
Mulgar's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. 571 posts (655 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 43 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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All of Starfinder society season 2 is missing in my digital content page. I don't know if this is the right forum for it, so move it if it isn't.

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Never understand the low magic campaign craze. It is after all a fantasy role playing game.

Dang, now I gotta at least get a 5th lvl sfs character.

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Freagarthach wrote:
Mulgar wrote:

As for casters in general, the level difference makes Magic Missile into a godsend. On my Sorcs, I prefer to use one of their Spontaneous Heightening options on Magic Missile. Every time. Why? Because on a monster that is higher level than me, Magic Missile is going to be the best damage the party has to offer. It might well be the ONLY damage that the party has to offer. So while the Fighter is going in with his move-miss-raise combination every turn, I'm dishing 3/6/9/etc missiles.

@Mulgar - If you don't like the PF2 Magic Missile that is 20% better at PF2 level 5 than the PF1 version at level 9, and you don't enjoy spells like True Strike and Shocking Grasp that are comparatively improved from PF1, try out Summon Monster that is also comparatively improved from PF1 for duration and impact at lower levels.

Or explore other options to make work - it is a playtest, after all.

It's not that I don't like magic missile. I don't like the whole cantrips as your most cast spells thing.

I have looked at summon monster. They gave you a duration boost and a creature nerf. My summon options in the play test had a worse chance to hit than i did with my "mighty" cantrips.

The true strike and shocking grasp spell are fine, but all it does is turn me into a low ac, low hp, subpar damage dealing compare to others.

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I get elfier and elfier as I level up makes NO sense. I was raised in a culture, ancestry, race or whatever you want to call it. It is counter-intuitive that as I leave that culture and go out into the world I become a more recognizable member of that culture.

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Greg.Everham wrote:

Cantrips that dish damage are pretty sexy.

Acid Splash is probably the weakest and you can rightfully ignore it.

Chill Touch does a nice little bit of damage equal to swinging a 1d8 weapon (with a better-than-level-appropriate rune). For a caster who does not have high strength, this is very strong in melee, esp Vs undead.

Disrupt Undead is the ranged version of Chill Touch, but focuses only on undead. It's a massive 1d10 damage, with again a better-than-level-appropriate rune on it. The downside is that it allows a Fort save for half.

Electric Arc can ping TWO targets for damage, making it a twin-attack feat that many martials get.

Just a few, alphabetically top of the list, examples... and they're all pretty good.

Cantrips aren't supposed to light the world on fire, but be the bread-and-butter "reserve" spells. To that end, they're really good and the design space is yet unexplored. Think of a spell like Shield that can sorta turn your character into a mage-tank. If Shield was designed to not have the 10-minute cooldown, you could totally spam that and it is character defining, or nearly so. That's kinda amazing.

As for casters in general, the level difference makes Magic Missile into a godsend. On my Sorcs, I prefer to use one of their Spontaneous Heightening options on Magic Missile. Every time. Why? Because on a monster that is higher level than me, Magic Missile is going to be the best damage the party has to offer. It might well be the ONLY damage that the party has to offer. So while the Fighter is going in with his move-miss-raise combination every turn, I'm dishing 3/6/9/etc missiles.

I totally agree that something needs to be done to allow players to work in tandem to reduce the level difference. As it is, you get only 2 penalties to apply, along with making a character flat-footed. And there's not a single penalty debuff a player character can apply that gives the maximum of -4. This needs to change, such that players can debuff something down to their level if they work...

These comments make me wonder if you have played a wizard in playtest. The cantrips do not play as your bread and butter "reserve" they play as your main line damaging spells after a cast or three. If you as a caster want to do ANYTHING in combat you will end up using cantrips as the spells you cast most often.

Making magic missile the most effective options a joke. There was a PFS1e wizard in my area that would only ever cast magic missle. Heightened magic missile, quickened magic missile, maximized magic missile, tripping magic missile; you name it he memorized it. And all the players hated his wizard because of it. Now to make magic missile and the cantrips the "power of a wizard" vs. a fighter getting in position and making multiple attacks is very disappointing.

