Envoy of Balance

Moxie Moon's page

481 posts. Organized Play character for Lance K.

Full Name

Moxie Moon LN Female Human Envoy 8


|SP 40 (-11)/56 HP 52/52|RP 7/9 |EAC 23 KAC 24|Fort +4 (+2 vs poison and disease), Reflex +10, Will +7| Init +8 Resist Acid 5|Per+11 Speed 50


Underwater Thunderstrike Sonic Pistol +11 (1d8+4 So, Deafen) | Static Arc Pistol +11 (1d6+4 E, Arc 2) | Tactical Baton +10 (1d4+4)

Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 13
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 20

About Moxie Moon

SFS 125869-701

Theme: Icon

Theme Knowledge:
Choose a Profession skill. You are hooked deeply into the culture of your iconic profession. When attempting a Profession or Culture check to recall knowledge about other icons of your profession or details about your profession’s cultural aspects, decrease the DC by 5. You gain a +1 bonus to checks with your chosen Profession skill. Culture also becomes a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Culture checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation.

You are famous enough that pretty much everyone has either heard of you or can quickly find information about you (it’s a DC 10 Culture check to recognize your name and a DC 20 Culture check for someone to recognize you out of context from your appearance alone). Among those who follow your iconic profession, you’ve built up both fans and detractors due to your celebrity. If you’re looking for a generic person like “a doctor who can treat this disease,” you can almost always find one who’s a fan and whose attitude starts as friendly or helpful to you; this takes 2d4 hours. At the GM’s discretion, fans might give you services (although not goods) for a discount or even for free.

Envoy Expertise: Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Disguise (1d6+1 insight)

Envoy Improvisations:

Get Em'(Ex):
As a move action, you can choose one enemy within 60 feet.

Until the start of your next turn, you and your allies gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls made against that enemy. The bonus persists even if the enemy moves beyond 60 feet or out of line of sight or hearing.

At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant this bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against all enemies who are within 60 feet.

Inspired Boost(Ex):
As a standard action, you can signal an ally within 30 feet who has taken damage from any attack made by a significant enemy at any point after your last turn ended. That ally regains a number of Stamina Points (up to his maximum) equal to twice your envoy level + your Charisma modifier; at 15th level, this increases to three times your envoy level + your Charisma modifier. Once an ally has benefited from your inspiring boost, that ally can’t gain the benefits of your inspiring boost again until he takes a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.

At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to add your envoy level to the number of Stamina Points regained.

Long Range Improvisation (Ex):
Double the range of your improvisations with ranges of at least 30 feet.

Improved Get 'Em:
Your morale bonus from get ’em increases to +2. As a standard action, you can make a single attack against a target within 60 feet. You and your allies within 60 feet gain the benefits of get ’em against that target (applying these effects before making the attack roll). As with get ’em, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant the benefits against all enemies within 60 feet. You must have the get ’em envoy improvisation to choose this improvisation.

Inspiring Oration:
You can use inspiring boost as a full action. If you do, all allies within 60 feet of you regain a number of Stamina Points equal to twice your envoy level + your Charisma modifier (up to their maximum); at 15th level, this increases to three times your envoy level + your Charisma modifier. Once an ally has benefited from your inspiring boost or inspiring oration, that ally can’t gain the benefits of either improvisation again until they recover Stamina Points following a 10-minute rest.
As with the inspiring boost envoy improvisation, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to add your envoy level to the number of Stamina Points regained. You must have the inspiring boost improvisation to select this improvisation.

Expertise Talents:

Slick Customer (Ex; Diplomacy):

When you attempt a Diplomacy check, you can choose not
to roll your expertise die until later. After you determine
what the check’s result would be, you can choose to either
roll your expertise die and add it to the total or forgo the
expertise die and reroll the check (see page 243). At 9th
level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to both reroll the check
and add the result of your expertise die.

Universal Diplomat (Ex; Diplomacy):
Your Diplomacy checks to change a creature’s attitude are not language-dependent. This allows you to use Diplomacy to change the attitude of a creature with whom you do not share a common language, as well as a creature with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (creatures with no Intelligence score can’t have their attitudes improved using the Diplomacy skill unless the GM says otherwise).

Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Small Arms), Fleet, Nimble Moves, Double Tap

Skills: Acrobatics +15, Athletics +7, Bluff +16, Computers +8, Culture +14, Diplomacy +16*, Disguise +16*, Intimidate +16, Perception +12, Piloting +15, Profession (Acting) +16(+21 Day Job), Sense Motive +12*

Languages: Common, Ysoki, Shirren, Vesk, Eoxian, Gibrani, Vercite, Castrovelian, Kalo, Morlamaw, Infernal

Static Arc Pistol, Azimuth Laser Pistol, Thunderstrike Sonic Pistol (Underwater), Tactical Baton, 2 smoke grenades, advanced Lashunta tempweave, Infrared Sensors, Filtered Rebreather, 2 back up Batteries, Computer(tier 1, Miniaturization 2), Comm Unit, Tool Kits (Disguise, Acting), Flashlight, Holoskin (20 charges), Industrial backpack, hygiene kit, Clothing (everyday, formal, travel, professional), ring of resistance Mk 1, 146 credits

Vocal Modulator (throat), Subdermal Implant (hand), Minimal Speed Suspension (legs)

Doppelganger Morphic Skin (skin), Fascinating Psychoactive Eyes (DC 16)(eyes), Force Soles Mk I(feet)

Personal Upgrade Mk II (+4 CHA, +2 DEX):
Castrovalian Anti-aging TreatmentThis beauty regimine is a combination of high tech plastic surgery and magical treatment using exotic ingredients such as nymph tears. Moxie's treatment was cruelty free, in that the nymph tears were collected simply by having them watch rom-coms rather then through the barbaric practices in which they were extracted in the past.

Moxie Moon is a former child actress, star of the moderately successful sitcom "Too Much Moxie," along with a series of movies, such as "Ski Party", "Ski Party 2:Ultra Super Fun Time Extreme!" and "Under a Green Moon." Unfortunately Moxie's acting career stalled as an adult and she became known more for her drug fueled party girl antics. Eventually she ended up in rehab, where she found a new found faith in Abadar. Shortly afterward, she landed a small comedic role in a Starfinder themed action movie. Always the diligent researcher, Moxie attended Starfinder's basic training program. While in training the Scourged Stars incident happened and because the movie she was in had some similarities to the incident it was shelved. With her training complete and the only big break she had in years being spoiled, Moxie decided to give being a Starfinder agent a try.