Goblin Pirate

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I have a question about black blood and its effects on the Bloodrager versus its effects on the Oracle. What, if any, of the black blood effects listed on the Oracle are applicable to the Bloodrager?

For instance, on the Bloodrager archetype is only lists the following, "At 1st level, your blood runs thick with black blood. You are immune to the effects (both beneficial and destructive) of black blood. You have this benefit constantly, even while not bloodraging. When you take damage from a slashing or piercing attack while bloodraging, as an immediate action you can grant your melee attacks the frost weapon special ability for 2 rounds."
Black Blood Bloodrager Archetype

However, for the Oracle it lists this instead, "All black-blooded oracles effectively share the same curse—the curse of black blood. The material affects these oracles physically and mentally, altering both physiology and mystic powers. The blood of a black-blooded oracle actually runs black, and wounds she suffers are infected by her own power and are difficult to heal. She is immune to the effects (both beneficial and destructive) of black blood. Positive and negative energy affect a black-blooded oracle as if she were undead—positive energy harms her, while negative energy heals her (this aspect of the curse has no effect if the oracle is undead). The curse also dulls the oracle’s coordination somewhat, imparting a –4 penalty on all Dexterity-based skill checks. At 5th level, she gains cold resistance 5. This increases to cold resistance 10 at 10th level, and immunity to cold at 15th level."
Black-Blooded Oracle

So would a Black Blood Bloodrager archetype receive all the negatives that the Oracle receives or is the Bloodrager somehow immune or unaffected? I'm specifically asking about the -4 penalty on Dex-based skill checks and magic healing (positive hurts, negative heals).

Also, if the Bloodrager receives all these negatives then why doesn't the Black Blood Bloodrager receive the cold resistance sooner? The oracle gets it at level 5 while the Bloodrager receives it at level 8. It seems to me that if it's an all or nothing deal then the Bloodrager should receive the resistance sooner as well.

Super confused; please help.

So I put this together and it is a complete ripoff of multiple sources with some original tweaks. That said, it is not my intent to offend those I've blatantly plagiarized, but to put online yet another version of the goliath race for people to use, gain inspiration from, or to adopt as a template for their own interpretation of goliaths. Please feel free to rip this apart in an attempt to improve upon it. Total RP is 15.

Goliath - Pathfinder

Goliaths are mountain-dwelling nomads who view themselves as descendants of titans and see life as a grand competition. Their scattered bands have never been major players in the politics of the lowland world, but they have wandered the mountain ranges of the world since the primordials first shaped the peaks and valleys. Tall and massive, goliaths revere the primal power of nature and use it to enhance their own strength.

Strong and enduring as the rock of the mountains where they reside, goliaths live mostly in the little-explored ranges of insert your own world name here. Few people venture into the goliaths' domain, and the goliaths find little reason to leave their high vales for the insidious dangers of the lowlands. However, the natural wanderlust of their kind leads some goliaths to venture down into the lands they gaze over from their mountainsides simply to see what might be there—or, more rarely, to test their mettle by raiding livestock or hunting dangerous monsters.

Goliaths who wander far from home soon find that their great size and talent for combat opens up a world of possibilities among the smaller races of insert your own world name here. A small number of goliath sellswords can be found as far away as insert different name here.

Goliaths tower over even half-giants, standing between 7 and 8 feet tall. Their skin is gray or brown, mottled with darker patches that they believe hint at some aspect of each goliath’s fate or destiny. Their skin is speckled with lithoderms, coin-sized growths of bone that appear like pebbles studding their arms, shoulders, torso, and head. A bony ridge juts over their gleaming blue or green eyes. Male goliaths are bald, and females have dark hair they typically grow long and wear in braids.

Goliaths have life spans comparable to those of humans.

Goliath Racial Traits

(1 RP) +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity. Goliaths are strong and powerful, but not graceful.

(0 RP) Medium Size: Goliaths are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size, but see powerful-build below.

(0 RP) Normal Speed: Goliaths have a base speed is 30 feet.

(2 RP) Darkvision: A goliath can see in the dark up to 60 feet. I ultimately went with Darkvision instead of LLV because of their Titan lineage.

(2 RP) Mountaineer: A goliath has a +2 to climb and survival checks, thanks to their mountain heritage.

(1 RP) Hardy Stock: Goliaths have adapted to the often harsh and wintery climates of their mountain homes and are not affected by environmental cold conditions until temperatures drop below 0° F. This trait confers no additional protection from cold based spell effects.

(1 RP) Altitude Affinity: As the feat.

(2 RP?) Powerful Build: Whenever a goliath is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for CMB, the goliath is treated as large if doing so is advantageous to him. A goliath is also considered to be large when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A goliath can use weapons designed for a large creature without the -2 penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. If a spell or effect changes the goliath’s size to large or larger, the abilities of the spell or effect override the effects of powerful build.

(1 RP) Intimidating Prowess: As the feat, but only against medium, or smaller, non-goliath humanoids.

(4 RP) Stone's Endurance: You have the stone's endurance power; this power can be activated as a Swift Action once per day.

    Stone's Endurance - Goliath Racial Power
    Your foes' attacks bounce off your stony hide.
    Effect: Once per day you gain DR */- until the end of your next turn.
  • Level 1: Gain DR 5/-
  • Level 10: Improves to DR 10/-
  • Level 20: Improves to DR 15/-

(1 RP) Weapon Familiarity: Goliaths are proficient with warhammers, greataxes, and greatswords, and treat any weapon with the word “goliath” in its name as a martial weapon (too bad there aren’t any actual goliath-typed weapons… yet).

(0 RP) Languages: Goliaths begin play speaking Common and Gol-Kaa. Goliaths with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, or Giant.