About Nakano IsamuMedium Lawful Good humanoid (shapeshifter, kitsune) Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 / Paladin (Virtuous Bravo, Chosen One) 1 Saves
Initiative +3
Background Skills
Favored Class: Paladin (+1/6 Magical Tail) Feats and Traits
Traits: Racial Traits
15 gp, 15 sp, 23 cp Weight Carried: 34/64.5 lbs (first number with pack dropped)
Class Features
Fox Form
Guidance, improved evasion, share will, empathic link N Tiny animal
DEFENSE AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +2 size, +1 Nat)
OFFENSE Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
STATISTICS Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 6
Isamu has no memory of his parents. Instead, his earliest memories are of running about in the streets of Iwanai with a pack of other orphans, scavenging, begging, or stealing what food they could, taking shelter in abandoned buildings, and fitting in some time for jokes and games in between. One of his pack's favorite targets for teasing was an old human man, one of Iwanai's few non-kitsune inhabitants. While his pack-mates would taunt the man for his inability to change forms, Isamu didn't quite feel right joining in their cruel games. Instead, one day when the others left, the young kit shyly approached the old man, who had never responded to their provocations, and innocently asked, "Are you really stuck without fur?" The human turned and smiled, sensing a difference in this question. "Why, yes, young one, I am always as you see me." "Oh..." Isamu replied, his young mind mulling this over. "Is it hard?" The man laughed. "I'm quite used to it by now, and I can't say I've ever had any trouble with it." From there, they began to converse, Isamu curiously asking about the human's life, and the old man good-humoredly answering his questions. At last, he asked a question of his own. "What's your name, young one?" Isamu bowed his head. "They call me Foxy, 'cause I can turn into a fox." A skill which he immediately demonstrated, changing from a humanoid fox-like person to an actual four-footed fox. "Foxy, hm? That's not really a name though, is it, young one?" The human said, speaking to the fox just as if he were still speaking to a child. "I think I'll call you Isamu, because you are very brave to stay here and talk with me all alone. Would you like that?" Isamu changed back into his true form and shyly nodded. "My name is Nakano Jurou, but you can call me Jurou, Isamu," the human stated. "You're not like those other children, are you, Isamu? And not just because you can turn into a fox. You don't like making fun of people who are different, do you?" Isamu slowly shook his head. Jurou beamed at him. "Good, good. Now, Isamu... I'm getting old, and I was thinking it would be nice to have someone to help me out. How would you like to be that person? I'd make sure you had a clean bed and food every day..." Isamu's enthusiastic response cut off whatever else Jurou was going to say. From that day on, the young kitsune and the older man were all but inseparable, and Isamu soon found out that there were other strange things about this man than just his inability to change shape. He spent what seemed like hours every day talking to the ceiling, and he didn't seem to find it nearly as important to play pranks on people. Instead, he looked for ways to help them. Slowly Isamu learned of Jurou's god--Ysidar, the Moon-Watcher, the Traveling Beacon. And as he learned, the young kitsune soon found himself wanting to know more, and to do more. And so Jurou taught him the ways of his faith... and in time, the ways of battle, for the old man had once been a warrior-priest, and knew that this path would have dangers. When he came of age, Isamu began trying to make a difference in Iwanai, but soon found his attempts to teach a different way of life brought only persecution. After a particularly spiteful prank almost killed Jurou, Isamu decided he would have to leave, to find other places to shine the light he had discovered, while leaving his beloved master to work in his quiet way for his remaining years. Before he departed, Isamu swore an oath to Ysidar to follow their teachings, to dedicate his life to bringing light into the darkness in whatever ways he could. And as a final gift, Jurou bestowed upon Isamu his own family name, officially adopting him as Nakano Isamu. Isamu has wandered for a couple of years since that time, leaving small acts of kindness in his wake. He has made it his way to do good wherever he stops before moving on, and while he has never received visible divine power as Jurou had, yet Isamu's faith and enthusiasm continue unabated. His wanderings have now brought him to Barlily, where he is again looking for what good he can do before moving on. Isamu's Oath "I will set out on my path, doing good to all those I find along it. Wherever my path takes me I will be a light, uplifting and guiding those in darkness. I will not deceive, for there is no such thing as false light. I will not take a life unless to keep my blade sheathed would be the greater evil." "To those in error I will offer gentle correction. To those who harm others, I will first extend the possibility of change. Only against those who insist on remaining in the dark will I draw my blade, and then only in defense of life or the freedom to change." "As the moon lights the night, so will I be a light to those whose souls are darkened. I will lead them to shine for themselves, that they may light others. My honor is the lives I have changed. My life is dedicated to lighting the world." About Ysidar Lawful Good Deity
Ysidar is a somewhat mysterious deity associated with the moon, travel, and doing good in all places. Followers believe Ysidar's true form is unknown, including their gender--it's not that Ysidar doesn't have a form or gender, just that it's unimportant and they haven't felt like revealing it to anyone. The moon itself is usually used to represent Ysidar instead, but it is understood that Ysidar is not themself the moon. Ysidar's doctrine is based on the idea of the moon as a light in the darkness. Just as the moon lights up the night, so too should those who follow Ysidar do good in places where there is little good to be found. Just as the moon sheds its light on all the world, so too should those who follow Ysidar travel about the world, doing good wherever they go. Ysidar is also seen as a protector of travelers, even those that do not follow them. Ysidar's lawful aspect comes from the idea of ordered, regular change. The moon is always changing, but it does so according to certain laws. So too is every person thought to have their own 'path to light', a plan to take them from who they are to a better, brighter person. It's every follower's duty to seek out and follow this plan, and help others find theirs. Mortal laws are seen as blazes on the trail--your personal path should be within the lines marked out by laws, for those who follow light have no need to break the law. Unrighteous laws are recognized as a deviation from this pattern that must be undone through the proper channels. Also associated with the idea of change is the idea of mercy. Everyone has their new moons, their dark times. What matters is that you start shining again afterwards. Ysidar's holy symbol is a circle with a crescent within it, representing both the full and crescent moon. Appearance