
Myrsa Evershield's page

32 posts. Alias of Aerondor.

Full Name

Myrsa Evershield


Hardness 13; Will +15; Perc +12 (sight & hearing to 30'); (speaks common and celestial);


LG; HP 120/120;

About Myrsa Evershield

Myrsa Evershield, was an Ulfen shieldmaiden and cleric of the empyreal lord Tanagaar who died alongside her beloved on their quest to slay a linnorm. Myrsa is a martyr’s shield (Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide 89).

She has offered to accompany you on your future battles, so long as you pledge to defend the innocent and provide a donation of 650 gp to the church of Tanagaar or otherwise spend it on causes that Tanagaar approves of, such as on purchasing and donating supplies to defend vulnerable settlements from dangerous monsters or funding animal sanctuaries.

If you gain Infamy while carrying her, she refuses to work with you in the future. Myrsa is an independent person with her own goals; when bringing her to a table, inform your GM. The GM can choose to play Myrsa, or to delegate the task to a player.

Roleplay and Combat Notes: Myrsa is particularly happy to travel with fellow worshipers of her god, and she good-naturedly tries to convert people in the group she is traveling with to her faith. Tanagaar is a lawful good archon empyreal lord whose areas of concern are the night, owls, and watchfulness. His edicts are to defend lawful borders, scout or patrol for evil, and wait to strike until you have the advantage, and his anathema are to abandon your post, tolerate poaching, or torment animals.

In combat, she uses her reaction to defend allies and innocents whenever possible regardless of the PCs’ wishes, unless she would be utterly destroyed in the process. As a reminder, characters cannot accrue Infamy unless the GM has warned them that their action would accrue Infamy and they decided to proceed with it anyway.

Marty's Shield
The martyr’s shield can use 1 reaction each round that, when raised, it uses to Shield Block to protect an ally adjacent to you, with the effects of the Shield Warden feat. The martyr’s shield uses this reaction whether you would prefer it did so or not. The martyr’s shield can be upgraded to a stronger form of sturdy shield by paying the difference in cost between its current type of sturdy shield and the new type.

Other notes (Khaul specific)
Since being worn by Khaul, Myrsa has found her material form somewhat bolstered by Khaul's own strong defensive and crafting skills.

Myrsa is also a shield ally (Champion class feature) raising her hardness by 2, and her breakthreshold by 50%

She also benefits from his tinkering (dwarven reinforcement) to add another +1 to her hardness

Hireling (expert, professional)
Myrsa is also an "expert" and "professional" Hireling.
She is Expert in Diplomacy (though sometimes that is hard to believe), and Society. She is also an Expert in both Tanagaar and Linnorm lore.
(Bonus is 4+ Khaul's level)

Hardness (base) 10 +2 (shield ally) +1 (dwarven reinforcement)_ = 13
HP 80 +40 (shield ally) = 120 (60 BT)
Int +0
Wis +2
Cha +4
Will +15
Perception +12 (precise, vision 30') (imprecise hearing 30')
Communication: Speech (Common and Celestial)
Diplomacy +10 (4+Khaul's level)
Society +10 (4+Khaul's level)
Tanagaar and Linnorm Lores also.