About NPC: Anevia Tirabade
XP 600
Female human rogue 3
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +7; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+3 armor, –2 broken leg, +3 Dex)
hp 17 (3d8)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +0; +1 vs. traps
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1
Weaknesses broken leg
Speed 15 ft.
Melee short sword +3 (1d6+1/19–20)
Ranged shortbow +5 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Rogue Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd, concentration +5)
During Combat Even before she broke her leg, Anevia preferred to fight with her bow. Although only four of her arrows survived the fall, Anevia relies on her shortbow for most fights until her leg is healed. Until she can secure at least 10 more arrows, she avoids using Rapid Shot, hoping to make every single shot count. If forced into melee, she does her best to flank with her sword, despite her limited mobility.
Morale Unless she is fighting with a good friend or her wife Irabeth, Anevia flees to seek out a hiding spot to wait out her enemies if she falls below 5 hit points.
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Improved Initiative, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+1 when jumping), Climb +3, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (planes) +5, Linguistics +8, Perception +5, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +9 (+5 when moving), Swim –3
Languages Common, Hallit, Orc, Shadowtongue
SQ rogue talents (minor magic), trapfinding +1
Combat Gear alchemist’s fire (2), smokestick (3); Other Gear +1 leather armor, short sword, shortbow with 4 arrows, silk rope (50 ft.), thieves’ tools, 46 gp
Broken Leg (Ex) Anevia’s leg was broken in the fall, and as a result she moves at half speed and cannot run. She also takes a –4 penalty on all skill checks requiring movement (Acrobatics, Climb, many Stealth checks, and Swim) and a –2 penalty to her AC. If the damage she sustained in the fall is healed, the penalty on skill checks is reduced to –2 and the penalty to AC is removed, but completely healing her leg requires a regenerate spell.