Efni Raan

Naadhira Al-Braham's page

68 posts. Alias of TreasureFox.

Full Name

Naadhira Al-Braham Al-Halab




Druid 4 | HP: 28/48 | AC:18 TAC:15 | F:+7* R:+5 W+9 | Perc +9E | SP 1/4 | Reso 0/4 DC15 | Speed 25 | Wand of Heal 4/10 l Active Conditions: Shield Up


Acro +2T, Diplo +4T, Intimidation +4T, Lore(Desert) +6T, Nature +8T, Stealth +2T, Survival +9E





Special Abilities

Wild Empathy, Tempest Surge, Thousand Faces




Gozreh, Sarenrae




Common, Kelish, Druidic, Gnoll



Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 18
Charisma 10

About Naadhira Al-Braham

Naadhira died bravely, fighting to the end after saving one party member from certain death (might still have died in the desert though). Her demise was to be eaten by a manticore, though fortunately she probably went unconscious from the pain.

Female Human Druid 4
CN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Perception +9E
AC 18, TAC 15
hp 48
Resist Poison 2
Fort +7E, Ref +5T, Will +9E; +1 vs Poison
Speed 25 ft.
Melee Staff of Fire +5 (1d4B, 1d8 if two-handed)
Ranged Dagger +5 (1d4P/S)
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 10
Ancestry Feats Adapted Spell (Shield)
Druid Feats Storm Born, Poison Resistance, Thousand Faces
General Feats Alertness
Background Feats Assurance (Survival, Expert)
Skills (7) (3 druid + 2 int + 1 background + 1 druid order)
ACP -3
*ACP applies to these skills
*Acrobatics +5T
Diplomacy +4T
Intimidation +4T
Lore (Desert) +6T
Nature +8T
*Stealth +5T
Survival +9E
Languages Common, Kelish, Druidic, Gnoll

Special Abilities:

Wild Empathy
Tempest Surge (1sp)
Thousand Faces (1sp)
Spell Points: 4


Spells are prepared daily from entire primal spell list
0th Dancing Lights, Know Direction, Produce Flame, Shield
1st Create Water, Feather Fall, Gust of Wind
2nd Web, Endure Elements, Speak with Animals


Staff of fire
Wand of heal
Hat of disguise
Feather token (ladder)
Dagger (2sp) (L)
Hide Armor (20sp) (2B)
Backpack (1sp)
Bedroll (1cp) L
Ordinary Clothing (1sp)
Compass (10sp)
Cookware (10sp) (2B)
Holly and Mistletoe (free)
Material Component Pouch (5sp) (L)
Mug (1cp)
3 Days Rations (15cp) (3L)
Silk Rope 50ft. (10sp) (L)
Sheath (1cp)
Signal Whistle (8cp)
2 Waterskins (10cp) (2L)
Camel (80sp) (use horse) (his name is Hijen, but sometimes I call him Melwah)
Tack (40sp) (1B)
Saddlebags (2sp) (L)

Total Bulk 5B, 10L
Unencumbered 0-5B Encumbered 6-10B
Current Load Carried 2B (some things go on the camel)
Money 0 GP 115 SP 4 CP


I was born and raised in a now destroyed village called Halab, which sat on the river between Driftwood and Yavipho. I was the shaman's apprentice, and I worked hard to meet his and my father's expectations.

When I was only just reaching age, my village was raided by dozens of Gnolls, who slaughtered and enslaved my people without care or concern. Thanks to my master's sacrifice, I managed to escape and live on, but the scene has haunted me ever since.

I wandered the wastes and the desert as a nomad, finding comfort in solitude. I would enter the cities and towns only when supplies demanded it, and I left as quickly as I could when Gnolls strode with their slave lines, and nobles looked at me like a gutter rat.

Some time ago I was hired for an escort mission into the desert by treasure hunters and explorers. I hesitated on the offer, as escorting can be risky for all parties involved, but the coin was in desperate need. Thankfully, they turned out to be reasonable people, even likeable, despite how strange they may be. I decided to join them on their adventures, for coin… but now I have more coin than I really know what to do with. But I have resolved to remain with them, until the wind shifts.

Once we ran out of food and water during a voyage across the desert. I managed to save everyone with shrewd survival skills and some handy spellcasting. It wasn't pleasant, but I was glad to of helped.

Once when I was alone, I was walking through the desert when I was ambushed by three Gnolls. Instead of running, I stood my ground. Their singed fur and charred skin was incense to my mind.

My father was Braham, a stoic, very proud man. He was fair, but when I disappointed him his rage was uncontrollable.
My mother was Sa'ara, a beautiful woman who confided in me that she was once a slave, and fled here to hide. She was pregnant with my sister when the Gnolls attacked.

Appearance and Personality:

My daily attire is a long black tunic of linen that reaches my knees and covers most of my arms. Along with it are matching pants, which are baggy and sway with the wind. I wear a black headdress, which I can use as a veil when in public, but most of the time I keep it open.

When I'm expecting a fight (now that I'm with adventurers), I wear armour made of Gnoll hide and fur. It's hot and obnoxious, but I like the sight when they see me. I also wear a hood of thick leather, you can guess what it's made of.