I was planning to reanimate the old The Styes thread, but it appears to be quite happy in the afterlife of the archives. So how about a new thread?
Richard Pett wrote:
Thats realy nice of you Morrow and Rauol, Porphyry is one of my favourite dungeon adventures, its got a great grimness and taint about it which i think is a marvellous setting for adventure as no-one can be trusted - Morrow, let me know how your players get on! I'm thinking of unleasing my players on Freeport soon, its a great setting, with some fantastic adventures - not to mention some superb artwork.
Nearly two years ago I promised to check in with a status report when my players completed The Styes and Porphyry House Horror (both transplanted to Freeport). It took us quite some time to get here, but better late than never.
Both adventures went very well. In both cases the PCs managed to circumvent some parts of the adventure, but it just meant they got to the hurting faster.
In the Styes the PCs started their investigation by shaking down Constable Jute. High intimidate rolls and threats of violence lead them directly to Mr. Dory. The wizard's quasit familiar scouted the warehouse invisibly and spotted the manticores. The party decided to bypass the warehouse and fly and dimension door to the hulk, to my eternal regret. I had planned to blow up the warehouse at the slightest provocation.
The running battle aboard the hulk ended when the party's undead-lovin' cleric subdued Mr. Dory. During the subsequent interogation Mr. Dory managed to convince the cleric that even though he was a murderer and cultist he was really just a misunderstood member of the undead community who deserved compassion and mercy. I practically cackled with glee when the cleric slapped a mark of justice on him and told him to take the first ship out of Freeport and never come back.
The following day the PCs took the fight to the Whisperer. Sadly, I wasn't as prepared to handle its many illusions as I thought. However, although I know things could have gone better, the players still had a challenging and satisfying final battle. Two PCs were blind and several others had unloaded a fair portion of their resources on illusionary cultists and shark-golems before they ever discovered their true target. In spite of a hearty round of, "Slime for everyone!" they managed to hang in there long enough to take down their foe. The poor thing could have gotten away, but I got cocky. "I can take it for another round," I thought, "I'm going to dominate the fighter!" Unfortunately the fighter had protection from evil up. Oops- squish.
With the enemy directly in front of them defeated the PCs went home to celebrate, never bothering to investigate further. So the baby kraken is still out there, growing. I've worked up 30-HD and 60-HD versions of a half-starspawned kraken, ready to spring on them when it strikes my fancy. Right now they're just hearing rumors about some sea monster sinking ships and plucking people off the docks. They don't seem concerned.
Porphyry House Horror started with a bang when the PCs decided to use their newly acquired lute of building to tunnel into Porphyry House from an adjoining building in the middle of the day. This quickly brought down half the population of Porphyry House down on their heads. They faced waves of pureblood and halfblood Yuan-ti, a Yuan-ti abomination cleric, a stone golem, and a huge fiendish half-dragon viper. While I didn't manage to kill any of them, I eventually wore them down to the point that they ran away.
Comically, before they left the cleric managed to control the corpse creature sucubus, so yet again the party ended up making nice with an undead monstrosity. Firmly controlled she gave up alot of information about the Yuan-ti's plans, their remaining forces, and the 'back door' leading to the chambers beneath Porphyry House. She also had plenty of opportunity to gloat and describe, in graphic detail, what the Yuan-ti, and their demon allies, were going to do to the PCs.
The next day the party returned and headed straight for the final battle. Even the Retriever, which I was looking forward to running, didn't last a round. One Dismissal, one failed save, and off they went.
The final battle was pretty tough. The orlath demon opened up with a Blasphemy, which made everyone very unhappy. Ultimately what decided the battle was the large number of friendly forces involved. Four PCs, three cohorts, and the sucubus- that's a lot of actions every round. It also helped that they hit 11th level before the final battle. The cleric's 6th level spells and the fighter's extra attack were huge. The fighter pretty much waited it out until the strength drain from Blasphemy wore off and then chopped everything into little bits.
I made some mistakes in the final battle, I let the fighter get close enough to Wulvera for a full attack and forgot the orlath demon's gaze attack. I also waited too long to use the abomination clerics special abilities. I was too enamored of their spells and big swords. By the time I used aversion on the fighter and turned the rogue/ sorceror into a snake it was too late.
All in all, both adventures were quite satisfying. I think my players, not a group notable for their weak stomachs, did find PHH somewhat 'icky'. I'd say that The Styes was easier to run, the huge number of varied opponents running around in a relatively small space in PHH made it difficult to track. Both adventures left me with loose ends that I can follow up on later, a boon for any DM. Many thanks to Rich and James for a couple of excellent adventures.
Coming soon - the Weavers. It looks like the PCs will be 12th level by the time we get to it. Any additional ideas to beef it up (beyond the 'scaling the adventure' sidebar) would be welcome. And by the way, where do I find weapon stats for the scourge?