
Mthandihle "Myth"'s page

13 posts. Alias of Almonihah.

Full Name



| HP 30/30| AC: 17 T: 14 Fl: 17 | CMB: +4 CMD: 18 | F +3 R +7 W +0 | Init +4 | Perc: +7


Shifts: 3/3


F Catfolk Unchained Rogue 3







Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 8
Charisma 12

About Mthandihle "Myth"

Medium Chaotic Neutral humanoid (catfolk) Unchained Rogue 3

Reflex 7 = 3 Base + 4 Dex
Fortitude 3 = 1 Base + 2 Con
Will 0 = 1 Base - 1 Wisdom

BAB +2
Daggers +6 1d4+4 | 19-20/x2 | 10' range
Silver dagger +7 1d4+3 | 19-20/x2 | 10' range
Composite shortbow +6 1d6+2 | 20/x3 | 70' range

Initiative +4
Speed 30', Climb 20'
CMB 4 = 2 BAB + 2 Str

HP: 30/30
AC: 17= 10 + 4 Dex + 3 Armor
Touch: 14 Flat-footed: 13
CMD 18 = 10 + 2 BAB + 4 Dex + 2 Str

(11 skill points/level)
Acrobatics 10 = 3 ranks + 4 Dex + 3 class
Bluff 7 = 3 ranks + 1 Cha + 3 class
Climb 16 = 3 ranks + 2 Str + 3 class + 8 climb speed
Diplomacy 7 = 3 ranks + 1 Cha + 3 class
Disable Device 10/12 = 3 ranks + 4 Dex + 3 class (+2 tools)
Escape Artist 10 = 3 ranks + 4 Dex + 3 class
Perception 7 = 3 ranks - 1 Wis + 3 class + 2 racial
Stealth 12 = 3 ranks + 4 Dex + 3 class + 2 racial
Survival 8 = 3 ranks - 1 Wis + 3 class + 2 racial + 1 trait
Swim 8 = 3 ranks + 2 Str + 3 class
Use Magic Device 7 = 3 ranks + 1 Cha + 3 class

Favored Class: Rogue(+1 Skill Point/level)

Feats and Traits
Light Armor Proficiency
Rogue Weapon Proficiency
Longstride Shift
Strongclaw Shift


Racial Traits
Natural Hunter
Cat's Luck
Low-Light Vision



Belt Pouch
Explorer's Outfit
Flint & Steel
Grappling hook
Silk roap
Masterwork Thieves' Tools
5x Trail rations
Composite Shortbow (Strength +2)
Cold iron dagger
Masterwork silver dagger
Masterwork studded leather armor
4x dagger

Weight Carried: lb
Light Load: 58 Medium: 116 Heavy: 175

Class Features
Sneak Attack +2d6
Finesse Training (Daggers)
Danger Sense +1
Rogue Talents
* Fast Stealth


Part 1
Mthandihle was born in a small tribe of nomadic catfolk deep in the Mwangi Expanse. She grew up as a hunter-gatherer, living as much in the trees of the forest as below them, as was the way of her people. But while she enjoyed exploring the forest, learning her people's dances and skills, and proving her worth in her tribe's rituals of adulthood, she also found herself more and more curious about the towns they occasionally visited to trade.
During one such visit, she left the tribe and went with them.

The town was just as exciting and different as she had imagined, and she just had to handle all of the strange new things she saw. Sure, some people called it stealing, but she meant to give the things back when she was done looking them over. If they'd quit chasing her and yelling at her she'd explain that, but as it was, she was getting to teach them how good she was at climbing and hiding. Eventually she found some people who understood her, who helped her learn how to get better at getting into places and taking the stuff they were unjustly hoarding to themselves. They were the ones who started calling her Myth, after she got tired of them mispronouncing her name for the twentieth time.

It was during one such excursion, looking for interesting things in the manor of an overly wealthy merchant, that her life changed again. An unusual little statuette in his home caught Myth's attention. It was shaped like a leopard, carved from some sort of green stone, but as she picked it up and looked it over, she noticed that instead of spots it seemed to be covered in a number of carefully carved little eyes.

She was still holding it when she heard shouting and had to bolt for the window she'd left open. As Myth climbed through the window the statuette slipped from her grasp, landing on the cobblestones below with a sharp crack... moments before she stepped on it. She bit back a yowl of pain as a sharp edge from the broken statuette cut into sole of her foot. A crawling sensation started working its way up her leg as she fled, reaching her head as she rounded a corner. She found herself thinking how useful it would be to be faster… and stumbled as she felt her legs changing, growing longer and stronger.

With that change she fled faster than her pursuers could follow, leaving town for the forest beyond before her form changed back. Not wanting to lead pursuit back to her friends she decided it was time to leave town anyway, exploring her new shapeshifting abilities at the same time as she explored parallel to a road she'd heard would lead to another town.

Since that time, on stormy nights or nights with a waxing crescent moon, she sometimes dreams of a leopard with eyes in place of spots, watching her from the shadows.

Part 2
Living on the run is hard, especially when you’re not sure how far you have to run. Myth traveled from town to town, living as much by hunting in the wilderness between cities as by anything else. This, of course, meant that it was a problem when she stopped in a larger city, because it was rather hard to hunt in a city. Well, unless you counted stealing, but that brought its own problems. Which was why she was hiding now.
It was hard to get food while hiding. It was about the time that Myth was reduced to hunting rats that she found the coin, wrapped in a cloth. Reading the instructions, the amurrun decided that she would follow them… at least for the first step.

Belly full of cheap food, Myth decided she might as well try to follow the rest of the directions. After all, what was the worst that could happen? Besides, it sounded like an interesting challenge. Debating on just what to do, she hit on a plan. She took some of the cheap biscuits she’d bought, went out to a busy street corner, and started juggling them.

After a little while, someone threw a coin to her. She threw a biscuit back. This got a reaction, and before long, she was doing a lively ‘business’. It didn’t take her long to run out of what was left of what she’d purchased, and fortunately enough, she’d gotten a little more than one gold coin’s worth out of it. Going back to the merchant she’d bought the food from, Myth convinced him to give her the coin back in return for the money she’d gotten.

Myth is a svelte, fit catfolk. She leans more towards the feline side of her race with digitigrade feet and leopard-spotted fur. She dresses practically on the rare occasions she's not in armor.