While playing a wizard in the playtest I am the weakest character on the board. I have the lowest hit points, lowest ac, and the weakest attack options. This game was always based on a high magic concept for decades.
Now I just don't have fun playing it anymore.....

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Nelroy wrote:
Shain Edge wrote:

Fighters get to use their attack all day. Wizards at first level get only a couple of uses, then gain about a spell use per level. Wizards SHOULD be powerhouses based on limited use per day.

Cantrips, Cantrips, Cantrips, Cantrips.

Not only can the caster use a strike action or concentrate on a spell (say a summon), but they can cast a cantrip as well in one round. These cantrips auto heighten and often have a critical effect as well (even marital characters have a hard time blocking weapon critical effects... wizards get this at lvl 1).

I agree it's sad to see spells get nerfed, but if we are trying to level the playing field and lessen the gap between the old tiers of PF 1 then I feel the changes are pretty balanced considering the action economy. Also, seeing as even on a saved spell there is usually an immediate effect and that means your cast is rarely ever completely wasted.

Auto Heightening all spells is interesting, but I would say probably swings us way out of balance. Effectively eliminating all lower level spell slots and converting them to free higher level slots.

I am a mighty wizard. I have given up access to all armor and most weapons for arcane might the likes of which you can never image......

Casts my 15 cantrip of the day for less damage than the fighter using a +1 weapon.....

I just can't get over the "I get more elfie" as I increase in level at all. I don't see how that works at all in the game world.

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edduardco wrote:
dragonhunterq wrote:
edduardco wrote:
I think is only fair to expect a certain degree of consistency, either: all held items don't require investment including staves, or all items required it including weapons.
I'm not sure I agree, exceptions are not inherently bad, as long as they are minimal, and staves being the sole exception (known) so far fits minimal.


Because most exceptions I've seen seems to be targeted against casters.

Because most nerfs I've seen seems to be targeted against casters.

There fixed that for you.

MMCJawa wrote:

The action system seems like its going to streamline things on both sides of the screen.

It sounds like magic is getting a good overhaul, which should reduce the ability for a single spell to close off a lot of good story angles or plot twists. So that might be a plus.

I assume by "good overhaul" you mean "significant nerf".

I want Vancian casting to stay in the game. I always thought that the balance between I have tons of spells but I might have guessed wrong was the best thing about wizards. If wizards only get 3 spell slots per level and no bonus spells for high int then you will be severely reducing the choices a wizard will have to make. They will only memorize the must have spells at every level and be considerably less fun to play.

I honestly always thought the Sorcerer was invented for those people that didn't want to have to deal with the complexity of memorizing spells.

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RumpinRufus wrote:

How about a Stamina system (but without Resolve)?

Every level, you gain Stamina Points equal to your Con, and Hit Points based off your class.

Stamina Points are lost first, once you run out of Stamina you start taking HP damage.

A 10-minute rest restores all your Stamina Points.

Please god, just no.

I HATE the stamina mechanic. I don't need two hit point pools to track. It is so needlessly complicated.

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Gregg Helmberger wrote:
edduardco wrote:

This is more than just CLW wands, this is also replacing the body slots, and hopefully charged items.

I will also support the idea of exempting single use magic items of Resonance cost

I understand the idea of wanting to get away from the Big 6, but doesn't simply banning stat/save/to hit boosts from items and giving inherent character bonuses already do that? The system in unchained was workable, and if tweaks were needed then tweaks could be made. How in the world is it better, or "more Pathfindery" to make everything you do tally against some score determined by how likable you are?

In thinking about it, it's partially the fact that this system is based on Charisma that's bothering me. There is no logical, in-game explanation for why people who are more fun at parties should be able to use magical items more often. It's strictly a metagame construct to boost the usefulness of a stat that the designers have decided is underutilized.

How in god's name is Charisma underutilized!!!!!

