
Myltharial's page

23 posts. Alias of Joshua Hirtz.

About Myltharial

Race - Half-Elf

Half-Elf Abilities:

+2 to One Ability Score (Dex): Half-elf characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.

Medium: Half-elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Half-elves have a base speed of 30 feet.

Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Reflexive Improvisation: Half-elves raised among elves often stumble unprepared into each new stage of life because their elven relatives are unaccustomed to the speed of their maturation. They gain a +2 racial bonus on untrained skill checks. This racial trait replaces adaptability and multitalented.

Languages (Common, Elven, Osiriani, Kelish): Half-elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Half-elves with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

Alignment - Neutral Good


Class - Fighter (Gladiator/Mutagen Warrior) 9 | Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1

Class Progression:

1st Level - Fighter (Gladiator) 1
2nd Level - Fighter (Gladiator) 2
3rd Level - Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1
4th Level - Fighter (Gladiator/Mutagen Warrior) 3
5th Level - Fighter (Gladiator/Mutagen Warrior) 4
6th Level - Fighter (Gladiator/Mutagen Warrior) 5
7th Level - Fighter (Gladiator/Mutagen Warrior) 6
8th Level - Fighter (Gladiator/Mutagen Warrior) 7
9th Level - Fighter (Gladiator/Mutagen Warrior) 8
10th Level - Fighter (Gladiator/Mutagen Warrior) 9

Theme - Pathfinder


Size, Initiative, Senses


Initiative: +6 = 6 Dexterity
Initiative with Mutagen: +8 = 8 Dexterity
Size: 5 ft
Reach: 5 ft
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft*, Deathwatch*, Low-Light Vision, Perception + , See Invisibility*
*Mask of the Mantis


Ability Scores:

Strength: 13 = 13 Base (3 Point Buy)
Dexterity: 22 = 16 Base (10 Point Buy) + 2 Racial (Half-Elf) + 2 Level (4th, 8th) + 2 Enhancement (Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2)
Constitution: 12 = 12 Base (2 Point Buy)
Intelligence: 14 = 14 Base (5 Point Buy)
Wisdom: 10 = 10 Base (0 Point Buy)
Charisma: 14 = 14 Base (5 Point Buy)

Point Buy: 25 = 3 (Strength) + 10 (Dexteriy) + 2 (Constitution) + 5 (Intelligence) + 0 (Wisdom) + 5 (Charisma)

Ability Scores with Mutagen

Dexterity with Mutagen: 26 = 16 Base (10 Point Buy) + 2 Racial (Half-Elf) + 2 Level (4th, 8th) + 2 Enhancement (Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 + 4 Alchemical (Mutagen)
Wisdom with Mutagen: 10 = 10 Base (0 Point Buy) - 2 Alchemical (Mutagen)


Armor Class:

AC: 16 = 10 Base + 6 Dexterity
Touch: 16 = 10 Base + 6 Dexterity
Flat-Footed: 10 = 10 Base

Armor Class with Boots of Speed

AC: 17 = 10 Base + 6 Dexterity + 1 Dodge (Haste)
Touch: 17 = 10 Base + 6 Dexterity + 1 Dodge (Haste)
Flat-Footed: 10 = 10 Base

Armor Class with Mutagen

AC: 20 = 10 Base + 8 Dexterity + 2 Natural Armor
Touch: 18 = 10 Base + 8 Dexterity
Flat-Footed: 12 = 10 Base + 2 Natural Armor

Armor Class with Boots of Speed and Mutagen

AC: 21 = 10 Base + 8 Dexterity + 1 Dodge (Haste) + 2 Natural Armor
Touch: 19 = 10 Base + 8 Dexterity + 1 Dodge (Haste)
Flat-Footed: 12 = 10 Base + 2 Natural Armor

Combat Manuever Defense:

CMD: 27 = 10 Base + 10 BAB + 6 Dexterity + 1 Strength
CMD vs. Disarm: 38 = 10 Base + 10 BAB + 6 Dexterity + 2 Enhancement + 1 Strength + 1 Weapon Focus + 4 Weapon Training (Blades, Light) + 4 Untyed (Gloves of Dueling)

Combat Manuever Defense with Boots of Speed

CMD: 28 = 10 Base + 10 BAB + 6 Dexterity + 1 Dodge (Haste) + 1 Strength
CMD vs. Disarm: 39 = 10 Base + 10 BAB + 6 Dexterity + 1 Dodge (Haste) + 2 Enhancement + 1 Strength + 1 Weapon Focus + 4 Weapon Training (Blades, Light) + 4 Untyed (Gloves of Dueling)

