Before I get into my question(s), gonna post the spells here for reference:
So here is the gist of what happened in one of my recent games. A confusion spell was cast during an encounter, causing two melee bad guys to fall victim. Shortly after, a blade barrier was put up on top of both of these confused bad guys. After saving throws, they both failed and were engulfed in the blade barrier. During their turns came the tricky part. One rolled this effect of the confusion:
While the other rolled this effect:
I made the argument some sort of self-preservation would click for the poor confused guards and they would move/stumble/something out of the blade barrier then take the effect of the confusion. Another player made the argument that since the spell states "This spell causes confusion in the targets, making them unable to determine their actions.", they wouldn't have the mental capacity to do this unless the "Act normally" result happens. Although this goes against the RAI that confused creatures have some sort of self-preservation against outside threats with the attack clause, we went down this train of though. Before we go further down this rabbit hole, which train of thought is RAW correct? Would a confused creature move out of a blade barrier/wall of fire/other hazard without first getting the "Act normally" roll? On down into this rabbit hole, we now have two guards standing inside a blade barrier, doing very confused things only magic would have them do in this situation. Under most persistent spell effects, we figured they would save or take damage again at the end of their turn if they failed to move out of the area of effect. But the spell only states "Any creature passing through the wall takes 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6), with a Reflex save for half damage.". Here is where our confusion sets in; they aren't passing through the wall again, so RAW they aren't triggering the effect. And if they do trigger the effect again, we have effectively created a double dip on the spell's damage because of the first bad save. One failed save assumes they are stuck in the wall's square, and moving technically passes a wall's boundary. Staying in the wall isn't addressed (although logically you'd take another save against the blades). So second question: What happens to creature who fails their save against the wall when it is cast on them? Do they stay in it? Or do they get shunted to one side or another? Third question: If they stay in the wall, what happens on their turn? Do they have to make another save? Or can they finish passing through the wall without ill effects? Last question: What happens if they have to stay in the wall? Are they subject to save vs damage each round? If so, is it at the beginning or end? As for the fate of those poor guards, they were cut down into a bloody heap by whirling blades while either babbling incoherently or hitting themselves with their own weapons. May they learn in their next lives to not bring swords to a spell fight.
Cyrad wrote:
If pdfs came with all the maps in "player friendly" format in a good resolution, i'd probably have an itch to run A LOT more games. Tokens, alignment, and the other finicky bits can be time consuming, but if I don't have a good map as a base, I usually don't even bother trying.
Melkiador wrote: It would be nice, and I might even buy that, but it's already pretty easy to copy everything over from the official PDFs. I agree, but it would be really nice to be able to have most of the content already uploaded, put on pages, and ready to go. Time is something I don't have enough of anymore, especially for gaming, so having the base campaign already uploaded would be nice. I'd almost buy it just to have more time and energy to focus on the adventure content.
I dunno about you guys, but I'd love to see some Pathfinder content get pre-built for Roll20. Roll20 is probably the best way for me to get into a d20 game consistently with my friends, and with 5e now building their adventures right into the Roll20 store it's tempting to start talking my groups into 5e instead of pathfinder. Anyone heard any plans for Paizo to bring content to roll20 in the same way?
I dunno about you guys, but I'd love to see some Pathfinder content get pre-built for Roll20. Roll20 is probably the best way for me to get into a d20 game consistently with my friends, and with 5e now building their adventures right into the Roll20 store it's tempting to start talking my groups into 5e instead of pathfinder. Anyone heard any plans for Paizo to bring content to roll20 in the same way?
JPSTOD wrote:
Awesome, everyone in my group says thanks by the way (just told them on skype)! A few minor differences won't be an issue, and the maps you have on deviantart are much better than what I would have came up with. Owe you one (somehow...), I'll keep in touch over PM.
JPSTOD wrote:
That would be awesome if you could! Would about middle of January, say around the 17th, be enough time? I'd like the grid as well. I use it as reference for the correct scaling in the platform we use.
I have a group who's been itching to play some higher level stuff, but no one wants to commit long term to the characters. After seeing what modules I had sitting around on my bookshelf, "The Demon Within" seemed like the winner and a good fit. We all use an online digital tabletop platform for our games (we're all around the US), and I like to have the map images to use as the board's backdrops. Does anyone have some fan created maps or links to maps they would be willing to share with me and my group for this module? Thanks ahead for your time if you post something back we can use (or any helpful post really)!
Most images can be selected and copied out of the PDF. My normal process is to copy out with Adobe or NitroPDF and paste into paint.NET. Not all the PDFs have the map labeling separated as a layer of the PDF, so some maps will come out with the "B1, B2, ..." labeling. If you are inclined, you can use an image editing software (paint.NET has some of this functionality if you have the patience to learn it. I never go this far, but Adobe Photoshop or GIMP also fit this role well.