Multiple classes that use it as their main stat (paladin, sorcerer, oracle and bard come to mind). Multiple skills that are essential to the game come to mind (diplomacy, intimidate, bluff, perform and UMD). Several classes use it as a secondary stat (cleric, arcanist). Multiple builds plan to using charisma for practically everything.

I see this as an attempt to both limit magic items and increase the number of stats a character needs to be viable.

Phantasmist wrote:
Is it just me or is naming everything feats confusing anybody else?

well goes right along with using level to mean multiple things.


I didn't read everything here but I feel that stars and novas should be getting a new friend, call them wayfinders or whatever. Since the PFS1e is still continuing why should I get credit in a new PFS for work in the old.

But there should also be a reward in PFS2 for hours given to PFS1, but why should it be limited to what your star level is at the beginning of the new campaign? Why not have a GM boon sheet that has rewards based on your gm stars and your PFS2 wayfinders?

So if you have both stars and wayfinders you can gain ever more useful results. Some thing like borrowing items from other characters (if both characters have the fame to use them) for a limited number of times. Things like that.

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Seems wrote:
I generally like the new look, but it would be great if we could resize the font. Some of us are closer to 50 than 15....

Some of us are 50.


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Joe Bouchard wrote:
James Daniels wrote:
Joe Bouchard wrote:

As long as you have a history of playing games at other store(s), it shouldn't be an issue. If you suddenly rack up 20 tables of play in 30 days, and you're only playing under that one event, it may raise eyebrows. Home PFS games in moderation should be a-ok. I've done it before, and that's how my buddies and I report Adventure Paths for PFS credit.

Actually since PFS is perfectly legal to play at home games it isn't an issue at all. If you and your friends want to play 20 tables in 30 days go for it. If you only ever want to play at home with your friends, go for it. The eyebrows of others shouldn't be raised if you are following the rules.

Yeah, this is me assuming someone who audits the PFS event codes might find it suspicious. I have no actual basis on this.

I just find that it could be easily exploited by less than honest people.

However, we should treat new players as honest players. I started with 1 real pfs game and then played 10 or so home games with my family. All as legal as i knew how.


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Joe Bouchard wrote:

As long as you have a history of playing games at other store(s), it shouldn't be an issue. If you suddenly rack up 20 tables of play in 30 days, and you're only playing under that one event, it may raise eyebrows. Home PFS games in moderation should be a-ok. I've done it before, and that's how my buddies and I report Adventure Paths for PFS credit.

Actually since PFS is perfectly legal to play at home games it isn't an issue at all. If you and your friends want to play 20 tables in 30 days go for it. If you only ever want to play at home with your friends, go for it. The eyebrows of others shouldn't be raised if you are following the rules.

Urban bloodrager and arcane archer is a nice combo as well.

Skeld wrote:

Chemicals are toxic.

Everything is chemicals.


Does that make humans toxic?

Hiruma Kai wrote:

...Edit: I will point out, in difficult fights where people are dropping, a Healing Connection Mystic is awesome. At 3rd level, a typical fighter type is going to have 25 hit points, and a hybrid type is going to have 22 hit points. A single healing channel heals on average 18 hit points at that level. Even if the rest of your team is on the ground, dying, you can put them all back up to nearly "half health" with a single turn. A good roll can heal them up to full hit points, while a bad roll is still getting them all off the floor.

The issue is, you can build a Healing Connection Mystic that only does that, and will only shine in those do or die situations, or you can build one that does that and does something else cool to boot, like engage in melee or provide harrying fire times two and what not. Wisp Ally + the cleric taking the Covering Fire action to put a -4 to hit on the enemy every round.

I have healing connection mystic to do healing channel when needed and I use my spells offensively (usually mind thrust). I also do the shooty thingy.

So healing is only 1 of my things.

Are you opposed to a switch to Inquisitor?? adding Bane damage lets me do insane things and teamwork feats.

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Metal armor => mine ore, cut trees to make charcoal and or dig coal out to the ground, smelt metal, burn more wood/charcoal/coal to forge the raw metal to armor.

