
Mogre's page

196 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I'm a large scary ogre. You'll bring me food stuffs and treasure or I'll destroy your village. I also have a fetish for clubs and fear dentists.

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Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Kick open the door. Charge in. Reflex saves. The trap was 2 steps into the room not on the door, so we couldn't look for it without starting the boss battle at the same time. 3 Caster level 10 empowered fireball traps :P 45d6 Reflex save of 19 for a level 5 party.

That is great. The placement of the trap, that is. The damage is a bit much.

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Roberta Yang wrote:
Your players objected to having their characters permanently crippled in a way that was so horrible even in first edition's version (which was easier to recover from via XP) that the rules were changed between editions specifically to prevent that sort of problem? They are obviously immature entitled babbies who should leave your table and go play Chutes and Ladders until they learn to grow up.

When I play Chutes and Ladders, I ignore the chutes. Makes the game too hard, having to go through all those squares again.

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I'm sure passions and opinions are everywhere when you get into how powerful weapons are, but I've always thought the point of games is to deal with something in the abstract. I've seen many of good ideas get tossed aside because too much time was spent searching for "realism."

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
They do fit in, it's just that, with Clerics getting their power in a Shamanistic way and Druids being limited in ranged combat, it made sense to me to fold the Druid into a Cleric archetype.

Another Idea I'll toss out there for you, from the old Al-Qadim setting. This could be used to separate Druids and Clerics, if you want. You could have Clerics, who worship or gain their power from some nature aspect, believe that their aspect is superior. Druids, on the other hand, believe that all nature works in unison.

Just a thought if you haven't got everything hashed out yet. Kind of out there, but I thought it was pretty clever when I saw it.

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I always liked these debates, except at the gaming table. This is a great place for them.

Roland: Lawful Good, maybe Neutral.

Flagg: Neutral Evil.

Punisher: Always thought more of a Chaotic Good. He has a morale compass and tries to only kill bad guys. I always pictured the Punisher as a very extreme definition of Chaotic Good.

Joker: Chaotic Evil. They should just have his picture beside this alignment.

Superman: Lawful Good.

Road Runner and Coyote: Greatest cartoon ever. Everytime he fell off that cliff I laughed and laugh still.

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In my experience, RPGs are not evil, people are.