Stronfeur Uherer

Morgrym Ironfist's page

735 posts. Alias of Javell DeLeon.

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Okay, I'm curious. The Wild hunter archetype loses favored enemy, swift tracker and woodland stride.

But it looks like you also lose Quarry and Improved Quarry. If you read this under Quarry: 'A ranger can have no more than one quarry at a time and the creature's type must correspond to one of his favored enemy types.'

Seriously? Am I reading this right? Because it sure doesn't say ahead of time you lose those two abilities. Is this suppose to be some kind of 11th level "Surprise!" archetype? Either I'm completely misunderstanding - which I hope I am - or someone seriously overlooked this when putting this thing together.

Is this correct?

Okay, say you have a spoiler that reads "spoiler = whatever".

When I click on "show", it then shows me what's under the spoiler.

When I click back on "hide" , the word "whatever" disappears.

If I click back on "show", the word "whatever" reappears. Only by clicking on another tab(any tab at all) and clicking back fixes it.

Never had any issues previously. I just noticed this about a week ago.

Hello! We currently lost our DM and was wondering if there would be any interest in another out there willing to take the game over.

Here is some links to what we got:



From either link you can easily click on the "players" tab and see who you'd be dealing with.

Obviously(if you hit the link) we are right at the very beginning. So 118 posts in, we've accomplished very little. And you will also notice that the game is inactive. Obviously that can be fixed if there is one willing to take it over.

We do ask that the current pc's are accepted as is. If you don't like a couple of odd races, then this won't be for you. If you don't like 20 point buy, then this won't be for you. Nothing against a higher point buy, mind you - I'd have zero issues with that :) - just not interested in dropping below that.

It's a good group of players in my opinion. Just seeing if we can keep it going.


My avatars for my aliases are gone. They do show up in the game thread but that's it.

Edit: Actually, any avatar that's not located in a thread are gone. For instance: If I click on the "Players" tab of a pbp, all of the avatars are gone.

For some reason, I can no longer change any of my avatar pics.

It tells me "That avatar name is already in use by another account". I get the same message on all of my profiles.


Beat the high flying, 'Hollywood as hell', Heat!

This Maverick team is straight up Rocky Balboa! Having to fight with blood, sweat and tears to win it all!

Team ball, bay-bee! That's what is so awesome about this team. They showed the ultimate example of how you play team ball. NOT a two man team. (No offense to Bosh but let's be real; we all know this is all about Wade and James.


If your FT is desert, can you walk in the desert at normal speed, or do you suffer the same issues as any other character?

Do you no longer get any ammo for free at first level?

Also, is there a weight attached to ammo?

When is states your gun is a battered gun, does this mean broken?

Can you use the Guided magical ability on this amulet and would it count for a monk's unarmed strikes?

The Guided ability is found in Curse of the Crimson Throne AP.

As the title suggests, does the gunslinger qualify for fighter feats? Seeing how it's a fighter variant class?

And being a ranged class, I would guess all ranged feats are applicable, is this correct?

The Ranger gets to make these checks vs. their FE. It says you can make these checks "when attempting to identify these creatures."

So, if your FE is human, you see one and you make this check, you find out they are human? Or if FE is goblin, you say 'oh, it's a goblin'?

That can't possibly be all there is to it. That seems real weak. If you read it verbatum, that's what I'm understanding. I'm hoping there is more to it and I'm just missing something. (I happen to miss a lot so that's why I come to you all.)



Just thought I'd give a shout out to the Rangers. It's taken 39 years to give it.


If you have an Animal Companion that has more than one Nat Att, is it possible to take this feat a separate time for each attack?

Now according to the feat description in the Bestiary, it specifically does not say you can take this feat more than once, unlike the Imp Nat Armor feat.

If you can't technically take this feat several times, it seems to me it would be more of a house rule.

Appreciate any and all comments,


When an AA gets the ability to enhance his arrows with and element at 3rd level, would that stack with an element already on his bow?

I know if you choose cold, it wouldn't stack with cold already on the bow(I would guess) but would it stack with the fire ability?

Therefore getting 1d6 cold and fire or does one override the other?

1.Can you take the Imp Nat Att as a druid PC even though you don't have claws or a bite unless you are in wild shape form?

2.Is it possible to take INA for your animal companion more than once?

3.Does your animal comp get the feats listed in the Bestiary or does it just start with none?


1. When tumbling through an opponent, if you fail the DC, does that stop you from moving thru your opponent or do you continue and just take the AOO? In 3.5 it states that you are prevented from moving thru but Pathfinder rules don't mention it either way. It just says they get an AOO.

2. In the Dragon disciple prestige class, as you go up in levels you gain arcane levels at different points. As a sorcerer, do you get the bonus spells they grant you in the draconic bloodline as you go up in this PC?

Don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere but where is the Camel?

I'm not sure if this has been covered elsewhere but can you stack rapid shot with manyshot?

Also, does rapid shot still work as in 3.5? The extra attack is at your highest BA?

Will there be stats for improvised weapons in the final rules? They have the feats for them but there are no stats. The only stats I've ever found are from the Complete Warrior. Any chance for those coming out in the final rules?

Does haste stack with rapid shot feat or slashing flurry feat(PH2)?