Leather armor => Thank you animal for giving your life to feed me and my family. I will in your honor use all of your body for a useful purpose which can include tanning your hide to make leather and armor.

Seems to make sense to me......

Diodotus wrote:

Attempting to make a purchase today (I have made many over the years), I encountered a technical problem.

On page two, payment, I have everything all set and it looks good:

But when I get to page 3, it has "forgotten" the information from page 2!

This happens with three separate browsers, and with two separate credit cards (and yes, I have checked, my primary CC is working fine and has no holds on it or anything).

Many thanks, Scott

I'm still having this issue.

why no snowelves or snow 1/2 elves?

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love my warpriest

and wizard

and skald

and inquisitor archer

and magus ninja

and ...

well, now you see the problem

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Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Mulgar,

I can see an item in your cart, but I don't see a payment method attached to it. I don't see one on your account at all. If you add a payment method on the Payment tab do you still have the issue?

Just tried again and I am having the same issue. I add my card info on the payment method step and it tells me that my payment method was changed. So I click continue.

When I try to go on to order status and checkout I get a message that says "This order requires a valid payment method." I have tried multiple different cards and continue to get the same message.

When I go to the my account link and add an payment method to My Payment methods I get the same issue. All the steps seem to work but the payment method does not show up.

Hope this helps.

EDIT: I get the same message using microsoft edge or firefox

Same thing happening to me, and it's my birthday. Can't spend my birthday money, :(

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Vagabond? wrote:

As listed in the title; You have 30 rounds to save the world from complete destruction. The entire nuclear arsenal of the world, fifteen thousand nukes, have been launched, and is directed to burn the world in fire. All your possessions, your demiplane, and everything you possess have been teleported with you.

If you do not save the earth, you cease to exist.

You only have to save 40% of the population.

-No Wishes (Edit: Or miracles, or similar abilities).
-You can cast spells on earth; After you finish casting spells, so can anyone else.
-After this, gods, the planes, all of it applies to earth suddenly.
-No custom magic items.
-It actually doesn't have to be wizard, but wizard seems most applicable.
-DSP materials is available. As is Spheres of Power.
-Otherwise, follow RAW. Abuse the rules in any way you can to save the world.

If three minutes is not enough time, is 10? 30? What's the lowest amount of time you'd need.

You don't get to 20th level wizard by following the rules.........

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If it's not for PFS, why not?? In a home game you can do anything you can get your gm to agree to.

But in SFS, sorry no.

Novarator S-6000

Voss wrote:

Subscribers can access their pdf copies when their book ships. Not sure of the why of it, but it seems to be a way of incentivizing subscriptions.

That would be the main "why" of it.

Marc Radle wrote:

I've just recently gotten into Bones painting, so I'm definitely in for the Core set at least!

Definitely NOT interested in the cutesy stuff like the High Rollers or Rocky the Red though.

I think those Chronoscope minis will be very popular with folks who will be playing Starfinder. In fact, it would be cool if Paizo and Reaper got together to do the Starfinder iconics for this Kickstarter. Heck, I would not be at all surprised if that was one of the higher goals

I'm hoping there will be a few sharks in there at some point, as well as some sahuagin!

I love the 'cutesy' minis. I love rockey the red

This is kinda neat. I like the flat pack, snap up part.

My only other question would be: Is this going to be a PFS reroll item?


MisterSlanky wrote:

So back to a previous question...

It sure would be nice to know what the intent of providing only the "obvious" paths is. It seems very, very short-sighted to list only hexes 1-8, without providing rules that you need to head due south (thought it was East there for a second, damn map makers making North not up...).

Here's why.

The two main routes that the author assumed the party would take equate to 24 movement (Likely, 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 OR 1, 2, 4, 6, 8). At no advantages taken, and no forced march (which is dangerous due to being severely under-equipped), a speed 3 party can move 7 a day. That equates to a trip time of just under 3.5 days, with likely death due to no water.