Looking at the Wraith's stat block, and I came across something that isn't clear to me. On the "Constitution Drain" supernatural ability, it states: Constitution Drain (Su) Creatures hit by a wraith's touch attack must succeed on a DC 17 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. On each successful attack, the wraith gains 5 temporary hit points. The save DC is Charisma-based. Do the temporary hit points get awarded on each successful touch attack, or only when the target fails the Fortitude save and suffers Con drain?
Ithnaar wrote:
+1 this. Had a 9-10 zen archer run out of arrows in an area the group couldn't restock in. Every encounter got a little more tense for him because he had a resource he had to contend with. This caused the investment in durable arrows and efficient quiver next time he was in a city. His two reasons were to keep his carrying capacity down so AC bonus applied and so he wouldn't have to worry about arrows again. If I didn't make him track ammo, those purchases would have never happened. Also, that feeling of "running out of resources, need proper civilization" wouldn't have came through during that adventure in the campaign.
Lakesidefantasy wrote:
Ya know, the amount of rules used for HP is starting to feel like the amount of ability generation styles that are available. Maybe a hit dice rolling playbook is in order?
First off, thanks for the input from everyone. I'm liking the idea of incorporating the HP retraining rule. Still undecided on whether I want to shield them from the low rolls or let the dice run wild. I dont feel like I need an alternate rule system and shield them from the dreaded one though. Maybe I bring options up to them, right? It also gives me a good way to siphon off wealth by level if I get a little treasure happy, and breathing room for those rewards in some homebrew side stuff. Getting a little off the main topic, we've decided on Carrion Crown as the AP. Does the story arc allow for downtime around NPCs that could offer the retrain? By this I mean areas that make sense with theme for them to be +1 level higher. Ive only made it through book 2 of the AP, so I dont have a good feel for the entire stories timeframe.
Sometime next year I'll be DMing an AP for my group, and I'm having a hard time deciding on their rules for rolling HP. My group likes that feeling of being lucky or unlucky, but at the same time they all get very attached to their characters. To that end, I'd like to soften up the randomness and still give opportunity for a "bad" result. The current system I'm using is to roll once, and if you roll below half, round up to half. For example, if one of my player's rolls a 1-3 on a d8, they round up to 4. If they roll a 4-8, they keep the roll. Although this keeps things above average, I've noticed during the current campaign player's who get one or two good rolls don't have any excitement for HP. They feel set for a few levels cause they've already beaten the odds as there isn't a chance for that "bad" result. What other rules has everyone else used? How was the experience for your group during the game
I'm currently running the City of Golden Death for my group as part of the module trilogy, and they are getting ready to depart Tamran to head to the isle and chase the Razmir cultists. Does anyone have a good image of the isle of terror not taken from the PDF? I'm trying to get my group a map of the island so they can explore the path of the cultists without having the give me red line on the map. As an FYI, my photoshop/GIMP skills are pretty bad at best, so something done by someone with a better hand at it would be amazing.
Post wrote: felt like a character off the cover of an old heavy metal album Read this as I blast "Flash of the Blade" redux by Ax7 into my headphones. Exact lyrics in my head as I read were "As you cut and thrust and parried at the fencing master's call". Fateful call to make a bloodrager character? I think so!
I'm running a game in an urban setting on roll20, and I'm starting to get very dry on maps for shops and the inside of buildings. Think of the place as your standard LN city where commerce is very important, but no one establishment really outshines everyone. What I'm looking for are some links to both free and maybe paid art to use as map backdrops. Alchemist's shops, magical shops, blacksmiths (both weapons and armor), inns, you name it and I could need it. As I did say paid, I don't mind paying a few bucks for good work, but I'd like to keep my spending to sources I can trust payment information with. Any links, advice, or recommendations are more than welcome. Between running my game, keeping up with friends and family, and a full time job I don't have the free time right now to create my own content. I'm really looking for work already done.
LazarX wrote: Note the difference between "many" and "all". Metamagic rods are only a subset of the entire rod population. I'm figureing that's the type of rod in question as those are the only ones that magi care about, as they're looking to avoid shelling out the arcana slots. True, and I think it's one of those questions on how the GM/player interprets or describes the rod. I'd say RaW don't let a metamagic rod function as any specific weapon. Light Maces have some sort of metal head on their ends:
Quote: Mace: A mace is made up of an ornate metal head attached to a simple wooden or metal shaft. I would say this doesn't qualify a rod as a light mace unless the head of the rod is specifically called out as such. There is room for RaI here and I think for players/GMs to be creative with rods in general. All that being said, I'm on the same boat as you that it's an improvised weapon unless otherwise called out as a secondary function.
Short answer is yes, they can either be clubs or light maces. Here is the copy/paste from the Core PRD and the link: Quote: Physical Description: Rods weigh approximately 5 pounds. They range from 2 feet to 3 feet long and are usually made of iron or some other metal. (Many, as noted in their descriptions, can function as light maces or clubs due to their hardy construction.) These sturdy items have AC 9, 10 hit points, hardness 10, and a break DC of 27. Look closely at each rod's description because each usually calls out which weapon it functions as and its magical modifier.
