Arcane Foci: You seem to have become a local center for arcane power. Though minor in your influence, strange things still occur in your presence and it’s unmistakable about who is the cause though with some concentration you can control the effects yourself. You gain Prestidigitation as an at will spell like ability
You are amazingly resistant to energy attacks because of either your upbringing or magical experimentation.Benefit: Each type of energy resistance you have (if any) increases by 2 points.
Class Abilities]
Mystery (Spellscar)
Oracle’s curse (Deaf: –4 penalty on initiative checks, automatically fails Perception checks based on sound, takes a –4 penalty on opposed Perception checks. Silent spell applied to all spellcasting with no increase)
Mystic Null (Ex): You gain a +2 insight bonus on saves against spells and spell-like abilities. At 7th level, this bonus also applies on saves against supernatural abilities. At 11th level, the bonus increases to +4..
Eldritch Resistance (Su): You gain resistance 2 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic. This resistance increases to 5 at 5th level, 10 at 11th level, and 20 at 17th level.
Human Alternate class ability: Add 1 spell known per level
Eldritch Bolt (Su): You can damage foes with a bolt of raw magical energy. Make a ranged touch attack against any foe within 30 feet. On a hit, you deal 1d8 points of force damage, +1 point of damage per two oracle levels. At 10th level, the bolt’s range increases to 60 feet. You may use this revelation a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Bonus spells: ray of enfeeblement (2nd), obscure object (4th), dispel magic (6th), lesser globe of invulnerability (8th), break enchantment (10th), antimagic field (12th), spell turning (14th), spellscar (16th), mage’s disjunction (18th).
Gear: Oracle's kit (includes) a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), a flint and steel, an iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Small steel mirror, 5 sticks chalk, Cloak , Robes, Potion belt
Money:Coin 0p 15g 55s 0c
Nari’s parents were treasure hunters that came to the Mana Wastes seeking fortune from the rare, magically imbued items that could be scavenged. Her father, a merchant who was always seeking the golden goose saw the opportunity to become rich by daring what others wouldn’t.
He saw no issue with having his daughters, 19 year old Kirra and 16 year old Nari, serving as the basis of his retrieval units, leading the teams of cheap laborers out into the wastes for increasing lengths of time in order to retrieve the unique finds spawned by the deadly storms.
Unfortunately he also had no problem underpaying his men, or hiring the kinds of workers who would decide to settle a grudge with their boss by trying to take what they felt they were “owed” out of his daughters.
As the disgruntled workers planned their assault Kirra, the more perceptive of the two realized the danger and drew her gun on the group, promising suffering if they didn’t back down immediately. The resulting chaos ended with two of the men shot, one stabbed by Nari, and Kirra being choked to death as they tried to restrain her.
Nari ran for her life and the men gave chase, their blood up. Angry that they’d had to kill her sister, they were determined to make her pay. In the heat of the chase, neither she nor her pursuers noticed the approaching Spellstorm until it was upon them.
Nothing could begin to describe the utter excruciating insanity that surviving a spellstorm put her through. She watched one of the men turn to solid diamond while another exploded into a cloud of gnats, both by the same gust of sparkling wind.
A brilliant bolt of coruscating light struck her, lifting her body into the air. Time seemed to stretch out in an infinite span as she felt every fiber of her body frozen by ice, burned by fire, seared by acid and hammered by thunder and electrified all at once, the primal energies infusing themselves into the very core of her being. She saw torn apart and put back together by magic a thousand times, the screams eventually exceeding the threshold of her hearing, her eardrums rupturing while providing blessed silence in the midst of her agony.
She awoke, perhaps days later, shunned by whatever predators had come along. When her recollection of events returned, the first thing she felt was overwhelming loss. Loss of her sister, loss of her hearing, and she feared, her sanity. Naked and afraid she walked through the waste, feeling odd currents of magic pulling her, yet at the same time she found herself hardened somehow, empowered by the brutal magical gauntlet she had endured.
Without focus she spent the next year surviving the wastes, foraging, fighting, embracing primal magic and the utter chaos that had befallen the wastes. From time to time she would enter Alkenstar, providing information, getting supplies, making a name for herself.