
Mordren Ichthyos Kael's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Calel101.

I think I am posting in the right place (correct me if I am wrong).

If a character has the never stop shooting trait:

Never Stop Shooting:
If your hit point total drops to 0 or lower but you are not dead, you may act as if disabled rather than dying (as if you possessed the Diehard feat). However, you can use your actions only to draw a firearm, reload a firearm, or attack with a firearm. If you have the Diehard feat, this trait also allows you to substitute your Wisdom score for your Constitution score for the purpose of determining the negative hit point total at which you die.

And also has the diehard feat.

If the character attain any effect that modified their "effective constitution for determining when a character dies" or similar verbage; such as

Lingering Spirit Discovery:
The alchemist is familiar enough with the ties between his body and spirit that he lingers at death’s door far longer than a normal person. He treats his Constitution as 10 points higher than normal for the purpose of determining when hit point damage kills him (so an alchemist with a Constitution of 10 and this discovery dies at –20 hit points instead of –10). Reducing him to 0 Constitution or its equivalent (from ability damage, ability drain, Constitution penalties, and so on) makes him unconscious and comatose, but he is only killed after taking an additional 5 points of Constitution damage, drain, or penalty (in effect, the alchemist must be brought to –5 Constitution in order to be killed by these attacks).


Tourmaline Sphere:
This stone grants you a benefit only when you're dying. When determining the number of negative hit points you must accrue to die, treat your Constitution score as if it were 2 higher. This doesn't provide a bonus to Constitution, so it doesn't grant a bonus on checks made to stabilize but does provide you 2 additional rounds during which to attempt such checks. You can only benefit from one tourmaline sphere ioun stone at a time.

Does this change how deeply negative a character can go before dying based on the substitution of their wisdom score, or does it only count from their actual con score.


I have never stop shooting trait and diehard. I have CON 8 and WIS 16.

I buy a tourmaline sphere.

A) Do I die at -16 (sphere doesn't help)? or -18?

B) Also do these "treat CON score as ____ higher" stack?

Thanks for any feedback, and sorry for the convoluted question. Hope I expressed it clearly.

Hey Guys,

I am trying to make a gnome PFS character who uses Fell Magic to cast Chill Touch to do some fun stuff. I definitely want to take at least two levels of Ninja so I can get pressure points and start doing 2 str points when I get sneak attack. I also want him to be a poison master taking the knack for poison alt racial. This implies levels of alchemist I'm thinking 4 to 6 to get where I want with that. My other 4 to 6 levels are at the disposal of the forums :)

Here's where all the complications come in. How to hit. The DC of the Chill Touch is based off Wisdom so I want to max that. Next since I'm taking levels of alchemist I'm thinking I max int next. And I need 13 cha to get Extra Gnome Magic feat. I was thinking of going Mindchemist alchemist so I could always buff wis and use a few points elsewhere.

My current stats are (the only one that is locked is the 13 cha which was only a 1 point investment due to gnome racial).

So I'm essentially asking for ways to get wisdom to hit. I looked at 2 levels of Sensei monk but that only applies to unarmed strikes and I was under the impression that touch attacks aren't unarmed strikes (correct me if I'm wrong). I also looked at guided weapon property through amulet of mighty fists (but there was a few more confusing parts to that, and the fact guided property is PFS illegal). There is the Guided Hand feat but Irori I don't think can save me as again I don't think unarmed strikes are touch attacks. Is there a cleric or inquisitor way to do it, thought there was a domain power but not sure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks All

Hey everyone,

Just wanted some advice. I am starting a PFS character and took the Venom Drenched Trait.


You have nothing to fear from one sort of poison. In fact, you can actually drink the toxic brew in order to make your blood dangerous.

Benefit: You are immune to one specific nonmagical poison. If you ingest a dose of that poison (even if it is a contact, inhaled, or injury poison), it remains in your system for 24 hours; any creature that bites you during that time is subject to the poison’s effects.

from: Halflings of Golarian

Just wanted some help picking my poison. I can pick it for one of two reasons. One) a specific poison constantly crops up in PFS and it would be a good poison to be immune to. Two) When/if I get bit it would be a good poison to subject a creature to. I'd I would like it to be releaively cheap so that if I buy multiples to ingest it won't break the bank. If there is a good poison that can do both 1 & 2 then more power to you.

Otherwise thanks for your help

Hey All,

Like the subject says I'm looking for ways to achieve flight. The one thing I've always kept track of in my years of playing roleplaying games was how quickly I could fly. Don't ask me why, I don't know why I do it I just do :)

So here's the ones I'm thinking, correct me if I'm wrong and feel free to add more to the one's I missed, also write the sources please, thank you. Include (lvl/duration/speed)

[ARG] Strix (1/perm/60) one of my favorite races but don't get much opportunity to play one :(

[ARG] Aasimar feat Angel Wings (11/perm/30) can be taken at 10, so unless you have a bonus feat from somewhere lvl 11

[ARG] Tengu feat Tengu Wing (5/min per lvl/30)

[APG/UM] Synthesist Summoner (1?/durantion?/30*) I think it lasts as long as the eidolon has HPs, but not sure. * I assume you can increase the bipedal base movement and this increases aswell.

[ACG*] Bloodrager Bloodlines *advanced class guide, for those who don't know
-Celestial (8,20/perm/60,80)
-Draconic (12,16/perm/30,60)
-Elemental air (8/perm/60)
-Infernal (16,20/perm/60,80)

[CRB] Druid: Wild Shape (4/hr per druid lvl/as fast as the bird flies?) cool but not to my liking, feel free to go into more detail on which birds can be turned into

[CRB] Multiple Sorcerer Bloodlines:
-Celestial (9/min per sor lvl/60)
-Draconic (15/perm/60)
-Elemental (air) (15/perm/60)
-Infernal (15/perm/60)

[CRB] Dragon Disciple (14,15/perm/60,90) assuming taking 9,10 levels after level 5. also hope I'm interpreting how this works right

[CRB] spell Air walk (7/10 min per lvl/30+*) *based on your characters base movement speed

[CRB] spell Fly (5/min per lvl/60)

Please enlighten me on my questions, correct me if I am wrong, and add to this list.


Next step after this is what to do with a character that flies :)

Hey everybody. I was DMing last night and I made a call that didn't sit well with one of my players. Sorry if this has already been posted but I couldn't find it in my search of the message boards.

Anyway, when one of my players moved through an ally square I counted each movement through friendly squares as double movement. I know the CRB says this:

CRB wrote:
"You can move through a square occupied by a friendly character, unless you are charging. When you move through a square occupied by a friendly character, that character doesn't provide you with cover."

However it doesn't say anything to the about my call. When searching the message boards I also found a bunch on squeezing and can't find that anywhere.

So my question is, is there anything to support my call or have I just been playing with a silly house rule my whole life?

Is there going to be a physical version of the players guide in the works? Because is it just me or does the PDF just end (after the description of the chronicler)?