An equally obvious "direct-ish" route that takes 1, 2, plains, plains, plains, plains, plains, plains adds up to only 18 movement and bypasses the swamp altogether. Taking that route, per the instructions of when encounters occur, would yield only the first encounter. A group that's particularly ballsy and heads to plains, plains, hills, plains, plains, plains, plains, plains would also only incur 18 movement and would bypass all of the encounters altogether.

In those two cases, with only 18 phases, a group following the same exact strategy of the "main path", but adds a scavenging phase once per day for food and water (providing them a total daily move speed of 5) would reach the finish line at exactly the same time as the expected routes. Using the same deadly strategy as outlined previously (perhaps they have create water?), they'll finish in two and a half days.

In either case, only 18 phases, with zero advantages taken, a group that takes their forced march, even with food/water gathering during that phase will easily beat any competition and will avoid every single combat as they never "enter" tile 2 or 3, "leave" tile 3 or 4", or "finish progressing through Tile 8"

Was this intent?

As noted in the scenario the only squares required are 1 and 8. So no matter how stupid it seems you are forced to go through tile 8.


I was one of those "what's the sense in Bonekeep" people until last weekend. I have a group of friends who get together to play PFS in a home game. A good group of friends with similar playing styles.

Last Saturday night we had a get together to say goodbye to one of the group who was moving out of town. The guy moving had played Bonekeep 2 and offered to run it for use if we would give him a short while to reread it.

We started playing, fast and furious, as time went on and it got later and later, strong storms moved into the area. Finally the power went out and still we played on by lantern and flashlight.

Did we live? Did we die? Does it matter? 7 friends around the table, one challenging the others to the very limits of their characters......

One of the best times I EVER had in playing pathfinder, PFS or not.....

More please ......

Seems to me that

1) you gain one additional language per +2 of the headband.

2) you gain a number of ranks in the headband skill equal to you hit dice.

3) the skill ranks gained from head band do not stack with your skill ranks.

So, I'm 5th level with five ranks in linguistics. I put on a +2 headband. I gain 1 language from being smarter (+2 to int) and that's it.

I continue adventuring and attain 6th level. I gain a rank in linguistics and therefore an additional language.

How the GM decides what that language is, is up to him.

Should I even bring up the tengu languages ability and it's interaction with the above?

Magnus Arcadian wrote:

Well, hello there. :)

I'll respectfully disagree with one thing you said, Darksol:

"With that being said, the problem with your experience is that you've played two of the most known weakest classes in the game."

I think the fighter and the rogue are both terrific. They _used to_ suck, back in 3.5 days, but now they're two of the best in the book. They're infinitely flexible, and that by itself makes them more survivable: you can play the character you understand best. They're also the simplest, most straightforward classes, and for beginners that makes them more survivable: you only have to focus on a couple of things, instead of keeping track of spells and all the rest.

Obviously everything comes down to what you build and how you play. But Doppleman, I think you shouldn't give up on fighters and rogues. They're fun, they're time-tested, and every adventure ever published has a place for them.

Wizards say die fighter and die rogue.

and Hi too, lol


As a GM when I sit at a table I start of with a few ground rules.

1) If you tell me you miss then you did, next player....

2) Not every body will make you, but assists are called and rolled BEFORE the main roll.

3) And most importantly, I'm going to trust you with most everything. If you feel the need to cheat in a role playing game, you got bigger problems.....


BigNorseWolf wrote:



Hey you forgot to mention Kyra.

Snowlilly wrote:
Bill Dunn wrote:
Just think, under earlier editions of D&D, they'd be d4 classes...


Prior to Pathfinder, all the current d6 classes were d4 classes.

and usually they only got 1 spell a day.

clear plastic upside down connect to black plastic piece, then mini, then clear plastic over the top.

Two of the clear plastic pieces can connect to one of the black ones, try it sometimes.

Rennaivx wrote:
Mulgar wrote:
James Krolak wrote:

I play a lot of characters that cast Enlarge Person fairly often. Here's what I do:

I have some 2" magnetic markers from Alea Tools and I put one of their "metal stickers" for a Medium mini on the bottom of my mini. Then, when he/she grows larger, I just put the 2" marker under the mini and it sticks to them. That way, I'm still using the same mini--I'm just taking up more squares on the map.

