing one save and failing the other is a partial save meaning she'll need to make another save in 2d6 minutes. Rolling a Nat 20 is a automatic save, while a Nat 1 is auto fail.

She has a few forms; her Original form, Her tiefling form and half-succubus form (half-succubus available during the night)
While her curse is not triggered she can freely shift into her tiefling form or if it is night her Half-succubus form.
Her original form shows no sign of demonic heritage, but her tiefling form does with the horns and tail, with half-succubus sporting; horns, tail and wings.

While she is in her original form she can use the Change shape racial feature to disguise herself as any Woman of any race.
If she wants to impersonate someone (women only) she'll need to observe them a bit to get as many details as possible or drain a negative level from them and use it as a sample.
Though if she goes for the level draining sample, she can shift her body's looks, voice, gait and mannerisms into a perfect match, but not her clothes.
This is a designed as a chain to restrict actions, so it not a first choice option for infiltrating Nate also dislikes this option.
Needing to pull a "Terminator" in taking their clothes, generally after knocking them out.
She can impersonate them up to 24 hours after which;
if they failed their save on negative levels, she can permanently impersonate them as them at any time
if they pass the save, she would need to level drain them again to quickly impersonate as them again.

Furthermore her shape change only effect clothes and armour she's worn for a while and can change their sizes for proper fit along with the colours, thought changing the design would need to be within certain limits, can't change a simple shirt into a full on fancy dress.

If she is in her tiefling form and half-succubus forms her change shape becomes more restricted to a tiefling woman or a woman with curves.
it becomes near impossible to impersonate someone looking like a fiendish version of a individual or a normal woman without curves,
the only option would be for a level drain sample method and like her original form in using a level drain sample, her form changes, not her clothes.
And if an impersonation target did permanently gain a negative level she could impersonate them without issue as in her original form.


This curse also adds a bit of a complex to her as she hates being cursed and not being in control of her appearance, but it has saved her butt a few times.

She also likes and dislikes that her aasimar heritage allows her to survive on just wine and honey, but she has a chance on triggering on Wine in the first place and honey is a bit harder to get her hands on.

The fact a kiss from her can either refresh a person or weaken them makes her a cautious of mentioning it or doing either.
And on that note she really dislikes using the level drain sample method for impersonating someone, as there are a number of elements she dislikes about it.
But it is the quickest way for a perfect impersonation of an individual woman, which is irksome for her in may ways, though she can get some new clothes out of it...

One thing she fears is never being able to; restore her household or destroying the cultist faction and it's supporters that destroyed her; home, her home town and her family.
This one little desire for vengeance on the cult and their supporters makes her a little reckless sometimes when she learns about a connections to them.