TypicalScrub's page

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337: Create the illusion of this post actually being revived, seriously though come on guys we can reach 1,001 we just need to be creative!

326: Make someones saliva taste like goat semen constantly
327: Makes someones saliva taste like period blood... constantly
328: Makes someones saliva taste like poison
329: "Transform" someones saliva into miniature worms that are squirming around inside their mouth
330: Create a red liquid inside a small vial and claim it is the strongest poison to ever be created. Claim that even a single drop will not only burn through anything, but will instantaneously cause someone to choke on their own blood. Then proceed to drop some liquid on the ground and create the illusion of it burning through the ground. Nice little intimidation tool.
331: Maybe you believe someone is going to poison you and you want to try and play it safe while you sleep. Create a small "poison vial" that is leaking into your mouth when they walk in so they believe you to be already poisoned. The next morning when you're alive they will be truly mind f@**ed.
332: With each step someone takes have the word "F$&%**" slowly echo through their head only.
333: Give evil commands to other players but in a more creative way such as adding rhyme to it or turning it into a song for example: With just a single dynamite, through many pleasures and delight, throw it far and through and highlight that little white orphanage"
334: In any situation, if you want to have some fun, you can put the words "I f$@&ing hate Orcs" or "Death to all Gnomes" on someones back.. now just sit back and watch them get bombarded.
335: Cast a small sad rainy cloud that cries and asks why the person it is following hates it.
336: Cast a small angry thunderous cloud that spews out insults on the go as it follows someone.