Black Dragon

Naga besar's page

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Male Wyvaran Kineticist 5 ; AC 19, t 14, ff 16; init +3; Saves F +8, R+8, W+4: perc +7

Glances at the green skin then shrugs continuing to examine the strange metal components looking for something to salvage

Aid for Nyym: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

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Male Wyvaran Kineticist 5 ; AC 19, t 14, ff 16; init +3; Saves F +8, R+8, W+4: perc +7

Picking up a part out of the scrap, he tosses it to Kyt. Nice kill, before walking over to the others, folding his wings over his shoulders. He looks at the converted, then stands with his arms crossed, listening to the conversations as he inspects the bodies.

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Male Wyvaran Kineticist 5 ; AC 19, t 14, ff 16; init +3; Saves F +8, R+8, W+4: perc +7

Rocnork glides down to the ground near the weapons master to look over the scrap of the cybernetic servant, drawing upon his time with the dwarves to see if any are still active in any way.

Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

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Male Wyvaran Kineticist 5 ; AC 19, t 14, ff 16; init +3; Saves F +8, R+8, W+4: perc +7

As the sand gathers and swirls around his hand, it forms into a small but heavy lenticular disc. Rocnork spins one and a half revolutions before releasing the sand disc at the cybernetic servant as hard as he can, it’s path seeming to be higher then one would expect. The speed of delivery is high, with the speed built up during the throw so that the buildup of torque applies maximum force on delivery to the target.

No Action: Acrobatics check to hover
Move Action: gather power to reduce burn
Standard Action: fire sand blast infused with pushing infusion

Acrobatics check: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
sand blast attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20, +1 due to altitude, -4 due to firing into melee
sand blast damage: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 4, 2) + 7 = 19
bull rush check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

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Male Wyvaran Kineticist 5 ; AC 19, t 14, ff 16; init +3; Saves F +8, R+8, W+4: perc +7

Stands there a moment after Tsadok leaves looking at the scene then turns and follows the orc cause I know where he goes most likely trouble will follow especially after an attack by an orc tribe besides we need to find Team Ruby and get started on our own mission. Why did they send an orc for this? he mutters to himself knowing his skills are worth it even if he causes a distraction where ever he goes. Besides it to crowded here.

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Male Wyvaran Kineticist 5 ; AC 19, t 14, ff 16; init +3; Saves F +8, R+8, W+4: perc +7

Looking up from his inner thoughts the familiar sounds of the acursed jangling sword catches his attention looking through the shadows at the to figures fighting knowing I have to help the half orc. Cursing in his native tongue he launches into the air flying as fast as he can leaving a dust cloud behind him racing higher then tucking his wings to add to his speed.

Taking a point of burn Rocnork’s empowered sand blast: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Sandblast damage: 4d6 + 9 ⇒ (5, 6, 3, 6) + 9 = 29

Pulling from his life energy feeling the slight pain as he calls forth his sand and launches it towards the female that seems to be in the center of the four images of the half orc. A trickle of white-blue blood from his nostril.

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Male Wyvaran Kineticist 5 ; AC 19, t 14, ff 16; init +3; Saves F +8, R+8, W+4: perc +7

Hovering over the city watching the festivities and all the cheering. He wonders to himself how so few people coming together at this point could have changed so much all the families and people he has lost along the way to get here. Hoping that this was not in vain that these people can make a difference. In the days to come though they know not what is coming. Laughs to himself like I do. The sullen feeling of most of his tribe gone. His anger for the fates causing him to dive and land in an empty area of the city not wanting to even see the happiness of these people.

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As you gaze upon this strange looking figure and his dragon like head and face his golden eye watching his surroundings and towering over most at an easy 7’6” his scales looking almost black until the sun reflects their true blue color of his face as it looks like he is wearing a dark blue leather cape till you notice that the small claws at the neck are crossed and he unfurls them to stretch his wings and arms to show that he is wearing a black body suit with an open neck, short sleeves, and almost full-length leggings. With this, he wore a white cloth over his right shoulder and the left side of his hips as well as a wide leather band from his left shoulder to his right hip. Behind him, his tail whipped about absently. He seems to move with a hard step of that like a dwarf but more graceful and with purpose. The air around him seems to be acting strange as it creates an slight wind that has what looks like particles of sand swirling around him .