I currently GM for a group of friends around the Columbus area, and we're are looking for a new player or two. My group consists of high school friends who still hang out 5 years after graduation and some of our family members. Right now I only have 2 consistent players, so I'm looking for another person or two to join the group. We are rather casual group that don't take the RP part of the game overly seriously. I make attempts to weave story and setting into the games, but overall we just like to hang out and have a good time over the weekend. Currently we try to play at least once every 2 weeks on Saturday or Sunday, given out work schedules. If anyone is interested, send me a message on here or shoot me a post back.
Kydeem de'Morcaine wrote:
It's definitely an art form on conversions. Just make sure you aren't throwing worse than CR12 encounters until they level up. I tend to throw hard encounters at my players, but I also have to let them have their fun and stomp all over the bad guys as well. Just cause it's right at that level 10 mark, I'd say go with Curse of the Riven Sky. I'm a little bit invested, however, because I'd like to progress a patchwork campaign into playing that one as well :).
I know Curse of the Riven Sky requires them to find a tome as the mcguffin and seek out a certain NPC as the hook. I don't know if you have time for them to find it, but that could be a stopping point for you there. I only really had time to glaze the first few pages at my gaming store and read ratings, but it sounds like a solid challenge and where I lean on the three you gave. If you have the time to do conversions or look them up, there are a couple good mods at that level in the 3.5 section. I'd take a look at Clash of the Kingslayers or The Demon Within.
Thanks for the advice everyone, and I'll say a lot of my feelings were mimicked in the feedback. I talked to my player and we settled on taking the template from his dead warrior and rolling up a Hellknight from Korvosa. His reasoning for being in the Vale fits since the Order of the Nail is close by, and he can still fall into the evil niche if he chooses. Yay for order out of chaos (pun intended!).
Played a couple sessions with Conquest of the Bloodsworn Vale this weekend, and during an encounter that converted to PF a little harder than I expected, one of my player's 2h fighter died. His fighter was leaning toward evil, but I talked him down to being chaotic-neutral to flow better with the story. Now that the fighter is lost, that player is set on bringing out his antipaladin idea to turn the trade route into something he can wickedly rule. He's mentioned about making this character in the past, so I'd much rather play along than force him into another character. Does anyone have some guidance or campaign experience similar to help me with this? The rest of the party leans toward good, as does the fort. I'm worried about the party ending up on against the keep. I'd be OK with this as long as we can finish the adventure ,(and this does have some things that could lead into a good campaign after), but I don't want the adventure to implode because of one player.
Depends on the creature. Most of the stuff in 3.5 modules have entries in the pf beastiaries at this point. If the CR is a little off, the advanced or young templates work wonders. Class levels usually just need some rework against the pf class rules and 1 additional feat. Or somewhere in the published books it was recommended to calculate 3.5 encounters as 1 CR lower and let it fly.
I'm putting together a game to run through Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale, converted to PF, and I'm looking for expansion ideas. I have some ideas myself around the random encounters, but I'd like to hear of anything other GMs have put in that worked well from the past. Also, I took the time to convert quite a few things over to PF, so if anyone wants the conversions I'd be happy to share.
My group is getting closer to the Davaulus intro in Seven Days and I want to make this my decision point on using this alchemist markup or PF converted Davaulus as written. See spoiler below for my question. Spoiler: Anyone ran him as Zaister's alchemist? How did it work out? There are a couple of nasty fights in the House of the Blessed Maiden, and I just wanted some feedback on how alchemist Davaulus plays into the mix?
magnuskn wrote: To the OP: What is the build of your group, i.e. how many players, which classes, which point-buy? If you have the expected 4 players, 15 point buy party, it can be brutal to not be at the expected level. If you are playing with more players or/and a significantly better point-buy ( or rolled characters ), the discrepancy could be okay. To be honest, I would recommend just quietly adjusting the XP chart to the fast track, give out another level and avoid adding additional content. Although the last module could use some reworking to make the rebellion last longer and avoid the two consecutive dungeon crawls the module mostly dwells on. My party is on a 25 point buy system with the following classes: Summoner, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger (Urban). @Tonyz I like the idea of playing off my PCs interests, and it fits well into our session style. We play this campaign online for ~4 hours per session and I often have a couple weeks to prep content. I can always just keep one step ahead and see if they need some side quests that fill in some story blanks. I'll have to read farther into the APs, however, so I'm not running over written plot elements...
So I just started GMing CotCT, and my party is currently getting ready to head to Eel's End. We are playing with the pathfinder Core Rulebook and Advanced Player's Guide, and I'm making my party follow a medium exp progression. My main question is will there be a need to insert side quests, like another module or some homebrew content to keep my players up to pace with the challenges? I'd like to throw in some content, and can make the decision dynamically as we progress, but getting some advice would be good so I can plan ahead. Thoughts? |