Combat Manuever Defense with Mutagen

CMD: 29 = 10 Base + 10 BAB + 8 Dexterity + 1 Strength
CMD vs. Disarm: 40 = 10 Base + 10 BAB + 8 Dexterity + 2 Enhancement + 1 Strength + 1 Weapon Focus + 4 Weapon Training (Blades, Light) + 4 Untyed (Gloves of Dueling)

Combat Manuever Defense with Boots of Speed and Mutagen

CMD: 30 = 10 Base + 10 BAB + 8 Dexterity + 1 Dodge (Haste) + 1 Strength
CMD vs. Disarm: 41 = 10 Base + 10 BAB + 8 Dexterity + 1 Dodge (Haste) + 2 Enhancement + 1 Strength + 1 Weapon Focus + 4 Weapon Training (Blades, Light) + 4 Untyed (Gloves of Dueling)

Hit Points:

Hit Points: 83 = 10 Fighter + 6 Fighter + 6 Swashbuckler + 6 Fighter + 6 Fighter + 6 Fighter + 6 Fighter + 6 Fighter + 6 Fighter + 6 Fighter + 10 Constitution + 9 Favored Class Bonus (Fighter)


Fortitude: 7 = 6 Base + 1 Constitution
Reflex: 11 = 5 Base + 6 Dexterity
Will: 3 = 3 Base + 0 Wisdom

Saves with Boots of Speed

Fortitude: 7 = 6 Base + 1 Constitution
Reflex: 12 = 5 Base + 6 Dexterity + 1 Dodge (Haste)
Will: 3 = 3 Base + 0 Wisdom

Saves with Mutagen

Fortitude: 7 = 6 Base + 1 Constitution
Reflex: 13 = 5 Base + 8 Dexterity
Will: 2 = 3 Base - 1 Wisdom

Saves with Boots of Speed and Mutagen

Fortitude: 7 = 6 Base + 1 Constitution
Reflex: 14 = 5 Base + 8 Dexterity + 1 Dodge (Haste)
Will: 2 = 3 Base - 1 Wisdom


Gloves of Dueling +4 Untyped vs effects that cause her to lose her grip on her weapons (such as grease).
Spellcut +10 BAB



BAB: +10
Speed: Land - 30 ft, Fly - 60 ft*
*Mutagen Discovery - Wings


Boots of Speed +30 to Movement Speeds

Combat Manuever Bonus:

CMB: +11 = 10 BAB + 1 Strength
CMB (with Rapier): +16 = 10 BAB + 6 Dexterity

Combat Manuever Bonus with Boots of Speed

CMB: +12 = 10 BAB + 1 Strength + 1 Untyped (Haste)
CMB (with Rapier): +17 = 10 BAB + 6 Dexterity + 1 Untyped (Haste)

Combat Manuever Bonus with Mutagen

CMB: +11 = 10 BAB + 1 Strength
CMB (with Rapier): +18 = 10 BAB + 8 Dexterity

Combat Manuever Bonus with Boots of Speed and Mutagen

CMB: +12 = 10 BAB + 1 Strength + 1 Untyped (Haste)
CMB (with Rapier): +19 = 10 BAB + 8 Dexterity + 1 Untyped (Haste)

Weapon Attack:

Weapon: +2 Impervious Rapier
Critical: 18-20 / x2

Attack: +23 / +18 = 10 BAB + 6 Dexterity + 2 Enhancement + 1 Weapon Focus + 4 Weapon Training
Damage: 1d6 + 12 = 1d6 Weapon + 6 Dexterity + 2 Enhancement + 4 Weapon Training

Weapon Attack with Boots of Speed

Attack: +24 / +24 / +19 = 10 BAB + 6 Dexterity + 2 Enhancement + 1 Untyped (Haste) + 1 Weapon Focus + 4 Weapon Training
Damage: 1d6 + 12 = 1d6 Weapon + 6 Dexterity + 2 Enhancement + 4 Weapon Training

Weapon Attack with Mutagen

Attack: +25 / +20 = 10 BAB + 8 Dexterity + 2 Enhancement + 1 Weapon Focus + 4 Weapon Training
Damage: 1d6 + 14 = 1d6 Weapon + 8 Dexterity + 2 Enhancement + 4 Weapon Training

Weapon Attack with Boots of Speed and Mutagen

Attack: +26 / +26 / +21 = 10 BAB + 8 Dexterity + 2 Enhancement + 1 Untyped (Haste) + 1 Weapon Focus + 4 Weapon Training
Damage: 1d6 + 14 = 1d6 Weapon + 8 Dexterity + 2 Enhancement + 4 Weapon Training


Fencer +1 Trait to Attack on Attack of Opportunity
Power Attack -3 Untyped to Attack, +6 Untyped to Damage