You know those plastic cases for dice sets? the black plastic base is about the size of four squares, set you mini in it an you're set. See what I did there, lol. I amuse myself.......
Tangentially, the clear part of those boxes makes an excellent riser for fliers, I've found.

mini on top, I'm flying

mini under clear, I'm invisible.

James Krolak wrote:

I play a lot of characters that cast Enlarge Person fairly often. Here's what I do:

I have some 2" magnetic markers from Alea Tools and I put one of their "metal stickers" for a Medium mini on the bottom of my mini. Then, when he/she grows larger, I just put the 2" marker under the mini and it sticks to them. That way, I'm still using the same mini--I'm just taking up more squares on the map.

You know those plastic cases for dice sets? the black plastic base is about the size of four squares, set you mini in it an you're set. See what I did there, lol. I amuse myself.......

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OK, pancakes for breakfast, bigggggg steak for dinner.

mmmmm mmmmm gooooooood

First of all, Normal PFS ends at 12th level. There are now 2 career ending arcs that can take you above level 12. Also there is the option to play modules and/or sanctioned adventure paths above level 12. I don't do it often but my 15th level PFS Wizard would like a word with all of you who say PFS ends at level 12, lol.

Second, Warpriest scales well to level 12, I have a 12th level Warpriest of Gorum that is an adamantine greatsword wielding armored tank. He is a beast when he gets his buffs up, and at that level with the fervor he can do it.


Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
I am interested in learning what Season 6 scenarios that are truly not dependent on a character in the party having the technologist feat in order to succeed at their missions. Are there any recommendations? (Ironically, a few players are interested in Starfinder.)

None of them are, really. Having the feat makes things a bit easier in a couple of scenarios, but I played them with no one in any of the parties having it and we survived.

There was such a big backlash against the tech scenarios that Paizo aborted it's presumed plan to make technology the theme of Season 6.

To this day, I don't understand the reason for that backlash.

Because there a two very vocal groups of players:


and the


and the last group was the largest.

Rosc wrote:

It all depends on how you look at 'complex' classes.

If the proper prep work has not been done beforehand, the Summoner is the worst class to have at your table. Imagine the joy of having someone summon a creature, and then have to look up its stats in the bestiary, and then have to modify its statblock based on Augment Summoning, and then have to look up the universal monster rules for things like Trip and Earth Glide. Pregame your notes, friends.

If you're learning a new class, the Kineticist is the most complex class. The big issue is that there are so many new terms, so many new abilities, all completely foreign to even a modestly experienced spellcaster. In their 'core' book, each Element has maybe one or two meaningful choices at any given level, but each Element's abilities are all mashed together, so searching for your tricks and cross referencing and constantly swapping pages is a nightmare. When I was learning the class, I actually had to read optimization guides before actual book entry, just because they had a much better format for giving me information.

But hey. Real talk here. Martials. Oh my god martials. Once my Vigilante has Power Attack and Two Weapon fighting going, and one or two buffs from allies? This is me every turn. I commend you guys for being able to stick to it. EDIT: How the heck do you guys plan for your attack routines on a single character sheet? Between normal attacks, Power Attacks, your golfbag of weapons, backup ranged weapon, and maybe even an odd natural attack, I feel like I need to print up an extra page just to cover that stuff.

Well you are right, I am a math teacher, lol

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I play warpriests, inquisitors, wizards, and a magus/ninja in PFS. I have found two things to be invaluable in playing these:

The buff deck it absolutely wonderful.

you can download a wonderful pdf file from Dyslexic Studios at and it has specially designed sheets for individual classes. I have to connections to these guys but I LOVE their sheets. Makes it much easier to track things on complex classes.


He gets the chronicle to apply when he runs it. That message is a database snafu. The message is meant for non-evergreens, but allways shows up, even for evergreens.

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