![]() About Nate GoodknightName: Nate Goodknight
Stats*: 14,14,13,13,12,12
Hit Points: 11/11 Init: 3 = 3(Dex) Melee: 4
AC: 17:13:15 Skills:
Bard (6) +1 + INT = 8 + 2 (Background) ?? (X) + 1 + INT + FC = ACP = 1 //Armour Check Penalty
* / # Class Skill
Class features, Feats, Traits and Racial Traits:
Class features: Bard: Armour: Light Weapons: simple weapons, plus the long-sword, rapier, sap, short sword, short-bow, and whip Bardic knowledge
feats to Look at
Racial Traits:
Deathless Spirit:
SLA ->
Darkvision 60ft Speed: Land same as base, Wings gives flight x2 land speed. Change Shape: A half-succubus can use this ability to assume the form of any humanoid creature of her size, as if using alter self, once per day. Defences:
Darkness 3/day Spells:
DC = 10 + WIS + Level Level-0: Unlimited use Level-1: 1 + 2(CHA) Spells Known:
Spells Known:
AC, Saves, Attacks:
AC: AC: 17 = 10 + 4(Armour) + 3(Dex) + 1(NA); Touch: 13 = 10 + 3(Dex); Flat: 15 = 10 + 4(Armour) + 1(NA); Saves:
Weapons: 11gp
Whip (1d3, x2, —, 2 lbs., S, disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip) Sling (1d4, x2, 50 ft., 0 lbs, B)
Armour: 100gp
Special Substances and items:
Wondrous Items:
Mirror (used for looking around corners and anytime she uses Shape Change.)
Tools and Skill Kits:
Clothes: 12gp
Weight Total:63.0
Cash: 90gp
Normal: She is a beautiful half-elven woman of about 6'0", with silver hair and blue eyes. Sporting an attractive body that has some defined muscle, and an attractive and innocent like face. Tiefling/Half-Succubus:
Data and Background:
Name: Nate Goodknight Race: Half-succubus Aasimar(angel) (looks and ages as half-elf) Job: Former Noble, Hired Adventurer Age: 24 Likes: Dislikes: Favorite Foods: Apples, Honey, Meat, Fish, Potatoes, Oats, eggs, others Hobbies: Training, Singing, Dancing, Sewing Background Info:
Natalie was being raised to be a proper lady of noble birth, but with the death of her mother, she started becoming more like a tomboy.
She attended various tea parties and learned some of the subtle things spoken when at a tea party.
She also started leaving the estate (either at home or in the capital) to check things out and learn about the outside world.
They had a talk and came to an agreement, she could go out under a disguise with an escort. But that was not the only thing agreed upon.
It was only a few years later at the age of 16 during a tea party that some purple crab was imported from the Principality that Natalie triggered.
The fallout was swift as some attending the tea party were not on good terms with Natalie and they wanted her crushed.
Natalie still had noble lady friends as her advice helped them a lot, and they looked passed her curse.
It was a few months later that the house was attacked by a religious order or a cult, seeking out Natalie.
Eating in a tavern after staying there a few days she ended up hearing that her home and the town was destroyed and everyone was killed.
She ran up to the room she was renting for her stay when she talked with the village elder of Oakland.
She followed the letters order and when she introduced herself, the leader, Astrid, looked sad saying "So one of his worst fears came true."
The years passed and Natalie left the Valkyries after Astrid said she was now good enough to hold her own and could become an adventurer.
It was not long after leaving that she visited a village near Silverwood and was going to stay there a bit
Natalie saw a familiar face among merry band, Mark Shepard,a commoner friend from her home town.
She now operates as a bit of the eyes and ears for the band in places they might not get access to.
She managed to get a some "Maiden lily attar" from a few attempts to kidnap her, in which she fought back, because she's immune to poisons.
On tasks outside of the Silverwoods, when Nate hears of connections to certain figures or a certain demon cult she might deviate from the task to pursue
Family Data
After inheriting it, he had a lot of work and even had to fight a demon cult with connections to Iuz that built up within the Duchy.
He got married shortly after to the Aasimar Baronetess, Noya Goodwill, not knowing that the curse was beginning to do it's work.
David did his best to raise Natalie like a noble lady she was to become, but she was a tomboy looking at getting combat training and fighting with swords.
He was worried as his daughter was soon about to start becoming an adult woman and would need to be a proper lady.
When he heard of the events at the tea party, for he knew something was up. But the fact his daughter was cursed was out of his expectations.
He knew likely what would be coming next and made preparations so at least Natalie would be safe.
David knew those coming would kill him to stop him from speaking something he stumbled upon,
His household was a loyal protector of the Duchy that steadfast and kept outside threats low.
Poor Nate has a Succubus curse on her. This'll Kinda be like Princess Fiona in Shrek It operates like curse of lycanthropy (not transmittable), but without any mechanical changes. On the first night of the Full moon she is forcefully changed into her tiefling form until the sun rises ending the night of the third full moon.
She has a few forms; her Original form, Her tiefling form and half-succubus form (half-succubus available during the night)
While she is in her original form she can use the Change shape racial feature to disguise herself as any Woman of any race.
Furthermore her shape change only effect clothes and armour she's worn for a while and can change their sizes for proper fit along with the colours, thought changing the design would need to be within certain limits, can't change a simple shirt into a full on fancy dress. If she is in her tiefling form and half-succubus forms her change shape becomes more restricted to a tiefling woman or a woman with curves.
This curse also adds a bit of a complex to her as she hates being cursed and not being in control of her appearance, but it has saved her butt a few times. She also likes and dislikes that her aasimar heritage allows her to survive on just wine and honey, but she has a chance on triggering on Wine in the first place and honey is a bit harder to get her hands on. The fact a kiss from her can either refresh a person or weaken them makes her a cautious of mentioning it or doing either.
One thing she fears is never being able to; restore her household or destroying the cultist faction and it's supporters that destroyed her; home, her home town and her family.